List of cultural monuments in Elstertrebnitz

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The list of cultural monuments in Elstertrebnitz contains the cultural monuments in Elstertrebnitz .

This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .


image designation location Dating description ID
Saxon-Prussian boundary stone: Pilar No. 70 left Elbisch (see also material document - Obj. 09305644)
Saxon-Prussian boundary stone: Pilar No. 70 left Elbisch (see also material document - Obj. 09305644) (Map) after 1828 In terms of surveying and regional history, it is important as a contemporary document of the historical demarcation between Saxony and Prussia after the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

After Napoleon's reign ended, the borders of Europe were redefined at the Congress of Vienna from September 18, 1814 to June 9, 1815. Saxony, which fought alongside Napoleon and was therefore among the defeated, had to cede almost two thirds of its territory by decision of the victorious powers. Almost all of these areas were assigned to Prussia and became part of the Prussian province of Saxony. The new border ran - beginning in Wittig on the Witka River (now Poland) across the Upper Lusatia, met the Elbe at Strehla, continued west to Schkeuditz and finally ended south of Leipzig at today's border with Saxony-Anhalt. Even today it can be traced back to the division of the church provinces between Saxony and Brandenburg.

The first marking of the newly created border line was made in 1815 by means of wooden stakes erected in pairs. The distances between the boundary signs were not uniform, but referred to local conditions such as ditches, rivers or roads and varied between 200 and 4,350 meters. From 1828 the wooden border posts were gradually replaced by much more solid border stones, the design of which goes back to Prussian designs and which are known as pilare (Spanish for "column"). A total of four types of boundary stones can be distinguished. They are numbered from east to west, with the counting starting anew on the Elbe (right Elbe boundary stones number 1 - 212, left Elbe number 1 - 74). East of the Elbe, the stones between number 1 and number 82 are initially designed as a pair of granite blocks, between which a runner stone marks the exact boundary. From number 82 to 148, truncated pyramids stand directly on the border line. Then the forms alternate unsystematically between slender sandstone steles and truncated pyramids with plinths. Several volunteer local researchers have brought together essential findings on the course of the former Saxon-Prussian border.

The property of the Saxon-Prussian boundary stones as a monument results from their historical significance, they are reminiscent of a decisive event for Saxony's history. The public interest in preservation is based on the great attention that individual people, groups and communities pay to these stone testimonies of history. In the meantime, several publications have appeared, more extensive documentation is available and signs have even been put up on at least one section of the former border. (LfD / 2014).

Sandstone cube with chiseled writing fields for number 70 and country code KS / KP directly on the border line. Badly weathered stone, inscriptions no longer recognizable.


Saxon-Prussian boundary stone: Pilar No. 69 left Elbisch (see also material document - Obj. 09305644)
Saxon-Prussian boundary stone: Pilar No. 69 left Elbisch (see also material document - Obj. 09305644) (Map) after 1828 In terms of surveying and regional history, it is important as a contemporary document of the historical demarcation between Saxony and Prussia after the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

After Napoleon's reign ended, the borders of Europe were redefined at the Congress of Vienna from September 18, 1814 to June 9, 1815. Saxony, which fought alongside Napoleon and was therefore among the defeated, had to cede almost two thirds of its territory by decision of the victorious powers. Almost all of these areas were assigned to Prussia and became part of the Prussian province of Saxony. The new border ran - beginning in Wittig on the Witka River (now Poland) across the Upper Lusatia, met the Elbe at Strehla, continued west to Schkeuditz and finally ended south of Leipzig at today's border with Saxony-Anhalt. Even today it can be traced back to the division of the church provinces between Saxony and Brandenburg.

The first marking of the newly created border line was made in 1815 by means of wooden stakes erected in pairs. The distances between the boundary signs were not uniform, but referred to local conditions such as ditches, rivers or roads and varied between 200 and 4,350 meters. From 1828 the wooden border posts were gradually replaced by much more solid border stones, the design of which goes back to Prussian designs and which are known as pilare (Spanish for "column"). A total of four types of boundary stones can be distinguished. They are numbered from east to west, with the counting starting anew on the Elbe (right Elbe boundary stones number 1 - 212, left Elbe number 1 - 74). East of the Elbe, the stones between number 1 and number 82 are initially designed as a pair of granite blocks, between which a runner stone marks the exact boundary. From number 82 to 148, truncated pyramids stand directly on the border line. Then the forms alternate unsystematically between slender sandstone steles and truncated pyramids with plinths. Several volunteer local researchers have brought together essential findings on the course of the former Saxon-Prussian border.

