List of cultural monuments in Borsdorf

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The list of cultural monuments in Borsdorf contains the cultural monuments in Borsdorf .

This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .


image designation location Dating description ID
Swan pond (park) (Map) around 1895 Landscaped Volkspark with an artificial pond and old trees, bounded by the Parthe and Lockengraben, southern end of the city, characterizing the townscape and landscape, importance in terms of local history and garden history. 09257122

Rental villa, with outbuildings, gazebo and fencing Althener Strasse 4
re. 1892 Late historical plaster and clinker brick construction with artificial stone elements, clinker brick building with wooden balcony and ornamental gable, wooden gazebo with sawn ornamental boards, elaborate enclosure with clinker posts and wrought iron fence panels, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Residential building: two storeys, four axes, side elevation, arbor, plaster facade on the ground floor, clinker facade with simple clinker structure on the first floor, marked 1892. Ancillary building: two storeys, clinker construction Enclosure: clinker piers with elaborate cover and wrought iron grating, clinker wall on the corner.


Rental villa Althener Strasse 8
around 1900 Plastered construction in historicizing forms, corner bay windows with glare framework, importance in terms of local development and building history.

Two storeys, plastered facade, cornice, central risalit with arbor, on the right arbor with balcony, on the left a semicircular bay window with wooden paneling, original window arrangement, some windows are old, local style.


Villa, with enclosure Althener Strasse 9
around 1900 representative, late-historical plastered clinker brick building, boarded floating gables, arbor and corner turrets, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Five axes, two storeys, plastered clinker brick facade, on the left side arbor with balcony and central-projecting porch with free chevron, on the right side corner bay window. Outbuildings: Enclosure: plaster posts, picket fence.


Villa with enclosure Althener Strasse 10
around 1905 picturesquely structured plastered building in country house style, with glare framework and various additions, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Two-storey, strongly structured structure with a moving gable roof landscape, turrets, polygonal corner bay windows, oriels, veranda with a winter garden-like wooden structure above, glare framework, especially on the gable, home style.


Villa with enclosure Althener Strasse 11
around 1915 Plastered building in the local style around 1910, decorative framework and boarding in the gable and eaves area, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

One-storey, half-hipped roof, on the side a central risalit with half-timbered gable and crest, gable with balcony and decorative paneling,


Villa with enclosure Althener Strasse 12
around 1910 Plastered building in country house style, with glare framework, importance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two-storey, saddle roof, right side one-storey extension with half-hipped roof, left small extension with entrance porch in clinker, half-round bay, plastered facade with historical structure.


Apartment building in half-open development August-Bebel-Strasse 7
around 1905 Clinker brick facade in the forms of the outgoing historicism and Art Nouveau, with clinker brick structures and corner bay windows, significance in terms of local development and building history;

Three-storey building with asymmetrical facade structuring, leather-yellow clinker bricks with green and red clinker brick dividers, windows predominantly closed with arched arches, wide diaphragm, corner bay window with white clinker cladding, green divisions and a curved hood.


Deaconess house; Martinstift (former) (Former women's home, later the motherhouse of the Borsdorf Diakonissenanstalt, today the Diakonie's home for the disabled) August-Bebel-Strasse 8
1894 Clinker brick building with economical clinker brick structure and artificial stone elements, socio-historical and architectural significance.
  • Three-storey clinker brick building in a recessed position, saddle roof, street-side central projectile with triangular gable, especially the roof area somewhat simplified by subsequent changes, originally also wooden veranda extensions, modern extensions at the rear.
  • Administration building with gate (two-storey plastered building, mansard roof): demolished in 1999

Apartment building in closed development August-Bebel-Strasse 9
around 1905 Clinker brick facade in late historical forms, art nouveau individual elements, significance in terms of local development and building history.

The three-storey apartment building from around 1905 has an elaborate, asymmetrically subdivided clinker brick facade. Three axes are combined to form a risalit, which is covered by a high triangular gable, the fourth is a little wider and has a richer decoration. The typical brick building decor consists of shaped stones and different colored clinker bricks, which result in a carpet-like pattern on the triangular gable. The terracotta parapet areas on the risalit with grotesque motifs should also be mentioned. They also receive architectural elements such as front door with Art Nouveau touches. As part of the local area north of the railway line, which has a relatively dense residential and commercial building development in addition to the train station and town hall, the property is a testimony to the development of Borsdorf into an urban suburb that began at the end of the 19th century. This gives it its historical significance in terms of local development. As a typical rental house construction in suburban milieus, it is also of architectural significance.


Apartment building in formerly half-open development August-Bebel-Strasse 11
around 1900 Plastered construction in a late historical design, artificial stone elements, economical clinker brick structures and stucco decor, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

With gate passage and shop, three storeys, nine axes, mid-house, plastered facade, drilled artificial stone window frames, ground floor plastered facade (smoothed?), Cornice, block eaves cornice, simple window canopies.


Apartment building in half-open development August-Bebel-Strasse 26
around 1895 Appealing clinker-plaster facade with artificial stone and stucco elements, importance in terms of local development and building history.

Three-storey building, plastered ground floor with grooves (renewed), side entrance driveway, upper storeys with red clinker cladding, restrained structuring with brownish-red clinker bricks, highlighting of the first floor with a somewhat more elaborate window design with triangular roofs and stucco decor, central emphasis in the roof area with a dwarf house.


villa August-Bebel-Strasse 32
around 1905 Well-structured plastered building in Art Nouveau forms, entrance porch emphasized by partial clinking, importance in terms of local development and building history.

One and a half story, L-shaped floor plan, mansard roofs, protruding entrance hall with balcony, mansard stalls, arched windows.


Memorial to the fallen of the First World War (content changed after 1945) Bahnhofstrasse (on the station forecourt, in front of No. 16)
around 1920 kneeling female figure on pedestal, Rochlitz porphyry tuff, of local, contemporary and artistic importance.

Warrior woman kneeling next to lioness head with sword, shield and steel helmet, height with base approx. 3.5 m.


villa Bahnhofstrasse 2
around 1900 Late historical plastered building in the country house style, with central projections and stucco decoration, of importance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two storeys, three axes, central projecting with stucco structure in the window axis, simple artificial stone window surround, free chevron in the gable, renovated!


