List of cellar lanes in Hausbrunn

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The list of cellar lanes in Hausbrunn is topped by the cellar lanes in the Lower Austrian municipality of Hausbrunn .

photo   Basement lane Location description
BW Upload file Hohlweg, Kellergasse, Edenberg KG:  Hausbrunn
The cellar lane system on the northern edge of the village consists of the short alleyways Hohlweg and Kellergasse, and the Edenberg cellar lane running in a wide ditch on both sides.
Note: Perhaps some of the data Schmidbaur cited for the Kirchberg (600 meters long, 37 buildings) actually relate to this cellar lane system?f3
Kirchberg in Hausbrunn (Hausbrunn) Upload file Kirchberg KG:  Hausbrunn
Two cellar rows, each about 100 meters long, are located north of the church. They have a total of more than 20 cellars, some with eaves and some with gable ends.
Note: Schildbaur calls a 600 meter long cellar lane system "Kirchberg" on a hillside, for which he gives a total of 37 buildings, more than half of which are in need of renovation, and gives the oldest dating from 1876. However, Schmidbaur does not mention the cellar lanes in the Edenberg area, to which his figures seem to fit better.f3
Upload file North-eastern district KG:  Hausbrunn
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In the northeastern second back house there is an 80 meter long row of cellars on a slope. It comprises 10 buildings (three of which are conversions or new buildings, some with residential use); the cellars are mostly eaves.
Note: These cellars, mentioned by Schildbaur, are probably to be found in the area of ​​the branched street “Am Berg”.f3
BW Upload file Rabensburger Strasse KG:  Hausbrunn
Four cellars are located on one side on the edge of the terrain on Rabensburger Strasse on the eastern edge of the village.
BW Upload file Stretching KG:  Hausbrunn
The single cellar lane on both sides is located in a ravine that leads south from the main road near the western edge of the town and is cut through by the railway line. Over a length of 200 meters there are 26 buildings (including a conversion or new construction), some in the form of a shield wall, some on the eaves. More than half of the cellars are in need of renovation or have fallen into disrepair.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 334.
  2. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 335.
  3. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 336.


  • Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian Kellergassen. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 334ff.

Web links

Commons : Kellergassen in Hausbrunn  - collection of images, videos and audio files