The property of the Saxon-Prussian boundary stones as a monument results from their historical significance, they are reminiscent of a decisive event for Saxony's history. The public interest in preservation is based on the great attention that individual people, groups and communities pay to these stone testimonies of history. In the meantime, several publications have appeared, more extensive documentation is available and signs have even been put up on at least one section of the former border. (LfD / 2014).

Slender sandstone stele, rounded at the top, with the number 69 carved on the opposite side and the country code KS / KP. The boundary stone was moved because it was in the mining area, country code not recognizable.


Martinskirche Elstertrebnitz (church with furnishings)
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Martinskirche Elstertrebnitz (church with furnishings) A
1842 old location Elstertrebnitz, important classical-looking church building in the arched style of the 19th century, based on a design by Schinkel, of architectural and local significance.

Classicist new building of the dilapidated medieval Martinskirche, brick, plastered facade, sandstone plinth, with fittings, arched windows, two gravestones, mid-19th century, consecrated in 1842, architect Fritzsche. - Church was sold at the beginning of 2000.


House and side building of a farm A 16
19th century old location Elstertrebnitz, side building upper floor half-timbered, residential house plastered, well-preserved parts of a courtyard in the immediate center of the village, historically important.

Two-storey residential building, irregular axes, transversely supported, plastered facade, stable building: independent from the gable, two storeys, irregular axes, ground floor and massive gable, upper floor exposed clay framework.


Rittergut Elstertrebnitz (manor house of a former manor) A 21
around 1900 old location Elstertrebnitz, simple plastered building with high mansard roof, historically significant building.

Two floors, plastered brick, 6: 2 axes, mansard roof, rear staircase, eaves, central entrance, staircase with sandstone cheeks, central dwarf house and many dormers (towed and bat dormers), some original double windows.


House of a former three-sided courtyard A 26
around 1820 old location Elstertrebnitz, upper floor high-end timber framing, building that characterizes the street scene with original details, historically important.

two storeys, irregular axes, ground floor and massive gable, upper storey exposed half-timbering, attached to the gable, gable was overformed around 1890.


Rectory A 34
around 1910 old location Elstertrebnitz, building belonging to the ensemble churchyard and church, in reform style with neoclassical echoes, of local historical importance.

two storeys, 3: 6 axes, independent of the gable, sandstone and plaster, brick, central projection to the church, plaster structure, original: sandstone window and door walls, front door with handle, staircase, sandstone plinth on the ground floor and first floor brick plastered.


Barn of a farm A 39
around 1880 old location Elstertrebnitz, half-timbered barn, building on the through road that characterizes the townscape, of architectural significance.

Eaves barn with exposed framework.


Schmalzmühle: Two side buildings (residential stable houses), residential house, mill building (with preserved mill technology), two barns, gate entrance, courtyard paving and enclosure of a mill property A 85
re. 1796 old location Elstertrebnitz, great mill system with many original details from different epochs, mostly half-timbered buildings, of importance in terms of building history, local history and technology.
  • 1. Residential stable house: two storeys, irregular axes, eaves, half-hipped roof, massive ground floor, upper floor and gable exposed half-timbering, original sandstone window frames on the ground floor around 1780
  • 2nd stable house: two floors, irregular axes, half-hipped roof, solid ground floor, upper floor and gable exposed half-timbering around 1880,
  • Residential building: two floors, irregular axes, half-hip roof, plastered facade, original windows, leaded glass windows, original front door with skylight marked 1796, small angled porch as a corner building to the gate entrance, two floors, upper floor partly on sandstone pillars, upper floor exposed half-timbering
  • Mill building: five-storey grinder building with original technical equipment, two-storey building with drive on an angled floor plan with crooked hip roof and bat dormers, two-storey connecting building with five axes, massive ground floor, upper floor half-timbered from the grinding mill to an extension with a mansard roof, baroque with original windows, three floors, three axes , Half hip roof, plaster facade
  • two farm buildings around 1880, brick and brick plastered with an office extension
  • four sandstone gate pillars, courtyard paving, cobblestones, wrought iron fencing around 1900.

