List of cultural monuments in Neukieritzsch

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Neukieritzsch coat of arms

The list of cultural monuments in Neukieritzsch contains the cultural monuments in Neukieritzsch .

This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .


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Neukieritzsch station (reception building)
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Neukieritzsch station (reception building) Bahnhofstrasse 1
1867 (train station) The station is on the Leipzig – Hof ( Saxon-Bavarian Railway ), Neukieritzsch – Chemnitz and the former Neukieritzsch – Pegau railway lines. His reception building is a plastered building with plaster and natural stone structures, which is of importance in terms of architectural and railway history. It has three floors, seven axes , a central risalit with pilaster strips , round-arched windows and an entrance door on the ground floor. The windows were replaced in plastic, the wooden platform roof is not a monument. 08970560

Former factory owner's villa with garden of the Eduard Oehme chemical factory
Former factory owner's villa with garden of the Eduard Oehme chemical factory Bahnhofstrasse 18
around 1870 The stately factory owner's villa with a castle-like character is of architectural and local significance. The building has two storeys, side elevations, a projecting central elevation with an attic storey and gable end. It has a plaster structure, has been completely renovated and is now used as the administrative building of the Agricultural Employer's Liability Insurance Association (nursing and retirement fund of the regional directorate for Central and Eastern Germany); a kindergarten was housed in it during the GDR era. 08970562

former post office
former post office Bahnhofstrasse 34
re. 1927 The building has a simple plastered facade and is a typical building in the traditionalist style of the late 1920s with many original details of architectural and local significance. It has a clinker brick base and a clinker brick frame of the portal and all windows, a new roof as a hipped roof. At the rear there is a portal with an original door with grilles and polished panes. 08970563

Luther Monument (Monument to Martin and Katharina Luther)
Luther Monument (Monument to Martin and Katharina Luther) Market
re. 1884 In Zöllsdorf, the reformer Martin Luther bought an outbuilding for his wife Katharina von Bora as a future widow's residence in 1540 , which later became a desert . The Zöllsdorf location in the Kieritzsch district fell victim to lignite mining, and the monument originally erected there was moved to Neukieritzsch. It is important in terms of local history and religious history. 08970564

Neukieritzsch cemetery, cemetery chapel with adjoining morgue Rudolf-Breitscheid-Strasse 45
around 1955 The plastered building with a gable roof and ridge turret was built in the traditionalist style of the 1950s and is of architectural and local significance. The building has a rectangular, plastered structure with an arched porphyry portal . Small bell towers are on the roof, the side buttresses are made of quarry stone , the connection to the morgue is a colonnade, the roof covering has been renewed. 08970559

Neukieritz School Schulstrasse 1
1928-1929 cubic three-storey building with structural plaster facades and a flat hipped roof; on the ground floor partly round windows, on the ridge in the axis of the main entrance a clock tower; Representative of a moderately modern architectural language of the 1920s; of importance in terms of local history, regional history and architectural history

The school building was built in 1928 based on designs by Curt Schiemichen , who was one of the most prominent and busiest architects of the 1920s and 1930s in Leipzig and the entire region. The school building in Neukieritzsch is an important example of his work outside of the trade fair city. With the exception of minor changes, it has retained its historical appearance. It documents the architect's ability to build “modern” in the sense of contemporary without appearing radical. With such an attitude, Schiemichen achieved buildings that fit into the regional conditions and thus became part of the regional building history. The school building also refers to the development of the southern area of ​​the Leipzig region in the period between the two world wars, which was characterized by a transformation of a once agricultural landscape into an industrial region. Ultimately, the property also has a typological significance. (LfD / 2011)



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Wasserturm Briquette Factory Deutzen (water tower of a former briquette factory)
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Wasserturm Briquette Factory Deutzen (water tower of a former briquette factory) (Map) 1925 A widely visible, landscape-defining water tower (spherical tank), an iron construction by the Dortmund company August Klönne , which has now become rare , the last surviving industrial water tower of this construction in Saxony, of national technical significance. (an iron construction from serial production (since 1898))

The towering water tower, visible from afar, is the last remaining structure of the former Deutzen briquette factory. It was built in 1925 by Lauchhammer-Rheinmetall Aktiengesellschaft for the Stolzenberg briquette factory near Graefenhainichen and moved to Deutzen in 1938. In the process, the open steel framework, standing on six supports and tapering towards the top, was increased by 11 to 58.5 meters. As a purely functional industrial building, the tower is kept completely unadorned, even the 200 cubic meter, spherical water tank of the Klönne type is not encased. In this type of construction, it is the last surviving industrial water tower in Saxony and is of national importance in terms of technology history.