Apartment building in open development Bahnhofstrasse 4
around 1900 Late historical plastered clinker facade with artificial stone and stucco elements, of importance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two floors, twelve axes, profiled floor and eaves cornice, ground floor plastered facade with plaster groove, upper floor clinker brick, looks like a semi-detached house, but has only one house number! Dormers flanked by standing dormer windows.


Double apartment building in open development Bahnhofstrasse 5; 7
around 1890 Clinker brick facade in historicizing forms, with plaster structures as well as artificial stone and stucco elements, significance in terms of local development.

Two storeys, eight axes, axially symmetrical, stone plinth, plaster clinker facade, cornice, block eaves cornice, horizontal window canopies, some old windows, house number 7 renovated.


Double apartment building in open development Bahnhofstrasse 12; 14
around 1925 Plastered building with plastered structure, example of social housing construction of the 1920s, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Two storeys, ten axes, dormers and roof pike, plastered facade, corner projections over two window axes with corner cuboids, plastered mirror in the window axes at the projections.


Residential house in open development and outbuildings Bahnhofstrasse 13
around 1900 with shop, late-historical plastered clinker brick building with artificial stone elements and stucco decor, narrow outbuilding with triangular gable, arched gate between the buildings, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.
  • Residential building: two storeys, six axes, dwelling, stone plinth, ground floor plastered facade with plaster grooves, profiled cornice, upper floor clinker brick with colored clinker strips, architraved window frames.
  • Outbuildings: on the right, two storeys, two axes, at the gable end, clinker brick, triangular gable, antiqued.

Borsdorf station: Entrance building of Borsdorf station
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Borsdorf station: Entrance building of Borsdorf station Bahnhofstrasse 16
1881 (train station) Last testimony of the station of the important junction of the Leipzig – Dresden and Borsdorf – Coswig railway lines, opened in 1881, the line has been in existence since 1837, imposing, three-part clinker brick building with natural stone structures, the track side of the single-storey central building in wooden construction, significance in terms of local history, building history and traffic history.

Railway station (LBOR - 12768 II, km 126.95) on the Borsdorf – Coswig line

  • two rectangular two-and-a-half-storey structures standing parallel to each other, connected to a central building on the ground floor, brick-colored clinker facade, saddle roofs.
  • Ancillary building: one-storey, clinker facade (deletion 2012).
  • April 24, 1837 Operation as a stop further west
  • May 1, 1881 Operation as a train station, originally with a reception building, platform scales, goods shed, loading ramp, passenger tunnel, farm building, residential building, signal boxes Bo, Bs and Bw, without a year. Demolition of Stw Bo, Bs, Bw.

Apartment building in half-open development Bahnhofstrasse 17
around 1895 Historic plastered building with a central projectile and rich stucco decoration, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two floors, six axes, stone plinth, plastered facade, rusticated corner blocks, simple window roofing on the upper floor, central projecting over three floors, there more elaborate window roofing, plastered mirror below the windows on the first floor, six blinds from the construction period on the first floor.


Double apartment building in open development Bahnhofstrasse 19; 21
around 1905 Plastered building with oriel-like porches influenced by the Jugendstil and Reform Nouveau style, above them dwarf houses with glare framework, importance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two storeys, expanded attic storey, axially symmetrical, stone plinth, plastered facade with simple plaster structure, two-storey arbor, on it a balcony, mid-houses with half-timbered construction in the local style (probably built up), standing dormers.


Former post office, now a residential building
Former post office, now a residential building Bahnhofstrasse 23
1895 dated Clinker brick building in neo-renaissance forms, colored clinker brick structures and natural stone elements, significance in terms of local development and architectural history, evidence of postal history.

Two storeys, five axes, standing dormers flank a larger dormer window with a renaissance structure / crown, clinker brick facade with a profiled cornice and eaves, elaborate entrance situation (skylight framed by stucco consoles that support an entablature), on the ground floor clinker cladding arches over the windows, upstairs simple Window coverings.


Apartment house in open development and in a corner Bahnhofstrasse 25
around 1900 representative plaster and clinker brick building, central projection with a curved hood, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Two storeys, seven axes, extended attic storey, plaster facade on the ground floor, clinker brick facade on the first floor with window canopies, two-storey central projectile with entrance zone and crowning curved hood.


Rental villa with enclosure Bahnhofstrasse 27
around 1900 Plaster and clinker brick construction in a late historical design, structure with different colored clinker bricks, artificial stone and stucco elements, wrought iron enclosure with rubble stone plinth and clinker brick posts, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Two storeys, four axes, extended attic storey, first floor plaster facade (smoothed), cornice, upstairs clinker facade with colored clinker brick structure, window frames and window canopies on the upper storey, two-axis central projections Enclosure: rubble base, clinker posts, wrought iron fence.


Rental villa with enclosure Bahnhofstrasse 29
around 1900 Rich, late-historical plastered clinker brick building with a central projection with arbor and balcony as well as an elaborate free space, importance in terms of local development and building history.

Two storeys, four axes, central projecting with arbor, on it a balcony with balcony parapet, carved barrier in the triangular gable, ground floor with plastered facade with plastering, cornice, upstairs clinker facade, architraved window frames, simple window canopies, fencing: broken stone plinths, plastered clinker brickwork.


Residential house in open development, with garage and fencing Franz-Mehring-Strasse 18
around 1930 Villa-like plaster and clinker brick building in expressive forms from the 1920s, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two-storey, pyramid roof, extensions with hipped roofs, elaborate plaster and clinker facade strictly geometrically structured, small round corner bay, attached staircase, elaborate clinker brick portal.


villa Grimmaische Strasse 22
around 1900 Plastered building in the country house style, boarded up gable and eaves area, wooden additions, importance in terms of local development and architectural history.

One-storey, T-shaped floor plan, half-hip roofs, open wooden veranda, porch on the right side, rich decorative paneling of the gables, old windows.


Villa with garden shed Grimmaische Strasse 23
around 1915 Plastered building in reform style around 1915, facades with pilasters, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two-storey, two-axis, pyramid roof, on the left side risalit-like porch with entrance, plastered facade: simple, two-axis pilaster structure, eaves, on the left side row of windows with pilaster framing.