House and side building of a farm B 27
around 1830 old location Eulau, half-timbered buildings, well-preserved courtyard with original details, of architectural and local importance.

Two-storey house and stable, irregular axes, independent from the gable, massive ground floor, upper floor and gable exposed half-timbered.


Transformer house C
around 1920 old location Tannewitz, pagoda type, of technical significance.

square floor plan, circumferential hip over the ground floor, tent roof, clinker plaster facade, clinker base, ground floor plastered, upper floor slated.


War memorial for those who fell in World War I
War memorial for those who fell in World War I D
after 1918 (war memorial) old location Trautzschen, obelisk with reliefs in concrete, of local significance.

Monument to the fallen for the First World War, two steps, base with inscription, obelisk with reliefs (helmet with wreath / cross), rear wall with side cheeks, garland reliefs.


Trautzschen cemetery: Two tombs (Fam. Silchmüller, Fam. Taubert) in the cemetery D
around 1930 (tombs) old location Trautzschen, elaborate graves with local historical significance.

two family graves, elaborately designed grave systems with middle section, shell limestone, family Silchmüller & F. Taubert.


Kreuzkirche Trautzschen (church with furnishings)
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Kreuzkirche Trautzschen (church with furnishings) D
15th century old location Trautzschen, late Gothic village church remodeled in baroque style with an original tower dome that characterizes the townscape, of importance in terms of building history, history and character of the townscape.

Gothic church with baroque remodeling and fittings, quarry stone plinth, quarry stone building, plastered facade, original high tower dome on an octagonal floor plan.


Trautzschener Schule (residential building with an attached school building, today also residential building)
Trautzschener Schule (residential building with an attached school building, today also residential building) D 3
around 1820 old location Trautzschen, residential building on the upper floor high-end timber framing with Thuringian ladder motif, boarded gable, typical timber framed building, former school with two-tone clinker brick facade, of architectural and local significance.

two storeys, independent from the gable, two axes, massive ground floor, upper floor partly plastered, partly exposed half-timbering, boarded gable, ground floor strongly reshaped.


House and side building of a farm D 9
around 1800 old location Trautzschen, half-timbered buildings typical of the area, well-preserved courtyards with a character that characterizes the townscape and of significance in terms of building history and local history.
  • Residential building: two storeys, eaves, half-hip roof, solid ground floor, upper storey and gable partly exposed half-timbering, partly plastered
  • Stable wing: two floors, irregular axes, massive ground floor, upper floor exposed half-timbering.

Residential house (surrounding area) and side building of a farm D 17
around 1780 old location Trautzschen, half-timbered buildings, side buildings with brick gables, dwelling house one of the few well-preserved half-timbered houses in the western district, half-timbered construction with St. Andrew's cross and Thuringian ladder motif, of architectural and local importance.
  • Half-timbered house: two storeys, two axes at the gable, half-hipped roof, ground floor, upper storey and gable exposed half-timbering, original window openings
  • Side building (stable with old part): two storeys, irregular axes, facing the gable, ground floor and front part brick, upper storey of the rear part exposed half-timbering

House and side building of a farm D 20
around 1790, later reshaped old location Trautzschen, plastered buildings with half-timbered gables, well-preserved courtyards in the center of the village, historically important.
  • Residential house: two storeys, irregular axes, plastered ground floor and upper storey, gable exposed half-timbering
  • Side building: two storeys, solid ground floor, upper storey and gable partly exposed half-timbered, partly plastered

Side building of a three-sided courtyard D 24
around 1800 old location Trautzschen, well-preserved half-timbered building, historically important.

Side building (stable with elderly part): two storeys, irregular axes, gable, cripple hipped roof, solid ground floor, upper floor exposed half-timbered, partly original window openings.


