List of cellar lanes in Großkrut

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The list of cellar lanes in Großkrut is topped by the cellar lanes in the Lower Austrian municipality of Großkrut .

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Kapellenberg in Althöflein (Großkrut)
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Kapellenberg KG:  Althöflein
The cellar lane system is located on the northeastern edge of the town and extends over an area of ​​around 350 by 200 meters. Some of the cellars have been dug into the local mountain (the fixed house on it was converted into a chapel) or into the two walls surrounding it, and some are located on the edges of the terrain and on a slope in the second back. Schmidbaur counted 98 objects over a length of 800 meters, 16 of which were conversions and new buildings, some with residential use. Almost half of the cellars are in need of renovation or have fallen into disrepair. The oldest dating is from 1846. On Kapelleberg there is also one of the largest earth stable systems in Austria, with a small museum.
Note: Schmidbaur incorrectly uses the term "Kellerberg".f3
BW Upload file Sentences I. KG:  Ginzersdorf
The cellar lane system is on the plain south outside the village. It consists of a few cellars on one side of the main road and a row of cellars, some on both sides, on a goods road that runs in the immediate vicinity to the west. A total of 57 buildings (including 1 conversion or new construction) are located over a total length of 800 meters, mostly independent of the eaves or gable. A third of the cellars are in need of renovation. The oldest dating is from 1880.
Note: Schmidbaur incorrectly states “Einzelkellergasse” as the type.f3
BW Upload file Sentences II KG:  Ginzersdorf
The single cellar lane on both sides is on the level south outside the village. Spread over a length of 600 meters are 26 cellars (one of which is a conversion or a new building) in various designs. About a third of the cellars are in need of renovation.
Kellerberg in Großkrut (Großkrut) Upload file Kellerberg KG:  Großkrut
The cellar lane system is located on the northwestern edge of the town. It consists (from east to west) of a row of cellars on a slope in the back, an approximately 250 meter long cellar lane on both sides in a wide ditch, numerous cellars that are scattered on the slope on an area of ​​about 100 by 150 meters north of the cemetery, and a one-sided row of cellars on one edge of the terrain at the western exit of the town. Over a total length of 1200 meters there are 157 buildings (twelve of which are conversions or new buildings), half of which are gable. Almost half of the cellars are in need of renovation or have fallen into disrepair. The oldest dating is from 1798.
Lundenburgerstrasse in Großkrut, Althöflein (Großkrut) Upload file Lundenburgerstrasse KG:  Großkrut , Althöflein
The single cellar lane on both sides is on the northern edge of the town of Harrersdorf in a wide ditch in which the border between the cadastral communities Großkrut and Althöflein runs. Over a length of 700 meters, there are 137 buildings in various designs, 24 of which are renovations and new buildings, some with residential use. About a third of the cellars are in need of renovation or are in disrepair. The oldest dating is from 1877.
BW Upload file KG:  Großkrut
There are five cellars on the fields in the plain west of Harrersdorf.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 233.
  2. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 234.
  3. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 235.
  4. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 236.
  5. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 237.


  • Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian Kellergassen. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 233ff.