Rental villa with enclosure Grimmaische Strasse 25
around 1900 Picturesque plastered construction in late historical design, plaster structures, artificial stone elements and glare framework, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two-storey, hipped roof, central projection with two half-timbered gables staggered one behind the other, on the right side central projection with an entrance flanked by pilasters in a half-hipped roof, segment-arched windows on the ground floor, plastered facade: cornice, window frames and plastered mirror underneath, ashlar.


Double rental villa with enclosure Grimmaische Strasse 27; 29
around 1900 Late historical plastered construction with plaster structure and artificial stone elements, walled posts and wrought iron fence panels, importance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two-storey, saddle roof, on the left side and on the right central projection with decorative gables, plastered facade: cornice, profiled window frames, ashlar, on the right small porch with decorative board gable over a keel-arched portal.


Residential house in semi-open development Heinrich-Heine-Strasse 12
around 1900 Historic plastered building with a wooden extension, plaster structures, stucco and artificial stone elements, significance in terms of local development.

Two-storey, three-axis, gable roof, plastered facade: pilaster strips, corner blocks, cornice, architraved window frames, semicircular bay window with arbor, left side: two-story, wooden porch, with entrance below, winter garden above.


Villa with enclosure Heinrich-Heine-Strasse 30
around 1905 high-quality, picturesque plastered building in country house style, artificial stone elements, economical clinker brick structure, glare framework and planking, importance in terms of local development and building history.

The villa, built around 1905, represents the country house-like type popular at the time in a particularly expressive and rich form. This corresponds to a painterly structure of the building and the use of diverse materials aimed at lively colors. The main cubic part of the building, covered with a half-hip roof, is extended to the street with additions. The side elevation is particularly noticeable with its curved glare framework and the ingeniously drawn forward roof. Next to it is a wide arched loggia with a step to the front garden. The facades are designed in accordance with the asymmetrical division of the building. In addition to the plastered surfaces, there are boarded-up or decorative trussed areas. The stand bay with artificial stone elements, a balcony, windows with elaborate wooden frames and shutters also enrich the picture. Historical quotations are largely avoided, but the influence of Art Nouveau is noticeable, as shown, for example, by the tiled strips with the floral decoration. Another interesting detail is the three-axle roof house with a curved hood over the loggia. The fencing of the garden property is no longer the original, but dates from around 1930. The villa construction refers to the development of Borsdorf into a popular suburb with sophisticated and attractive villa development, which began as early as the end of the 19th century. It is part of the extensive villa area south of the Leipzig-Wurzen railway line. In this way, the property gains significance in terms of the history of local development. As a characteristic representative of villa architecture around 1900, it also has architectural significance. (LfD / 2012)

Two-storey, half-hipped roof, on the left corner projecting with half-timbered gable, flat pre-curved bay window, on the right open veranda under a large arched position, elaborate wooden ornamental forms.


Borsdorf School
Borsdorf School Heinrich-Heine-Strasse 33
1905 Plastered building, older eastern part in historicizing forms with Art Nouveau echoes, stucco decor, elaborately designed portal, extension building in the reform style around 1910, accentuating reliefs, significance for the local history and building history.

Three-storey, right half with half-hipped roof, left half with mansard roof, central projection with historical portal and volute gable, plastered facade: right half of the building with pilasters, window frames, profiled base and eaves cornice, on the left corner a single-storey facade protrusion with Art Nouveau sounds.


villa Heinrich-Heine-Strasse 35
around 1905 stately plastered building in the country house style, with boarded gable and eaves area, wooden veranda, importance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two-storey, half-hipped roof, on the left extension with half-hipped roof, two-storey, rectangular bay window, veranda, wooden balcony, wooden canopy over the entrance on the right-hand side, rich decorative planking of the gable, plastered facade.


Villa Ottmar Gerster (residential house in open development with garage) Heinrich-Heine-Strasse 40
around 1935 Plastered construction in the traditional forms of the time around 1930, with clinker brick elements, home of the composer Ottmar Gerster (1897–1969), significance in terms of local development, building history and personal history.

Two-storey, three irregular axes, hipped roof, risalit-like protrusion with an elaborate brick portal, right side: extension, brick frame of the windows, GDR renovation.


villa Heinrich-Heine-Strasse 41
around 1905 Plastered building in country house style, with decorative framework and economical clinker brick structure, importance in terms of local development and architectural history.

One storey, 1 + 2 + 1 axis, half-hipped roof, central projectile with blind framework, plastered facade with tiled window arches, entrance in a relatively complex, wooden porch.


Villa with enclosure Heinrich-Heine-Strasse 51
around 1905 Plastered construction in late historical and Art Nouveau forms, artful trusses on the gables, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two-storey, 1 + 2 + 1 axis, saddle roof, central projectile with a rich free chevron, plastered facade with neo-Renaissance elements, on the right a winter garden-like extension.


Villa Wittner (villa with enclosure) Heinrich-Heine-Strasse 53
around 1900 Picturesque plastered building of late historicism, with elaborate wooden constructions, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two-storey, 2 + 2 + 1 axis, hip-like main roof, extensions with saddle roofs, central projectile with an elaborate free space, elaborately detailed wooden balcony on the left, wooden upper floor on the right with a wooden triangular bay window, plastered facade with window frames.


Apartment building in semi-open development and in a corner Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 1
around 1900 Late historical plaster and clinker brick construction, with clinker brick structures and artificial stone elements, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Three-storey, street-defining building in a striking corner location, original tiles and decorative tiles in the stairwell.


Apartment building in semi-open development and in a corner Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 2
around 1905 Clinker brick building in late historical and Art Nouveau forms, with colored clinker brick structures, central projections and corner bay windows, location that defines the street scene, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Three storeys, 8-3-8 axes, developed attic storey, clinker brick facade, on the ground floor with colored clinker strips, profiled cornice and eaves cornice, eaves cornice zone contrasting in color, central projection over two window axes with colored triangular gable, corner bay with curved hood, corner shutter profiled cornice and eaves cornice , Clinker brick facade with colored clinker brick structure.


Double apartment building in open development Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 3; 5
around 1905 Clinker brick building in late historical and Art Nouveau forms, with elaborate colored clinker brick structure, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Three storeys, eight axes, cornice, clinker brick facade with colored clinker brick structure, clinker strips, profiled eaves cornice, cornice zone in contrasting colors, dwelling houses.