Catholic parish church St. Konrad (church with furnishings)
Catholic parish church St. Konrad (church with furnishings) At the church
re. 1954 A good example of a new church building from the 1950s, in the traditionalist style, architect: Andreas Marquart, Leipzig, of architectural, artistic and local significance. An open tower hall, the hall building with a lateral west tower, arched arcades, plastered building with stone base, the window frames made of artificial stone, lead glass windows (ornamental representation) have been completely preserved. 08970105

Deutzen cemetery: memorials to fallen soldiers from the First and Second World Wars and VVN memorial in the cemetery and cemetery chapel August-Bebel-Strasse 6
around 1930/1950 The chapel is a plastered building on an angled floor plan with clinker brick structure, an architecturally interesting building in traditionalist style, of local history. The memorial for the fallen of the First World War is made of artificial stone, that of the Second World War is made of porphyry, the monument VVN was built around 1950 from a red block of artificial stone with a top and is a bowl with a stylized torch with a small square. The cemetery chapel dates from around 1930 and is a plastered building with clinker bricks and pillars (with irregularly partially protruding clinker bricks), as well as a stepped arched portal made of clinker bricks, the doors and windows are original. 08970104

Water tower
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Water tower Ernst-Thälmann-Strasse
1955 In the old location of Röthigen, a red brick building with pilaster strips, of importance in terms of supply and technology.

The water tower in the old location of Röthigen was built in the early 1950s (construction plans 1952) by VEB Braunkohlenwerk Borna as a replacement for the Blumroda water tower, which was demolished in the course of lignite mining. The round brick building impresses with its clear, functional design language. The tower shaft is structured by pilaster strips and narrow, frameless windows above an unadorned base. The container floor with the reinforced concrete tank with a capacity of 1000 cubic meters is optically separated from the tower shaft by a concrete cornice and is illuminated by a row of windows below the eaves. A flat, cantilevered conical roof completes the tower. The water tower has not been in operation since the late 1990s and has only served as a carrier for cell phone antennas since then. As a testimony to the former town of Röthigen, the water tower is of local historical importance. It is also of historical building and technical value. (LfD / 2017)

A high round side building with artificial stone cornice, a round shaft with an upper floor with pilaster strips, a stepped main cornice, stepped round arched gate, rubble base, stone steps to the entrance, the avenue leading to the water tower (no monument), inside a non-accessible circular staircase, sump rods water tower was replaced in 1955 as a replacement water tower built for the water tower in Blumroda, as this was removed / devastated in the course of the lignite mining of the place Blumroda (east of Regis-Breitingen). The water tower is no longer in operation today.


Gate system (with three pillars) of a three-sided courtyard Ernst-Thälmann-Strasse 1
Mid 19th century In the old location of Röthigen, three pillars made of sandstone with vase crowns, of artistic and artistic importance. The gate system has a flat arch with a wedge. 08970096

House of a farm Ernst-Thälmann-Strasse 11
around 1820 In the old location of Röthigen, a half-timbered building with a half-hipped roof, a small homestead in a location that characterizes the townscape, of architectural significance. The building has two floors, the ground floor is plastered, the window sizes are largely original, the roof structure is old, the roof is a half-hip roof, the shutters are old, a gable wall is partially bricked up and plastered, and there is a more recent addition to the rear. 08970100

House of a farm Gartenstrasse 6
around 1800 In the old location of Röthigen, a gable-independent farmhouse, the half-timbered upper floor visible on the courtyard side, with a crooked hip roof, as part of the original local development of architectural significance. The building has two storeys, quarry stone masonry plastered on the ground floor, visible framework on the courtyard side on the upper floor, otherwise clad and plastered, a crooked hip roof with an old roof structure, a profiled wooden eaves, the window sizes have been partially changed. 08970097