Rectory D 47
re. 1881 old location Trautzschen, plastered brick building, well-preserved historic parsonage with neo-Gothic details, of architectural and local significance
  • two floors, 5: 2 axes, first floor plastered cuboid structure, upper floor smooth plaster with simple frieze-like stucco window crowns, gable slopes neo-Gothic, plastered, six-pass window in the gable field, original: front door with skylight and staircase
  • Shed annexes, plastered brick, free-standing - shed annexes demolished before 2012

Elstertrebnitz elementary school with Schäferbrunnen or Elsterbrunnen (school building and former fountain in front of the school and mural)
Elstertrebnitz elementary school with Schäferbrunnen or Elsterbrunnen (school building and former fountain in front of the school and mural) D 62
1954-1955 old location Trautzschen, school in the traditionalist style of the 1950s, emphasis on the entrance with quarry stone walls, mural by Leipzig artist Arnd Schultheiß , fountain formerly with quarry stone basin, column made of cast concrete, on it a bronze figure of a magpie, of local history
  • artistically designed fountain and mural by Arnd Schultheiß
  • Fountain basin quarry stone on a rectangular floor plan, cast concrete pillars with shepherd motifs, cast bronze top of a raven / magpie, bronze Noack Leipzig.

Memorial stone for those who fell in the Franco-Prussian War 1870/1871 D 65 (forward)
after 1871 (war memorial) old location Trautzschen, sandstone pillars, of local significance.

Stone cuboid on a stepped base, weathered inscriptions, recognizable the year 1871, listed for reasons of ideology criticism.


Monument to the victims of fascism D 65 (forward)
1970s (VVN memorial) old location Trautzschen, stele on a triangular floor plan, sandstone, memorial in memory of the resistance fighters against National Socialism, historically significant.

Stele on a triangular floor plan, inscriptions: “1933–1945” and “For the victims”.


House (with upper arbor) of a farm D 79
around 1780 old location Trautzschen, one of the few half-timbered buildings from the late 18th century with a preserved upper arbor in the village, historically important.

two storeys, irregular axes, gable-independent building from the late 18th century, extended by an angle in 1880, front heavily molded with clinker bricks, ground floor massive, upper storey exposed half-timbering, rear gable exposed half-timbering, at the side an upper arbor.


Stable house of a former three-sided courtyard E 16
around 1780 old location Greitschütz, upper floor half-timbered in an elaborate construction, typical, gable-independent farmhouse, historically important.

two storeys, irregular axes, independent from the gable, ground floor and gable plastered, upper floor exposed framework.


Residential house (surrounding area) and gate system of a former three-sided courtyard E 18
re. 1800 old location Greitschütz, half-timbered building that characterizes the townscape, the only preserved half-timbered house in the district with original details, of architectural significance.

two storeys, irregular axes, half-hipped roof, facing the gable, exposed framework, partly original window openings, initials and inscribed 1800 in the lintel.


House of a three-sided courtyard E 22
around 1820 old location Greitschütz, upper floor half-timbered, well-preserved farmhouse with a distinctive effect on the townscape, important from an architectural point of view.

two storeys, irregular axes, independent of the gable, massive ground floor, upper floor exposed framework, plastered gable, partly original window openings.


Greitschütz mill (mill property with a small industrial mill with technical equipment, two residential buildings, farm buildings, weir, courtyard pavement, gate entrance and fence) E 23
re. 1716 old location Greitschütz, mostly plastered solid buildings, a building with a half-timbered upper floor, large mill system with original components from different epochs, of technical and local significance.
  • Wilhelminian style residential building, two storeys, irregular axes, eaves, three dwarf houses, stucco facade ornaments from around 1890, two-storey winter garden extension, original windows.

House around 1840, two storeys, irregular axes, hipped roof, ground floor and massive gable, upper floor exposed half-timbering, original doors and window frames on the ground floor made of sandstone with round arches.

  • Mill building: four storeys, eight axes, plastered facade with clinker strips, original door frames with segmented arches, inscription above door arches: "FWF 1854 1716" and "Destroyed by fire in July 1880 Built there ..." Rest weathered, org. Wooden stairs with handrail
  • technical equipment: Siemens direct current generator (built in 1912) and control panel for power supply, technical equipment (status 2014) on the 1st floor: two roller mills (Seck), drive shaft with transmission, scales, funnel solo, only recorded up to the 1st floor mill, Weir system unchecked.
  • Farm building: two floors, irregular axes, ground floor natural stone, upper floor plastered facade.
  • Three sandstone gate pillars with two wheel deflectors, wrought iron gate.

Side building and gate entrance of a farm E 24
around 1820 old location Greitschütz, upper floor half-timbered, farm in corner location, courtyard access with three sandstone gate pillars, parts of a courtyard that characterize the townscape, important from an architectural point of view.