Double apartment building in open development Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 4; 4b
around 1910 Clinker-plastered building with features of the reform style around 1910, part of a residential complex of five semi-detached houses, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Two floors, six axes, conspicuous corner accentuation, some old windows, identical to Heinrich-Kretzschmann-Straße 8 / 8b, forms an ensemble with Heinrich-Kretzschmann-Straße 6 / 6b, 7 / 7b and 9 / 9b.


Double apartment building in open development Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 6; 6b
around 1910 Clinker brick building with features of the reform style around 1910, part of a residential complex consisting of five semi-detached houses, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two storeys, special corner formation, clinker brick facade with colored clinker brick structure, expanded attic, large arched window on the ground floor, forms an ensemble with Heinrich-Kretzschmann-Strasse 4 / 4b, 7 / 7b, 8 / 8b and 9 / 9b.


Double apartment building in open development Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 7; 7b
around 1905 Clinker brick building in the forms of the outgoing historicism, colored clinker brick structures, part of a residential complex made up of five semi-detached houses, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two floors, four axes, clinker brick facade with clinker brick structure, identical to Heinrich-Kretzschmann-Straße 9 / 9b, forms an ensemble with 6 / 6b and 8 / 8b and 4 / 4b


Double apartment building in open development Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 8; 8b
around 1910 Clinker-plastered building with features of the reform style around 1910, part of a residential complex of five semi-detached houses, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Two storeys, extended attic, plastered fields in the window axes, corner accentuation through multiple broken bay windows


Double apartment building in open development Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 9; 9b
around 1905 Clinker brick building in the forms of the outgoing historicism, colored clinker brick structures, part of a residential complex made up of five semi-detached houses, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

Two storeys, four axes, clinker brick facade with colored clinker brick structure, new windows, forms an ensemble with Heinrich-Kretzschmann-Strasse 4 / 4b, 6 ​​/ 6b, 8 / 8b, identical to Heinrich-Kretzschmann-Strasse 7 / 7b.


Double apartment building in open development Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 10; 12
around 1910 Plaster-clinker building in the forms of the outgoing historicism and Art Nouveau, clinker brick and plaster divisions, stucco decor, wide mid-houses with curved gable lines, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Three storeys, 16 axes, developed attic storey, clinker base storey, first and second storey in brick with colored brick structure, third storey and plastered gable field, windows e.g. T. old.


Double apartment building in open development Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 11; 13
around 1905 Plastered clinker facade with stucco decorations in Art Nouveau forms, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Three storeys, 16 axes, extended attic storey, stone plinth, ground floor plastered facade (smoothed), first and second storey clinker brick, profiled cornices, simple artificial stone window frames on the ground floor, side elevations accentuated by stucco (Art Nouveau) in the window axes, e.g. Sometimes disfiguring loft conversion, apartment building but important in terms of road location.


Town hall (two addresses: Rathausstrasse 1 and Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 15) and ancillary building in the courtyard
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Town hall (two addresses: Rathausstrasse 1 and Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 15) and ancillary building in the courtyard Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 15
1928 Elaborately designed, three-part plastered building in the forms of Art Deco, structural elements partly made of stone, architect: Arthur Carius, Leipzig, characterizing the street scene, significance in terms of local history, architectural history, artistic and urban development.

Two rectangular, three-storey buildings with a hipped roof standing at right angles to each other, connected by a central building placed at a corner (four storeys), hipped roof, slate covering, renovated, architect: A. Carius cf. Outbuilding: one storey, clinker brick facade


Villa Kretschmann (villa, with garden) Industriestrasse 1
1893-1894 Villa of the brickworks owner Kretschmann, picturesque clinker brick building of high architectural quality, in the forms of late historicism, significance in terms of local development, local history and building history.

On January 17, 1893, the facing stone works E. Kretschmann applied for permission to build a villa. The Leipzig architect Richard Füssel provided the plans. The building was completed in 1894 (building inspection protocol from May 10th of this year) and then served as the residence of the company owner.

It is a two-storey building with a rich facade design and a gable roof. Through the use of different colored, in-house bricks, facing bricks and shaped stones in connection with ornamental framework, the building gets a picturesque appearance. Stylistically it is under the influence of the country house architecture around 1900, the individual forms correspond to the design style of late historical architecture. The symmetrical street front is emphasized by a template with a pointed gable. The east side is slightly drawn in to the south in the main floors and thus offers protected space for an elaborate wooden balcony. At the back there is a porch with subordinate rooms, in front of which is the house entrance, which can be reached via an external staircase with a porch due to the high-lying basement. The floor plan is kept relatively simple, but there is an entanglement of the rooms aimed at comfort; the stairwell facing north is of central function. Originally the villa, which is surrounded by a rectangular, walled garden, was part of an extensive factory complex. Nothing has been preserved in historical form from the production buildings of the Kretschmann facing stone works, which were located on the factory site to the north and west of the villa property. By 1919 at the latest, the facing stone works were no longer in operation.

The Villa Industriestraße 1 is a testimony to the suburban development of Borsdorf that began at the end of the 19th century. Favored by the proximity to the city of Leipzig and the railway connection, this development is characterized by the construction of villas and apartment buildings as well as the settlement of industrial companies. From this, the historical and historical significance of the object is derived. As a supplier of facing bricks, which were of significant importance for construction - especially in Leipzig - in the late 19th century, the Kretschmann company has a special interest in architectural history. The architectural design of the villa building with its own products was certainly also carried out with the intention of self-promotion and reference. The building is also an appealing and authentic example of a manufacturer's villa from the period of late historicism. In this sense, it is an expression of the demands and way of life of its builders who, in their time, held a prominent position in society. (LfD / 2015).

Two-storey, 1 + 2 + 1 axis, cross-shaped floor plan, criss-crossing gable roofs, central projections, clinker construction with decorative clinker bricks, cornice, decorative carved forms in the gables:


A road bridge dating stone Leipziger Strasse (on the outskirts, behind No. 1)
1787 Inserted as a reminder of the old road bridge in the new bridge construction from 2004, significance in terms of local history and traffic history.

Three-arched bridge made of red natural stone and yellow clinker bricks with a simple wrought iron railing, road laid out as a dam, no more technical monument, demolition of the bridge in 2004.