Barn of a former three-sided farm Röthiger Weg 15
around 1800 In the old location of Röthigen, a half-timbered building with clay braid infills and bat dormers facing the courtyard, as part of the original local development of architectural significance. The barn has a large wooden gate and a small front door. 08970101

Big dogs

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Residential building Lobstädter Strasse 12
around 1905 The building with a shop and an urban-looking plastered facade with clinker brick structure has a crooked hip roof and is a stately street-style building with Art Nouveau ornaments, of importance in terms of architectural history. The two-storey building has yellow-green clinker edging all around, the windows are old, the roof has a plain tile covering, on the first and second floors attractive window frames with Art Nouveau ornaments, formerly a shop, the cellar door with handle, a courtyard door with handle, the stairwell are original , Apartment doors, AWC doors, simple staircase windows, the shop door on the facade. 08970543

Nicolaikirche Großzössen (church (with equipment))
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Nicolaikirche Großzössen (church (with equipment)) Road of peace
2nd half of the 14th century A simple hall church with a turret, of architectural and local significance. A Gothic rectangular hall with a pointed roof turret. In 1896 the interior was designed by the architect Julius Zeißig . 08970546

Stable house of a former three-sided courtyard Road of Peace 10
1st half of the 19th century A building with a plastered half-timbered upper floor and a gable roof, as a well-preserved, typical residential house from the 19th century, historically significant with two storeys, old windows on the upper floor, probably half-timbered, the roof with double beaver tail covering. 08970558

Residential building Witznitzer Strasse 5
19th century A well-preserved half-timbered building of the historical local development, historically important. The building has two floors, a massive ground floor plastered, the half-timbered partially with clay infill, an old roof structure with new roofing, the windows old, eaves on the back, also made of half-timbered. 08970539

Residential house and attached side building Witznitzer Strasse 6
19th century A half-timbered building from the 19th century that characterizes the street scene and is of architectural significance. The house has two storeys, on the upper floor half-timbered plastered, a saddle roof with double beaver tail covering on an old roof structure, windows on the eaves are installed, wooden window frames in the gable. 08970538

Material entirety of the Soviet cemetery of honor: with memorial stone, individual graves and green design (as totality parts) Witznitzer Strasse 10 (opposite)
after 1945 (memorial) Cemetery with tombs for Soviet forced laborers, a memorial stone as an obelisk on a pedestal with inscription panels, of historical importance. 08970644


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New school (school (now residential building))
New school (school (now residential building)) Kahnsdorfer Strasse 1
1912 A plastered building with a mansard roof and gable, in the reform style of the time around 1910, a building that shapes the street and is of local historical importance. The building has two storeys, a plastered building with a gable, a cross above, a crooked hip roof on an old roof structure, beaver tail covering. 08970701

Residential stable house, side building and barn of a three-sided courtyard Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 17
around 1800, later reshaped In the old location of Zöpen, a stable house with a half-timbered upper floor and crooked hip roof, the stately three-sided courtyard is of architectural and local significance. The stable house is independent from the gable, the gable side is plastered with Wilhelminian style decorations, the gable windows are new and recently renovated, the outbuilding is also gable-free, single-storey, the roof is covered with beaver tail, the barn is barely visible, but has a half-timbered ground floor. 08970509

Parsonage (parsonage and side building as well as the gate system of a parsonage as well as the Saxon coat of arms on the gate system) Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 18
Early 19th century In the old location of Zöpen, both buildings with half-timbered upper floor and half-hipped roof, the side building with segmental arch portals and porphyry tufa window frames, the gate pillars of the courtyard access with sandstone cover, a well-preserved part of the local development, of architectural and local importance. The rectory has two floors, the ground floor plastered quarry stone masonry, on the upper floor visible framework, the crooked hip roof with two bat dormers and old roof trusses. The side building has two floors, quarry stone and rammed earth masonry partially added brick, on the upper floor visible framework with clay wattle infill, the windows and doors on the ground floor with porphyry walls, the roof truss and the roof covering old, the roof as a crooked hipped roof, doors with flat arches and wedge, gate pillars belong to the Parish, marked 1516. 08970499

