List of cellar lanes in Wolkersdorf in the Weinviertel

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The list of cellar lanes in Wolkersdorf is headed by the cellar lanes in the Lower Austrian municipality of Wolkersdorf in the Weinviertel region .

photo   Basement lane Location description
BW Upload file South of the main street, Alter Hof, Seiser KG:  Münichsthal
The cellar lane system on both sides is located on a ravine leading south from the main road and in a branching off path that runs parallel to the main street in the second rear, in the eastern part on an edge of the terrain, in the western part in a ravine location. There are 46 (or 69?) Cellars over a length of 600 meters , most of them in the form of a shield wall and the majority in need of renovation.
Note: Schmidbaur mentions in this area (?) A one-sided single cellar lane "Güterweg Seiser" (edge ​​of the terrain, second rear, 46 cellars over 200 meters long) and a two-sided cellar lane system "south of the main road" (600 meters long, ravine or terrain edge , Back or outskirts, 23 cellars). This information is difficult to understand because the designations chosen by Schmidbaur are not unambiguous and since a large part of the cellars are neither visible in the aerial photo nor shown in the cadastre.f3
Grasenberg in Münichsthal (Wolkersdorf in the Weinviertel) Upload file Grass mountain KG:  Münichsthal
The cellar lane system on both sides is located on the south-eastern edge of the village, partly on a slope, partly in a ravine. There are 36 buildings over a total length of 350 meters, six of which are renovations or new buildings. The majority of the cellars are in the form of a shield wall, almost half are in need of renovation or have fallen into disrepair.
BW Upload file Bachgasse KG:  Münichsthal
The one-sided single cellar lane is located on the edge of the site. There are 10 buildings over a length of 100 meters - two of which are conversions or new buildings - mostly gable-side cellars.
Note: Schmidbaur wrongly calls this Kellergasse "Hauptstraße".f3
BW Upload file Hauptstrasse, Siedlungsstrasse KG:  Münichsthal
The one-sided single cellar lane is located in the southwestern back and on the western outskirts (now surrounded by new buildings), partly on the edge of the terrain, partly in a ravine. Over a length of 150 meters there are 26 buildings in different designs, four of which are renovations or new buildings. More than half of the cellars are in need of renovation. The oldest dating is from 1954.
Note: Schmidbaur apparently gave the number of objects correctly; but mentions “100 meters” as the length specification, which is too low, and only “behind” as the location designation, which does not take into account the main street that he expressly mentions in the name.f3
BW Upload file Sonnleiten, well wine gardens KG:  Münichsthal
The single cellar lane on both sides is located in a ravine in the northern rear or on the northeastern outskirts. There are 26 buildings over a length of 200 meters - three of which are conversions or new buildings - most of them cellars in the form of a shield wall. More than half of the cellars are in need of renovation. The oldest dating is from 1933.
Kellergasse, Antoniusgasse, Seyringer Straße in Obersdorf (Wolkersdorf in the Weinviertel)
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Kellergasse, Antoniusgasse, Seyringer Strasse KG:  Obersdorf
The one-sided cellar lane system consists of a few cellars at two local exits leading to the southwest (in Antoniusgasse on the level, in Seyringer Strasse on the edge of the terrain) and a long cellar lane in between on the level in the western rear. There are 63 buildings over a length of 900 meters, 11 of which are conversions or new buildings, most of them residential. The cellars are in different designs, almost half of them facing the eaves, around a third of them have exit houses. About two thirds of the cellars are in need of renovation or are in disrepair. The oldest dating is from 1828.
(Satzen) in Obersdorf (Wolkersdorf in the Weinviertel) Upload file (Sentences) KG:  Obersdorf
A few half-ruined cellars are located north of the In Satzen corridor in a ravine that leads to the In Plachen corridor .
BW Upload file Basement lane KG:  Pfösing
The one-sided single cellar lane is located on the edge of the terrain in the northern rear. Schmidbaur counted 16 buildings over a length of 200 meters, 13 of which were traditional cellars, most of them in the form of a shield wall and in need of renovation. Some single-family houses have now been built in this area.f4
BW Upload file Rasserweg KG:  Pfösing
The single cellar lane on both sides is located in the south, partly on the level, partly on the edge of the terrain. Schmidbaur counted 30 buildings over a length of 500 meters, five of which were renovations or new buildings. Most of the cellars were in the form of a shield wall, half in need of renovation. In the meantime, numerous single-family houses have been built in this area.
BW Upload file Wolkersdorfer Strasse KG:  Riedenthal
The one-sided single cellar lane is on the north side of the eastern exit of the village, which runs in a ditch. There are eight cellars in different designs over a length of 100 meters, half of which are in need of renovation. The oldest dating is from 1890.
Note: Schmidbaur incorrectly refers to this cellar lane as "Hauptstraße".f3
BW Upload file Basement lane KG:  Riedenthal
The one-sided single cellar lane is located in a ditch on the southern outskirts. There are 19 buildings over a length of 170 meters, most of them cellars in the form of a shield wall, half of which are in need of renovation. The oldest dating is from 1890.f4
Friedhofgasse, In Gruben in Wolkersdorf (Wolkersdorf im Weinviertel) Upload file Friedhofgasse, In Gruben KG:  Wolkersdorf
The cellar lane system in the eastern part of the village consists of cellars on both sides in a ditch in Friedhofgasse and cellars in pits on one side on the edge of the terrain. There are 24 buildings over a total length of 200 meters, six of which are conversions or new buildings with residential use. The cellars are partly eaves and partly in the form of a shield wall, half in need of renovation. The oldest dating is from 1850.
Johannesgasse in Wolkersdorf (Wolkersdorf in the Weinviertel) Upload file Johannesgasse KG:  Wolkersdorf
The single cellar lane on both sides is located in a shallow ditch, originally to the west of the village, today surrounded by settlement area. There are 22 buildings over a length of 150 meters, eight of which are renovations or new constructions. Most of the cellars are eaves and need renovation. The oldest dating is from 1909.
Kellergasse in Wolkersdorf (Wolkersdorf in the Weinviertel)
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Basement lane KG:  Wolkersdorf
The single cellar lane on both sides is located on the northwestern edge of the village in a wide ditch, the western edge of which is more prominent than the eastern edge. Over a length of 700 meters there are 62 buildings in different designs, 15 of which are renovations or new buildings, some of which are residential. About half of the cellars are in need of renovation or are in disrepair. The oldest dating is from 1848.f4
Klostergasse in Wolkersdorf (Wolkersdorf in the Weinviertel) Upload file Klostergasse KG:  Wolkersdorf
The one-sided single cellar lane is located on the edge of the terrain in the back in the northwest of the town, now surrounded by settlement area. Schmidbaur counted 14 buildings over a length of 200 meters, eight of which were conversions or new buildings with residential use, so that the character of a cellar alley was lost. Converted former cellars can still be recognized as relics.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), pp. 1011, 1012.
  2. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1013.
  3. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1014.
  4. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1015.
  5. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1016.
  6. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1017.
  7. Not mentioned by Schmidbaur, who only recorded cellar lanes with at least six cellars.
  8. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1018.
  9. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1019.
  10. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1020.
  11. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1021.
  12. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1022.
  13. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1023.
  14. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1024.
  15. ^ Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian cellar lanes. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1025.


  • Andreas Schmidbaur: The Lower Austrian Kellergassen. An inventory. Origin - distribution and typology - development tendencies. Attachment. Dissertation at the Vienna University of Technology 1990, Department of Local Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology (ifoer), p. 1011ff.

Web links

Commons : Kellergassen in Wolkersdorf in the Weinviertel  - collection of images, videos and audio files