Side building (stable with old part): two floors, irregular axes, massive ground floor, upper floor exposed half-timbering, plastered gable, original window openings, three sandstone gate pillars marked 1878, two wheel deflectors.


Gasthof Greitschütz (inn with annex) E 27
around 1800 old location Greitschütz, formerly simple plastered building with classicistic door frame, rear hall building with half-timbered upper floor on one side of the eaves and remarkable arcade arches on pillars on the ground floor to the courtyard, well-preserved village inn with local historical significance.
  • Brick, plaster, sandstone, half-timbered, two storeys, 7: 3 axes, eaves, hipped roof with dwarf houses, original classicist front door and door frames, window frames made of sandstone, open staircase, two-story extension, four axes, with a loggia on the ground floor, segmental arches on Doric columns
  • Hall extension on the upper floor, massive ground floor, upper floor plastered facade and exposed half-timbering.

Residential house (with an angular floor plan), stable extension and barn of a farm E 29
around 1820 old location Greitschütz, partly in half-timbered construction, boarded up barn, building of importance for the townscape and building history.
  • Residential building: two floors, irregular axes, angular floor plan, massive ground floor, upper floor partly exposed timber frame, partly plastered around 1820
  • Barn: parallel, partly exposed half-timbering, partly boarding around 1820

Rittergut Greitschütz (mansion and two farm buildings of a former manor, as well as a garden house on the opposite side of the street)
Rittergut Greitschütz (mansion and two farm buildings of a former manor, as well as a garden house on the opposite side of the street) E 33
around 1750 (manor house) old location Greitschütz, mansion simple plastered building with mansard roof and remarkable seating niche portal from the Renaissance period, large site that characterizes the townscape with a multitude of historical details, of architectural, local and art historical importance.
  • Residential house: brick and plaster, two storeys, irregular axes, eaves, mansard roof with hip hips, original sandstone window frames, Renaissance portal with baroque front door, shutters on the ground floor around 1750
  • Ancillary building: one storey, five axes, eaves, plastered brick, upper storey partly exposed half-timbering
  • Garden house: one storey with arched windows, pilasters, column portico, flat hipped roof, plastered, original windows and front door
  • Wrought iron grating
  • Slanted, elongated residential stable building: two storeys, irregular axes, plastered brick, upper storey partly exposed half-timbering, original window frames made of sandstone, facing the street with beveled corners at the gable end, hipped roof.

Luther Church Costewitz (church with furnishings)
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Luther Church Costewitz (church with furnishings) F
15th century old location Costewitz, medieval hall church with transverse rectangular west tower, historically and locally significant building.

In the 19th century, the building was heavily redesigned, possibly with Romanesque and Gothic remains.


Residential house, attached side building and barn of a four-sided courtyard F 12
around 1820 old location Costewitz, well-preserved courtyard complex with a character that characterizes the townscape, half-timbered buildings, of local and architectural importance.
  • Two-storey residential building, irregular axes, independent from the gable, massive ground floor, upper floor exposed half-timbering, partly plaster, boarded-up gable at the rear
  • Longitudinal barn: exposed half-timbered structure, transverse stable building, solid ground floor, upper floor partly exposed half-timbered structure, partly plastered.

Stable house of a farm F 19
around 1800 old location Costewitz, upper floor high-end timber framing, well-preserved farmhouse in detail, of architectural significance.
  • two storeys, two axes, independent from the gable, massive ground floor, upper storey partly exposed half-timbered, partly plastered, gable end overformed with larger windows at the end of the 19th century, plastered facade
  • Cross barn: exposed framework
  • Stable building: solid ground floor, upper floor exposed framework and plaster
  • Barn and stable building - demolished before 2012

Costewitz manor: farm building (on an angular floor plan) of a former manor F 47
around 1870 old location Costewitz, a stable wing of the manor, upper floor half-timbered, striking corner building with a street-defining effect, of importance in terms of the history and the townscape.

two storeys, irregular axes, ground floor brick plastered, gable brick plastered, upper floor partly exposed framework, partly plastered facade.


Royal Saxon Milestones (aggregate): Milestone
Royal Saxon Milestones (aggregate): Milestone G
after 1858 (milestone) old location Oderwitz, Saxon half-mile stone as a border crossing stone, object of traffic-historical importance.

a Prussian bell around 1815, a Saxon milestone (sandstone) in the middle of the 19th century, painted with oil paint, inscriptions no longer recognizable.