Stable house of a farm Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 19
around 1800 In the old location of Zöpen, a well-preserved part of the original development in the center of the village, of architectural and local significance. The half-timbered building is two-storey and gable-independent, rammed earth brickwork plastered on the ground floor, visible framework on the upper floor, the window sizes are original, the windows are partly old, in the gable there are two very old windows, the crooked hipped roof, the roof truss and roofing are old, the green beam painting of the framework is typical of the area. 08970507

Individual monument belonging to the Zöpen manor: farm building of a manor (see also group 08970702) Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 21
around 1820 In the old location of Zöpen, a building with plastered brick and quarry stone masonry and a crooked hip roof, as part of the former Zöpen manor of local historical importance. The plastered building has two floors, quarry stone and brick masonry plastered, on the upper floor exposed framework with brick infill, the window sizes are original, the arched windows on the ground floor with iron struts, the roof truss and roof covering old, porphyry window sills on the upper floor, some with window frames made of porphyry on the ground floor, cornice ( Brick) roof structure and roofing old, wooden eaves. 08970506

Tenement house Mühlenstrasse 6
around 1890 In the old location of Zöpen, a clinker brick building from the Gründerzeit with artificial stone and plaster structure on the ground floor, as a stately historical building with a richly structured facade of architectural significance. The building has a clinker facade with a clinker base, window crowns and frames are made of artificial stone, plaster grooves on the ground floor, partially glazed clinker on the facade used as decoration, risalit with hipped roof gable, two dormer windows with ceramic knobs, original front door, staircase, apartment doors, floor tiles. 08970503

Mühlgut Zöpen (residential building, mill wing, stable building, barn and gate system (archway and two gates) of a mill property) Mühlenstrasse 10
in core 1760 according to information In the old location of Zöpen, the residential building with a simple plastered facade and crooked hip roof is of local historical importance as a closed, preserved complex. The residential building consists of quarry stone masonry and remains of plastered half-timbering on the ground floor, half-timbering plastered on the upper floor, old crooked hip roof, roof truss and roofing, the window sizes on the upper floor are partly original, a profiled wooden eaves, the ground floor and upper floor changed on the courtyard side, labeled JAF 1760. The room is provided with boards and notched beams, the gate system is bricked with a basket arch gate and wedge stone, two small flat arch doors, marked JFS 1870, wheel deflectors. The stable building is a plastered building on an L-shaped floor plan, plastered quarry stone masonry, hipped roof and saddle roof on the courtyard side, inside a groin vault with belts on stone pillars, remnants of sandstone frames of the windows and doors, garage installation. The barn is a half-timbered and plastered brick building, large gates with towering roofs and a small gate. 08970504

Side building and gate system (gate entrance and gate) of a farm Pürstener Strasse 6
19th century In the old location of Pürsten, plastered facade with plastered structure, gable roof, porphyry tufa walls, a courtyard that characterizes the street at the entrance to the village, of architectural significance. The house / side building on the left has sandstone sills, an old roof structure and a beaver tail covering, and an attached outbuilding which is at right angles to the courtyard. 08970525

Residential stable of a former four-sided courtyard Pürstener Strasse 12
End of the 19th century In the old location of Pürsten, a stately building with a rich facade structure, historically important. The brick building has two storeys with elaborate window crowns, a subtle plaster structure, cornice structure and a gable roof. 08970531

Residential house, side building and gate system (gate entrance and gate) of a farm Pürstener Strasse 18
2nd half of the 19th century In the old location of Pürsten, a residential building with a simple plastered facade and saddle roof, buildings of a courtyard that determine the course of the street, of architectural significance. The house is eaves, has two storeys, a saddle roof on an old roof structure with old beaver tail covering, the windows in the gable are mostly walled up, two small windows in the gable are old. The farm building with storage hatch, plastered facade and beaver tail covering. 8970520 0 8970520