Three road bridges Leipziger Straße (outside the village, west of the town center)
around 1810 Arch bridges in quarry stone masonry, with marked keystones, significance in terms of building history and traffic history.

Quarry stone, plastered, brick cover, keystone (Porphyrtuff) inscribed among others: F (crossed swords) A, keystone of the bridge III with date 180 (9?).


Residential house in open development and memorial plaque
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Residential house in open development and memorial plaque Leipziger Strasse 1
around 1800 Plastered building with simple plaster structure, partly straight, partly triangular window roofs, home and work place of August Bebel and Wilhelm Liebknecht , memorial plaque in bronze with profile portraits of Bebel and Liebknecht, significance of personal and contemporary history.

Two storeys, four axes, standing dormers, flat hipped roof, plastered facade with corner blocks, floor and eaves cornice, simple window canopies on the upper floor, memorial plaque, plaque unveiled on March 30, 1930, later hidden, reinstalled in 1946.


Shepherd's House (residential building in open development)
Shepherd's House (residential building in open development) Leipziger Strasse 5
First mentioned in 1748 single-storey plastered eaves building with saddle roof and half-timbered gable in an old village location, significance for local and social history.

One storey, plastered facade, eaves, gable roof (old roof structure?)


House of a former four-sided courtyard
House of a former four-sided courtyard Leipziger Strasse 6
around 1800 Half-timbered building with half-hipped roof, formerly part of the village development of the old village of Borsdorf, significance in terms of local history and building history.
  • Two storeys, elongated, rectangular structure, half-timbered upper storey, half-hipped roof with dormers, roof truss made of oak, gable, remnants of a courtyard, dating according to information, probably the oldest farmhouse in Borsdorf:
  • Barn and stable (around 1800) not a monument, as it was disfigured:

Brückenzollhaus (former) (residential building in open development) Leipziger Strasse 9
1824 Formerly the house of the bridge toll taker, single-storey plastered building with a crooked hip roof, significance in terms of local history and traffic history.

One-storey, rectangular building with a half-hip roof, significance in terms of town history.


Residential house in open development Leipziger Strasse 27
around 1905 Villa-like plastered construction with elaborate facade structure in neo-renaissance forms, structural elements made of plaster, stucco and artificial stone, significance in terms of building history and local development.

One storey, two axes, plastered building with plastered structure, elaborate windowed artificial stone edging with pilasters and triangular gables, in the middle a niche with a figure, crowned by a dwelling, renovated.


Double apartment building in open development Leipziger Strasse 41; 43
around 1900 Rich plaster and clinker facades in late historical forms, artificial stone elements, brick facing arches and stucco decor, wide dwelling houses with steep triangular gables, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Three storeys, 16 axes, developed attic storey (triangular gable), first floor plastered facade with plaster grooves, profiled cornice, first and second storey clinker brick, artificial stone window frames, plastered mirrors below the windows on the first storey, two windows in each case are combined by brick arches and stucco, simple straight window canopies.


Borsdorf cemetery: Parentation hall in the cemetery Leipziger Strasse 43a
1900 Plastered building in neo-Romanesque forms, with brick structure, extension on the north side, significance in terms of local history and building history.

Chapel: small neo-Romanesque hall building, saddle roof, apse, plaster / clinker brick facade, arched pilaster strips, parallel extension, entrance hall in between.


Apartment house in open development and in a corner Leipziger Strasse 46
around 1905 Striking corner building with plaster clinker facade in Art Nouveau forms, ground floor with restaurant, single-storey additions on the south side, partly solid, partly wooden construction, significance in terms of local development and building history.
  • 5-1-7 axes, three floors, developed attic, ground floor plastered facade, cornice, first and second floor clinker facade, on the second floor plaster tape in the window area, window canopies with stucco, renovated!
  • Outbuildings: single storey, clinker brick with balustrade, simple brick structure.

Waterworks with water tower: waterworks with water tower, keeper's house (No. 59), machine house (No. 61) and filter basin
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Waterworks with water tower: waterworks with water tower, keeper's house (No. 59), machine house (No. 61) and filter basin Leipziger Strasse 59; 61
1929 Caretaker's house and machine house clinker buildings in late historical design, water tower plastered construction in expressive design language, landscape-defining ensemble, of architectural and local significance, as evidence of the water supply of technical history.
  • Waterworks built in 1929 (shut down in 2008) and was part of the Panitz network and supplied the villages of Borsdorf and Panitzsch, the tower was shut down in 2008, water tower with a porch on the west side: plastered, sweeping plinth, tapering towards the top with recessed fields that end in a round arch, sweeping Upper floor with recessed fields and small rectangular windows, cone mansard roof, pump rods partially preserved, barring of the rods, riveted water tank made of sheet steel with a capacity of approx. 300 m³, partly original windows made of glass blocks in the front building, original doors: double wing door round arch on the ground floor, external spiral staircase in the tower made of iron-steel, tours on two floors around storage containers over org. To reach fixed ladders, beam construction of the roof true. Largely original, porch: hipped roof, for the former pump system and outgoing storage room, light blue wall tiles, dark blue-white and red-brown floor tiles, the filter basin in the outside area, concrete from the 1970s.
  • Warden's house: single-storey clinker brick building with a central projection and crooked hip roof, clinker brick structure typical of the time and material.
  • Machine house: consisting of two gable-side structures with pitched roofs, connected by an intermediate structure, also low extensions on the sides, no technology preserved, now used as a residential building.

Villa with enclosure Parkstrasse 3
1895 Plaster and clinker brick construction in historicizing forms, artificial stone and stucco elements as well as elaborate floating gables, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Two-storey, 2 + 1 + 1 axis, gable roof, single-storey transverse building on the right, central projectile with free chevron, ground floor: plastered facade with plastering, woman's head reliefs above the windows, floral reliefs, high, framed window above the portal, upper floor in clinker brick with stuccoed window frames.


Haus Reich (residential building with enclosure) Parkstrasse 8
1931 Plastered building in the style of modern building from the 1920s / 1930s, design: Hugo Koch, Nerchau, owner was the architect's brother-in-law, teacher Hermann Reich, significance in terms of local development, architectural history and artistic importance.

Two-storey, flat roof, one horizontally mounted and one vertically rising cube nested in one another, plastered facade, large windows.