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milestone G
Mid 19th century Prussian half-mile stone (so-called Big Bell), old location Oderwitz, formerly Beersdorf (Saxony-Anhalt), of importance for the history of traffic 09304830

House and side building of a farm G 9
1st half of the 18th century old location Oderwitz, both buildings upper floor half-timbered, residential house with ancient half-timbered construction (including St. Andrew's crosses), well-preserved courtyard with original details, historically important.
  • Two-storey residential building, irregular axes, independent from the gable, hipped roof, sloping roof, massive ground floor, upper floor and gable exposed half-timbering
  • Stable two storeys, irregular axes, independent from the gable, massive ground floor, upper storey and gable exposed half-timbering.

Rittergut Oderwitz (manor house of a former manor) G 27
around 1780 old location Oderwitz, plastered brick building with sandstone structures and mansard roof, distinctive, baroque-looking structure with a defining impact on the townscape, central part highlighted by an open staircase and risalit, of architectural and local significance.

One storey above a high base (basement), 13: 3 axes, central projection three axes, mansard roof with hip hip and dormer windows, open staircase with railing, front door with skylight and corner strips made of plaster.


Stable house of a farm G 31
around 1750 old location Oderwitz, upper floor high-end timber framing, Wilder Mann motif in the gable, well-preserved timber framed house from the 18th century with important architectural details.

two storeys, irregular axes, massive ground floor, upper storey exposed half-timbering, Wilder Mann motif in the gable, boarded up upper area of ​​the gable, (GDR list).


House of a three-sided courtyard G 39
around 1810 old location Oderwitz, upper floor half-timbered, courtyard that characterizes the townscape, of architectural significance.

two floors, independent of the gable, two axes, half-hip roof, solid ground floor, upper floor and gable exposed half-timbering.


Eisenmühle (mill property with iron mill, grain mill, turbine house, outbuildings and weir system)
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Eisenmühle (mill property with iron mill, grain mill, turbine house, outbuildings and weir system) G 41
1915 (iron mill) old location Oderwitz, plastered solid buildings, the only preserved iron mill in Germany in the rubbing process, mill location documented since the 12th century, 1915 to 1992/93 production plant for iron powder for various purposes (including medical and metallurgical), of great importance in terms of technology history.

The mill location can already be proven in the 13th century, built in 1914/15, expanded around 1930, production stopped in 1992/93 (powder for sparklers, in various chemical processes, manufacture of silicon wafers).

  • Eisenmühle: two-wing building on an angled floor plan, 1 storey with flat roofs, two-storey corner building with two axes, some segmented arched windows, some upright rectangular windows, sandstone plinth, ground floor brick plastered, interior technical equipment: 3 friction systems (two of them functional), transmission
  • Turbine house over weir with new turbines, old drive preserved, - A.Wetzig, iron foundry and machine factory for mill construction Wittenberg, 1915 manufacturer of the old turbines
  • Grain mill (on the other bank of the Mühlgraben): two floors, 7: 2 axes, half-hip roof, plastered facade, vacant (2014)
  • Warehouse: built at right angles to Eisenmühle, one-storey, natural stone base, central risalit with round table (inscription: "2009 / AS JWM / 1915"), flat gable roof (roofing felt), six large, multiple-subdivided windows, two narrow, multiple-subdivided, arched windows next to that of the entrance door, followed by another two-storey (storage) building, two-winged entrance door (renewed), multi-segmented arched windows, saddle roof, clock in the gable, another storage building or energy center, single-storey low-rise building with natural stone plinth, basement, multi-segmented arched windows.

Chausseehaus, called customs house
Chausseehaus, called customs house G 52
around 1815 old location Oderwitz, simple plastered building with crooked hip roof, house for money collectors, building that is important in terms of territorial history.

one storey, eaves, five axes, half-hip roof, large dwelling over the central axis, plastered facade.



  1. The list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. This can be viewed by the responsible authorities. Therefore, the presence or absence of a structure or ensemble on this list does not guarantee that it is or is not a registered monument at the present time. The State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony provides binding information .

Web links

Commons : Kulturdenkmale in Elstertrebnitz  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files