The Zöpen property as a whole, with the individual monuments: farm buildings (Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 21, see also individual monument 08970506) and further farm buildings (Straße des Aufbaus 6, see also individual monument 08970505), former park with old trees (garden monument), furthermore with the totality part : Residential building (with remains of the former manor house, street of construction 5)
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The Zöpen property as a whole, with the individual monuments: farm buildings (Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 21, see also individual monument 08970506) and further farm buildings (Straße des Aufbaus 6, see also individual monument 08970505), former park with old trees (garden monument), furthermore with the totality part : Residential building (with remains of the former manor house, street of construction 5) Construction 5 road; 6
19th century, older in essence In the old location of Zöpen, farm buildings in solid and half-timbered construction, of local historical importance. Only remnants of the manor are left, it was formerly connected to the Kahnsdorf manor by a pond. 08970702

Individual monument belonging to the Zöpen manor: farm building of a manor (see also group 08970702) Construction Road 6
around 1820 In the old location of Zöpen with half-timbered upper floor and half-timbered ground floor, crooked hip roof, as part of the former Zöpen manor of architectural and local significance. The building has two floors, on the ground floor partially exposed framework, partially plastered, on the upper floor exposed framework and brick infill, the window sizes are mostly original, roof structure and roofing old, wooden eaves strongly profiled on the outside, crooked hipped roof, the windows are partly very old and four-part. 08970505

Laurentiuskirche Kahnsdorf-Zöpen (church (with furnishings) and memorial for those who fell in the Franco-Prussian War 1870/1871 in the churchyard)
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Laurentiuskirche Kahnsdorf-Zöpen (church (with furnishings) and memorial for those who fell in the Franco-Prussian War 1870/1871 in the churchyard) Theodor-Sältze-Strasse
around 1500 In the old location of Zöpen, a Gothic hall church with a retracted polygonal choir and west tower, the church tower is overformed in the Baroque style, neo-Gothic furnishings, structural history, local history and the townscape of importance. The hall building with choir and three-sided apse has a west tower with polygonal staircase turrets, plastered building with plaster structure and broken stone plinth, 17th century baroque portal, windows and doors with porphyry frames, the war memorial is made of sandstone. 08970498

Residential building Theodor-Sältze-Strasse 3
re. 1890, older in essence A well-preserved half-timbered house from around 1800, historically important, with a solid ground floor, plastered, gable-free, old windows, old roof structure, new bricks. 08970515

Individual features of the aggregate Rittergut Kahnsdorf: Gutsverwalterhaus (residential house and adjoining farm building of a manor (see also aggregate 08970513))
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Individual features of the aggregate Rittergut Kahnsdorf: Gutsverwalterhaus (residential house and adjoining farm building of a manor (see also aggregate 08970513)) Theodor-Sältze-Strasse 4
Late 18th century (residential building) A residential house with sandstone ground floor and half-timbered upper floor (Thuringian ladder half-timbered), the upper floor in the stable building consists of half-timbered, partly plastered, half-hipped roof, a well-preserved part of the local development in the immediate vicinity of the manor house, of architectural and local importance. The stable has a rubble stone base, two storeys, an old roof structure and the old beaver tail covering. The house has a massive sandstone ground floor, the half-timbered upper floor with old windows, old roof truss, old beaver tail covering, the upper floor with wooden window frames. 08970514

Subject aggregate Rittergut Kahnsdorf, with the individual monuments: residential house and adjoining farm building (Theodor-Sältze-Straße 4, see individual monument 08970514), New Manor House (Theodor-Sältze-Straße 8, see individual monument 08970511), old manor house (Theodor-Sältze-Straße 10, see individual monument 08970512) and former park (garden monument), furthermore with the totality parts: other former farm buildings of the manor (Theodor-Sältze-Straße 6, 12, 14 and 16 / 16a), the square with old trees, driveway (former bridge) and paving
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Subject aggregate Rittergut Kahnsdorf, with the individual monuments: residential house and adjoining farm building (Theodor-Sältze-Straße 4, see individual monument 08970514), New Manor House (Theodor-Sältze-Straße 8, see individual monument 08970511), old manor house (Theodor-Sältze-Straße 10, see individual monument 08970512) and former park (garden monument), furthermore with the totality parts: other former farm buildings of the manor (Theodor-Sältze-Straße 6, 12, 14 and 16 / 16a), the square with old trees, driveway (former bridge) and paving Theodor-Sälze-Strasse 4; 6; 8th; 10; 12; 14; 16; 16a
18./19. Century The residential and farm buildings partly with half-timbered upper floor. The old mansion is a simple plastered building with a hipped roof, the new mansion is a stately neo-baroque building from around 1900, of architectural and local significance. 08970513