Town hall (two addresses: Rathausstrasse 1 and Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 15) and ancillary building in the courtyard
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Town hall (two addresses: Rathausstrasse 1 and Heinrich-Kretschmann-Strasse 15) and ancillary building in the courtyard Rathausstrasse 1
1928 Elaborately designed, three-part plastered building in the forms of Art Deco, structural elements partly made of stone, architect: Arthur Carius, Leipzig, characterizing the street scene, significance in terms of local history, architectural history, artistic and urban development.

Two rectangular, three-storey buildings with a hipped roof standing at right angles to each other, connected by a central building placed at a corner (four storeys), hipped roof, slate covering, renovated, architect: A. Carius cf. Outbuilding: one storey, clinker brick facade


Church with equipment
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Church with equipment Schulstrasse 17
1964-1967 Hall building in traditional forms, asymmetrically inserted bell tower, architect: Fritz Ziel , Leipzig, significance in terms of local history, architectural history, church history and urban development.

Plastered building with artificial stone elements, saddle roof, street-side community rooms, main entrance on the side in the bell tower, altar wall and pulpit designed by the painter and graphic artist Werner Juza .


villa Schulstrasse 20
around 1910 Plastered building in the reform style around 1910, plastered structure and winter garden in wooden construction, significance in terms of local development.

Two-storey, hipped roof with bat dormers, two-storey porch on the right, conservatory-like wooden porch on the left, projections like a central risalit on the sides, plastered facade with sill cornice, folding shutters.


Steam cutting mill & timber dealership Bässler u. Bomnitz (former) (administration building) Steinweg 3
around 1890 Clinker brick building in a late historical design, with natural and artificial stone elements, characterizing the street scene, significance in terms of local history and building history.

Administration building: two-storey, 1 + 7 + 1 axis, half-hipped roof with dormers, corner projections, clinker brick facade with cornice, residential houses: two-storey, hipped roofs, risalits, clinker brick façades with cornices, demolition before 2012.


villa Steinweg 7
around 1900 Late historical plastered construction with plaster structures and window frames in clinker brick and artificial stone, significance in terms of building history.

One and a half story, 2 + 1 + 1 axis, half-hipped roof, central projection, plastered facade with green decorative tiles and window frames.


villa Viaduct 4
around 1915 Plastered building in the Reform and Heimat style around 1910, summer residence of a Leipzig entrepreneur, significance in terms of local development and building history.

One-storey, two-axis, mansard roof with crippled head, plastered facade, open entrance room at the right corner with pillars, left side: central projectile with bay windows, folding shutters.


Villa, with garden Zweenfurther Strasse 1c
around 1905 richly structured plastered building in country house style, glare framework and turrets with tail hood, significance in terms of local development and architectural history.

One-storey, hipped roofs, tower with a hood in the gusset of the two building wings, glare framework, large segmented arched window


Rental villa, with enclosure Zweenfurther Strasse 3
around 1900 Late historical plastered building with rich plaster structure, artificial stone and stucco elements, floating gable with sawed ornament, significance in terms of local development and building history.

Two-storey, T-shaped floor plan, two gable roofs at right angles, gable with free chevron, polygonal, two-storey bay window, central projection on the left side, plastered facade: plastering, corner cuboid, profiled eaves and cornice, profiled sills and window canopies on sculptured consoles.



image designation location Dating description ID
Manor Cunnersdorf b.  Taucha: Former mansion of a manor
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Manor Cunnersdorf b. Taucha: Former mansion of a manor Am Wieseneck 7
re. 1732 Baroque plastered building with porphyry tufa elements, mighty broken hipped roof, importance in terms of local history, cultural history and architectural history.

Formerly owned by the City Council of Leipzig (16th century - after 1920), plastered building with porphyry tuff walls and mansard hipped roof, with keystone from 1732, built into the courtyard over a rectangular floor plan, courtyard building in the second half of the 19th century, due to extensive changes no monuments.



image designation location Dating description ID
Dr. Margarete Blank Memorial and Meeting Center Panitzsch (Margarete Blank's house)
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Dr. Margarete Blank Memorial and Meeting Center Panitzsch (Margarete Blank's house) Dr.-Margarete-Blank-Strasse 15
around 1925 Arbor-like timber construction, from 1928 to 1945 the residence of Dr. Margarete Blank (1901–1945), a doctor and resistance fighter against fascism, executed in Dresden in February 1945, significance in terms of contemporary history and personal history.

The single-storey wood-paneled garden house with a hipped roof is located on the edge of Panitzsch. From the beginning of the 1930s to 1944 it was the residence of the German-Baltic doctor Margarete Blank, who had practiced in Panitzsch since 1929. Blank was executed in Dresden on February 8, 1945 for her medical help for concentration camp inmates and forced laborers. A memorial and meeting place has been set up in the house. The building embodies a memorable value in the history of people, combined with information about contemporary history, particularly related to National Socialism. Today museum.


Side building of a farm Hauptstrasse 2
around 1890 very elaborate, regionally typical design of a stable building in quarry stone as well as yellow and red clinker, architectural and local history significance.
  • Eastern side building: quarry stone masonry on the ground floor, red and yellow clinker brick on the upper floor, triangular gable, heavily weathered sandstone inscription board
  • Northern side building: yellow clinker bricks with a half-hip roof and beaver tail covering - cancellation 2012
  • Gable-independent house (1st half of the 19th century) with a gable roof - deletion in 2010

Memorial stone Margarete Blank (next to the school Hauptstraße 10)
Memorial stone Margarete Blank (next to the school Hauptstraße 10) Hauptstraße 10 (next to)
1950s Natural stone with a polished front and gold lettering, above a red triangle, in memory of Dr. Margarete Blank (1901–1945), a doctor and resistance fighter against fascism, executed in Dresden in February 1945, significance in terms of personal history and contemporary history.

Probably erected in the 1950s, a block made of natural stone (granite), commemorates the doctor Margarete Blank, who was executed on February 8, 1945 for her medical help for concentration camp prisoners and forced laborers, as well as a testimony to the GDR's culture of remembrance for victims of NS Regimes.


Side building and barn of a farm Hauptstrasse 15
End of the 19th century Quarry stone and brick buildings typical of the time and the region, with representative gable design, characterizing the street scene, significance in terms of local history and building history.

