List of cellar lanes in St. Andrä-Wierter

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The list of cellar lanes in St. Andrä-Wölker is the cellar lane in the Lower Austrian municipality of St. Andrä-Wölker .

photo   Basement lane Location description
BW Upload file Wallenböckgasse KG:  Sankt Andrä in front of the Hagenthale
The cellar lane is a one-sided single cellar lane on a hillside. It consists of 10 buildings and is 100 meters long. The oldest dating goes back to 1904.


  • Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian Kellergassen. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 884.