Barn of a three-sided farm Theodor-Sältze-Strasse 5
Early 19th century Typical buildings with half-timbered gables, half-timbered, half-hipped roof, old windows, old roof trusses, new bricks. 08970528

Individual monument of the totality of the Rittergut Kahnsdorf: New mansion (see also totality 08970513)
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Individual monument of the totality of the Rittergut Kahnsdorf: New mansion (see also totality 08970513) Theodor-Sälze-Strasse 8 1902-1903 A stately neo-baroque building from around 1900, of architectural and local importance. The building has a mansard roof, two storeys, quarry stone plinths, the windows are accentuated by roofs, the corners are accentuated by pilasters, and gable ends at the end of the risalites, the building was partially renovated two years ago. 08970511

Individual monument of the totality of the Rittergut Kahnsdorf: Altes Herrenhaus, so-called Schillerhaus (see also totality 08970513)
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Individual monument of the totality of the Rittergut Kahnsdorf: Altes Herrenhaus, so-called Schillerhaus (see also totality 08970513) Theodor-Sältze-Strasse 10
1686/1687 Dendro A simple plastered building with a hipped roof, the place where Friedrich Schiller and Christian Gottfried Körner , Theodor Körner's father, met in 1785, of significance in terms of building history, local history, intellectual and cultural history and personal history.

The old manor house of the Kahnsdorf manor was built according to dendorchronological findings in 1687/88 when Daniel Christian Kresse was the lord of the manor in Kahnsdorf. He had acquired the property around 1668. In 1767 the Leipzig scholar and university professor Johann August Ernesti (1707–1781) - initially in community, from 1771 sole - owner of the Kahnsdorf manor, the property then passed through inheritance to Johann Christian Gottlieb Ernesti (1756–1802), nephew of Johann August Ernesti. July 1, 1785 Friedrich Schiller and Christian Gottfried Körner meet in Kahnsdorf through the connection of the Ernesti and Körner families. 1813 possibly stay of the wounded Theodor Körner in Kahnsdorf, who was led by Dr. Christian Alfred Wendler, husband of the landowner Rahel Henriette b. Ernesti, hidden and taken care of. Remodeling in the early 19th century, mainly with changes to the interior. As a result of the land reform, the building was used as a school, municipal office and for residential purposes. From 2009 renovation and restoration of the historical appearance. The old mansion is a two-storey plastered building, kept simple, in a half-timbered construction on a broken stone base. A high hipped roof covers the building as a characteristic element of the time it was built in the late 17th century. This carried a roof turret until the 1950s. The semicircular extension on the back was also omitted due to structural changes in the years of the GDR. As a result of the renovation from 2009 inside, a number of historical design findings from different times were identified and secured. The old manor house Kahnsdorf is an important testimony to the building history and building culture in the south of Leipzig. It exemplarily documents the development of regional manor architecture, especially manor house construction, in the late 17th century. At the same time it refers to the history of the manor Kahnsdorf and its connection with the local history as well as to the important historical role of the manor in general, which for centuries was a decisive factor for the cultural and economic development of Saxony. Through the connection to outstanding personalities in literature and the intellectual life, it also gains importance for intellectual and cultural history in a national context. (LfD / 2015)

Quarry stone base, two storeys, very high hipped roof, formerly surrounded by a moat, the window arrangement was changed through modernization, in 1785 the house was briefly residence of Friedrich Schiller, the beginnings of the former Wendelstein can still be seen. (see Palaces around Leipzig v. A. Schwarz, p. 91/92)


House of a farm Theodor-Sältze-Strasse 18
1st half of the 19th century A well-preserved half-timbered house in a location that shapes the townscape and is of importance in terms of building history. The building has two floors, the upper floor is half-timbered, the gables were plastered and the windows are old. 08970532