Large drive-through barn with original paving in the drive-through, gable roof with beaver tail covering, gable divided by pilaster strips, loading bar inside.


Panitzsch village church (church (with equipment) and churchyard with gate system, enclosure wall, war memorial for those who died in the First World War and some gravestones in the churchyard)
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Panitzsch village church (church (with equipment) and churchyard with gate system, enclosure wall, war memorial for those who fell in World War I and some gravestones in the churchyard) Lange Strasse (behind No. 17)
13th century Romanesque hall building with west tower, baroque pulpit altar, gate system with driveway and gate, classical tombstones, cuboid memorial for the fallen of the First World War, mourning soldier figure in relief, local history, architectural history, church history, artistic and townscape-defining (urban) significance.

Church: inside baroque furnishings, pulpit altar, two medieval bells, large bell from 1459, probably by Nikolaus Eisenberg , small bell from the end of the 14th century, both with incised drawings, remainder of the Romanesque baptismal font, baroque baptismal angel, late baroque Flemming organ from 1785, church received 1705 a longer rectangular nave.


Residential house, gate system and front garden enclosure of a three-sided courtyard Lange Strasse 1
around 1810 Plastered building with a half-hipped roof, probably half-timbered on the upper floor, gate entrance with side gate, part of the original town center development, significance for the local history and building history.

Barn: yellow clinker brick, large gates, roof missing, adjoins barn of number 3, which is designed similarly.


Gasthof Blauer Engel (former) (relief and seating niche portal of a former inn)
Gasthof Blauer Engel (former) (relief and seating niche portal of a former inn) Lange Strasse 5c
18th century Baroque sandstone relief with an angel figure, portal in Rochlitz porphyry tufa, with seats and fittings, historical and artistic significance.
  • Relief: sandstone slab with a standing angel figure turned slightly to the side, upper part with frame, consisting of acanthus leaf, volutes and garlands on the side, remains of paint and inscription
  • Door jambs: Rochlitz porphyry tuff, arched, arched part with fittings and angel's head, round seats on the sides, under the angel's head, Date: 1692.

Residential house, side building, barn and front garden enclosure of a three-sided courtyard Lange Strasse 8
around 1915 Plastered and clinker buildings, stately and closed courtyards, part of the historical town center development.
  • Residential house: gable-independent, plastered, hipped roof, clinker base, plaster, windows and roof recently restored, eaves cornice, arched windows on the courtyard side
  • Barn: yellow clinker brick with two large gates, gable roof. Stable plastered, beaver tail covering.

Residential house, side building, barn, gate entrance and courtyard paving of a farm
Residential house, side building, barn, gate entrance and courtyard paving of a farm Lange Strasse 13
around 1820 Residential house plastered earth building with a crooked hip roof, side building and barn plastered brick buildings, part of the historic town center development, significance for the local history and building history.
  • Residential building: two storeys, four axes, beaver tail covering, wooden window frames, 1st and 2nd floor solid clay, new windows, window size retained. Original small window with muntins on the gable side in the attic
  • Barn: plastered brick, gable roof, courtyard gate. Stable building: brick plastered, beaver tail covering, old roof structure, poor condition.

Residential house, two side buildings, barn and gate entrance to a four-sided courtyard Lange Strasse 15
around 1800 Residential house plastered construction with a gable roof, on the upper floor probably still partially half-timbered, side building and barn partly in brick and quarry stone, partly in brick masonry, closed preserved courtyard of the historic town center development, importance for the local history and building history.
  • Residential building: independent from the gable, arched windows, plastered gable windows, probably half-timbered building, new roof and windows.
  • Barn: brick, gable roof, beaver tail covering, stable (right) with quarry stone masonry, bricks, crooked hip roof, new covering, two mid-houses, a loading hatch, decorated ridge stones.

Rectory, two side buildings, gate system, enclosure wall and courtyard paving of a rectory Lange Strasse 17
around 1850 Rectory, stately plastered building with hipped roof, side buildings in quarry stone and brick masonry, partly plastered, representatively designed complex in the immediate vicinity of the church, significance for local history, church history and building history.
  • Residential house: two storeys, plastered structure, hipped roof with beaver tail covering, residential building: rubble stone base, plastered facade, gable roof, two mid-sized houses, old roof structure, building possibly made of solid clay
  • Barn: quarry stone masonry on the ground floor, bricks, partly solid clay, beaver tail covering
  • Enclosure wall made of field stones and clay (wall from the 18th century).

Ice cellar and open-air stage in the former manor park Sommerfelder Straße (in the park, behind No. 6)
around 1880 Ice cellar slightly elevated building in yellow clinker bricks with surrounding earth, stage multi-level system in quarry stone masonry, importance for local and architectural history.
  • Ice cellar, built around 1880, elevated and surrounded by a mound of earth, barrel and shield walls in yellow clinker, the access still reveals a romanticizing, natural design. The earth cellar is a testament to the economic attitude in the past, and it has an exemplary value in terms of building type
  • Open-air stage from 1962, multi-level structure, post and parapet walls made of quarry stone, semicircular front end. with stairs. Meaningful information on local cultural life in GDR times, as well as a document of a characteristic social building task, thus also of importance in terms of building history. (LfD / 2012)

Residential house, two side buildings, barn and entrance to a three-sided courtyard Teichstrasse 2
around 1915 Residential house with sophisticated plastered construction in the forms of the time around 1910, side building and barn partly plastered, partly yellow clinker buildings, as a well-preserved courtyard, testimony to the historical local development, local and architectural significance.
  • Residential building: mighty mansard gable, old windows and roof (beaver tail covering), small semicircular porch on the street side, clinkered on the ground floor, two small reliefs in the top floor area on the courtyard side, residential building built around 1910/15
  • First yellow brick stable and barn
  • Barn with arched barn doors, plastered second stable building

House of a former four-sided courtyard Teichstrasse 3
1st half of the 19th century Plastered building with a crooked hipped roof, in the core possibly clay construction or half-timbering, part of the historic town center development, significance in terms of local history and building history.
  • Residential building: two storeys, eaves, new windows, but sizes retained, moving roof truss
  • the stable adjoining the house: ground floor with quarry stone masonry, upper floor brick (plastered), gable roof
  • The side building on the gable has been changed significantly, as is the barn no monument
  • Court paving made of field stones, stable and courtyard paving were painted as a monument in 2004.