Kahnsdorf-Zöpen cemetery: mortuary, tombs of the Förster, Beyer, Winter and Schwarzburger families, crypt of the manor owner Nordmann, sandstone tomb (plague column?) And neo-Gothic tomb in the cemetery Zöpener Strasse
1st half of the 19th century (Förster tomb) In the old location of Zöpen, of local history. Fam. Förster, crypt, Fam. Beyer with enclosure (grave slab Second World War wood), morgue, grave family Winter around 1920, sandstone grave in very bad condition, neo-Gothic grave. 08970537

Old school (former school (now residential building)) Zöpener Strasse 16
1st half of the 19th century In the old location of Zöpen, partly with half-timbered upper floor, windows and doors with porphyry tufa walls on the ground floor, as part of the original town center development in the immediate vicinity of the church, of architectural and local significance. The building has two storeys, the first floor plastered, on the upper floor eaves side visible framework, a profiled wooden eaves, on the first floor windows and doors on the town side with porphyry frames. 08970500

Residential building Zöpener Strasse 17
1st half of the 19th century old location Zöpen, half-timbered upper floor on massive ground floor, original part of the old local development, of architectural importance.

two storeys, half-timbered building, eaves, plastered first floor, upper floor visible half-timbering, front door and windows old, roof truss old, windows and shutters old



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Kieritzsch village church (church (with furnishings) as well as churchyard with churchyard gate and hereditary burial of the von Funcke family)
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Kieritzsch village church (church (with furnishings) as well as churchyard with churchyard gate and hereditary burial of the von Funcke family) Dorfplatz
re. 1699 A baroque hall church with east tower, in the core probably a medieval choir tower church, the tomb of the manor owners von Funcke in a sophisticated historical design, of importance in terms of building history, the history of the town and the townscape. The church is a simple hall building with a retracted rectangular choir and a manorial lodge built to the north, two sandstone pillars, renovated in 1994 (weather vane). The grave of the von Funcke family (owners of the manor) made of sandstone is a free-standing wall structure with a central section framed by sloping sides with an arched position and coat of arms as well as an inscription plaque in marble. 08970566

House, barn, side building and gate system of a farm Dorfplatz 69
1st half of the 19th century The residential building with a timber-framed upper floor and a half-hipped roof is a well-preserved property in the immediate vicinity of the church and is of architectural importance. The house has two floors, on the ground floor brick plastered, on the upper floor exposed framework, the windows new, roof and roof truss old, stable and barn made of brick masonry. 08970567

Rectory and gate of the rectory
Rectory and gate of the rectory Dorfplatz 70
around 1670 A simple plastered facade, the upper floor partly half-timbered, hipped roof, the courtyard access with three gate pillars, a stately building of local historical importance. The building is a two-storey plastered building (brick construction) with a cornice, a very high hipped roof with beaver tail covering, the roof structure and the windows are old. 08970565

War memorial for the fallen of the First World War, with enclosure Dorfplatz 80 (next to)
after 1918 (war memorial) A granite stick with a relief and an inscription for those who fell in World War I, later also for those who fell in World War II. 08970568

Kieritzsch cemetery: three tombs in the cemetery Pödelwitzer Strasse
19th century Three characteristic sandstone tombstones of different times and forms, of local and cultural significance. A neo-Gothic tombstone with a pointed arch, around 1870, a classical tombstone in the form of a pedestal, around 1820 and a tombstone in the form of a tree trunk, from around 1890. 08970575


image designation location Dating description ID
Lippendorf power plant: Buildings and parts of the former Lippendorf power plant: Facade of the former vocational school (northern section of Werkstrasse), former archive building (Werkstrasse, across from Busplatz), laboratory building on Industriestrasse (Map) around 1935 (vocational school) The buildings are mostly made of clinker construction and have echoes of the modern style, a power station building from the 1920s and 1960s, as the last protected evidence of lignite power generation in the GDR era in the southern area of ​​Leipzig, no production buildings from this period have survived, with regional and economic significance.
  • 1920 first concepts for establishing a state energy supply: electricity generation based on a few state-owned large power plants à to this foundation of the AG Sächsische Werke AG: ASW, Lippendorf in the second phase (first expansion phase of power plant capacities 1920-1940) established (Berkner / Wagenbreth, p. 136), 1925/26 Commissioning of the first section of the first industrial power plant at the site
  • Constant expansion of capacity led to the conversion (1964-69 construction of the old Lippendorf power station) à "technological flagship" next to Thierbach (after the demolition of Thierbach's Lippendorf last evidence of lignite generation in the GDR era in the southern Leipzig area)
  • Combined condensation and industrial power plant with an expansion capacity of 600 MW (electrical) and 500 MW (thermal)
  • 1996 partial shutdown
  • 1995–2000 new construction of the Lippendorf power plant,