Residential house, two side buildings and gate system of a four-sided courtyard Teichstrasse 4
18th century Residential house plastered construction, in the core probably clay ground floor and half-timbered upper floor, side buildings in quarry stone and brick masonry, partly plastered, typical local courtyard, residential house probably one of the oldest buildings in the village, importance in terms of local and architectural history.
  • Residential building: presumably clay on the ground floor, facing the gable
  • Nice side building made of yellow brick, hipped roof, windows of the house new and enlarged, old windows and old roof
  • Red brick stable on the upper floor, quarry stone masonry on the ground floor with yellow brick framing of the doors and windows
  • Gate pillars with spherical crowns

Panitzsch mansion (former mansion)
Panitzsch mansion (former mansion) Teichstrasse 5
around 1860 Stately plastered construction, facade structure through corner projections, pilaster strips and blind arches, mansard roof, characterizing the townscape, importance in terms of local history and building history.

Two-storey building with quarry stone plinth and mansard roof, 2/3/2 axes, plastered facade, arched windows on the ground floor, rectangular windows on the upper floor (partially walled up), bungalow, old windows, street-side facade designed with two side elevations with pilaster strips, two tower-like additions to the rear, terrace new, Sandstone walls, rebuilt several times, interior no longer original equipment, used as a school from 1948 (Polytechnische Oberschule Dr. Margarete Blank).



image designation location Dating description ID
Dorfkirche Zweenfurth (church (with furnishings))
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Dorfkirche Zweenfurth (church (with furnishings)) Dorfstrasse
13th century Hall building, in the core Romanesque choir tower church, tower with a baroque tower, nave in the forms of the early neo-Gothic, significance in terms of local history, church history, architectural history, artistic and urban development importance.

Tower raised before 1751, hall 1844, restorations: 1895, 1938, 1991 single-storey gallery on three sides, the tower with a round arch opened to the west, a round arch added to the east, uniform classicist furnishings, 1844 organ by Christian Carl David Beyer .


Former malt house of the Erbschenkgut
Former malt house of the Erbschenkgut Dorfstrasse 2
2nd half of the 18th century Half-timbered building, used as a town house since 2001, significance in terms of local and architectural history.

Malt tent, soaked grain poured out here to germinate and grow out, two-story, eaves-standing construction, upper floor half-timbered, half-hipped roof, gate entrance and courtyard paving (deletion 2012).


House of a three-sided courtyard
House of a three-sided courtyard Dorfstrasse 12
around 1800 Gable-independent plastered construction, steep pitched roof, in the core probably half-timbered construction, importance in terms of local history and building history.
  • Residential house (number 12): two-storey, gable roof, profiled eaves cornice, double arched window in the gable, some old windows
  • Farm building (number 12a): clinker brickwork, gable roofs (deletion 2012)

Old Church School (former school, now residential building)
Old Church School (former school, now residential building) Dorfstrasse 13
1906 Relatively richly designed plastered building in late historical forms, with plaster structures and artificial stone elements, close proximity to the church, significance in terms of local history and building history.
  • Two-storey, four-axis, T-shaped floor plan, gable roofs, plastered facade: profiled eaves and cornice, plaster grooves, profiled window frames, elaborate portal and gable, used as a school until 1925, then a residential building
  • South-eastern half: two-storey, five-axis, half-hipped roof, ground floor: clay masonry, upper floor: half-timbered, double-transom, angular and braced, broken stone plinth, profiled eaves cornice, old door and window - canceled in 2012 after changes

Former parish hall
Former parish hall Dorfstrasse 23
around 1800 single-storey building with half-timbered gables, significance in terms of local history and social history.

One-storey, half-hip roof, dormer window, clay masonry, old door.


Syringe house
Syringe house Hirschfelder Strasse (in the center of the village, next to Dorfstrasse 1)
1844 Plastered construction, upper part boarded up, significance of local history.

One-storey, eaves-standing structure, gable roof, front side with a double-leaf gate, side roller gate on the long side probably younger.


Road bridge over the Parthe
Road bridge over the Parthe Hirschfelder Strasse
re. 1864 three-arched, quarry stone and brick masonry, significance in terms of building history and traffic history.

Three-arched bridge made of natural stone over the Parthe , brick and concrete.


Friedenslinde Hirschfelder Strasse (at Mühlenteich, opposite Mühlenstrasse 1)
1871 Planted in memory of the peace treaty in 1871, local and contemporary significance.

Winter linden tree, in front of it a boulder with a date, the square border with stone posts and iron grating probably goes back to the redesign of 2003/04.


Gasthof Zweenfurth (Former Inn)
Gasthof Zweenfurth (Former Inn) Hirschfelder Strasse 2
1853 Plastered construction with a simple facade structure typical of the time and a saddle roof, an important part of the townscape, significance in terms of local history and building history.
  • Inn: two-storey plastered building with gable roof and beautiful door with profiled walls, plaster renewed, old facade structure preserved, later shop installation, strong profiled eaves cornice
  • Outbuildings: One storey, Beucha granite, originally plastered, saddle roof, gable-independent, half-timbered gable

villa Hirschfelder Strasse 7
re. 1896 Late historical clinker brick building in the outskirts, significance in terms of local development.

Two-storey, saddle roof, clinker brick facade, quarry stone base, porch-like central projection with entrance and relief above it, porch on the left.


Cottage Mühlenstrasse 7
1st half of the 19th century Single-storey plastered building, part of the historical local development, significance in terms of building history.

One storey, gable roof, presumably adobe masonry.


House and gate of a farm
House and gate of a farm Mühlenstrasse 9
around 1800 Half-timbered building with a half-hipped roof, gate entrance with a side gate, one of the few farmhouses in the village that have been preserved in their old form, significance in terms of local history and architectural history.
  • Residential building: two-story, five-axis, half-hipped roof, upper floor half-timbered, double-bar, square braced
  • Exodus house: two-storey, gable roof, profiled eaves.


  1. The list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. This can be viewed by the responsible authorities. Therefore, the presence or absence of a structure or ensemble on this list does not guarantee that it is or is not a registered monument at the present time. The State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony provides binding information .

Web links

Commons : Kulturdenkmale in Borsdorf  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files