From the buildings of the old industrial area or power station location Böhlen have been preserved:

  • The former vocational school (Gem. Gaulis, Flstk. 181/13), around 1935, clinker brick central project, the entrance with three lamps, a flag holder on the gable, three floors, central building on the right and left four axes of plaster, the additions to the side wings are two-story
  • The former laboratory building (Gem. Lippendorf, Flstk. 1/149) on the street "BO 1", now Industriestraße, three-storey, clinker brick facade with clinker brick structure, iron flag holder, 25 axes, new windows
  • the archive building (Gem. Pulgar, Flstk. 1/30) probably built together with the subsequent and now demolished administration building in 1928/29, two-storey, attractively structured clinker building, hipped roof


image designation location Dating description ID
Transformer tower Alt-Witznitzer Strasse
1920s The transformer tower was possibly built in 1925 as a type construction and has a plastered facade with a tower top in half-timbered construction, of importance in terms of supply history as well as technical and architectural history. 08970603

Lobstädt cemetery: cemetery chapel
Lobstädt cemetery: cemetery chapel Alt-Witznitzer Strasse
1925 A simple plastered building with a roof turret, of local and architectural significance. The chapel on rubble stone plinth and plastered facade has an arched portal with an old window. 08970602

House and enclosure Alt-Witznitzer Strasse 6
around 1890 An attractively designed, Wilhelminian-style plastered facade with clinker brick structure, elevated central projectile, of architectural significance, the building has two floors, triangular gable, clinker brick structure, old roof structure, old plain tile roofing, the windows are new. 08970625

Side building of a farm Dora-Helene-Strasse 6
re. 1728 As part of the historical town development with sandstone walls and half-timbered buildings with clay infills, of architectural significance. The building has two floors, a gable roof with beaver tail covering, the ground floor with sandstone walls, half-timbering with clay infills, portal from 1728 (?). 08970631

Lobstädt railway station;  Railway line Neukieritzsch – Chemnitz: reception building of Lobstädt station
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Lobstädt railway station; Railway line Neukieritzsch – Chemnitz: reception building of Lobstädt station Eisenbahnstrasse 2
1914 (train station) A railway station (LLO - 12818 II, km 139.5) on the Neukieritzsch – Chemnitz 6385 railway line , sä. KC, interesting in terms of building history, significant in terms of traffic history. The reception building with the heavily modified counter hall in the east part, windows renewed, in the west part the administration area is two and a half storeys high, with partially original interior fittings, doors, partitions (wood) with skylights, old windows, bat dormer windows, and the original plain tile roofing.


  • 1882 goods shed (demolished)
  • 1886 rail scales (broken off)
  • 1905 operated as a train station
  • 1914/16 station building
  • 1916 farm building
  • 1999 Operation as a breakpoint
  • September 9, 1999 abandonment of signal boxes W1, B2
  • October 2014 Dismantling of platform roofing 2/3, conversion of the reception building and the farm building

Double tenement house Luck-On-Road 2; 4
around 1925 A stately structure with a simple plaster structure and original furnishings inside, of architectural significance. The building has two floors, all windows are old, mansard gables, a simple plaster structure, directly at the train station, the front door with handle, the cellar door, the stairwell, apartment doors, AWC doors are original. 08970629

villa Glück-Auf-Straße 11
around 1900 A well-designed plastered facade with ornamental framework, some with Art Nouveau décor, a structure-defining villa building in an important location, of importance in terms of building history. The villa has two floors and is made of brick, an old roof structure with beaver tail covering, old windows and an old front door. 08970635

Gasthaus Neue Welt (now residential building) Glück-Auf-Straße 17
around 1910 A picturesque grouped building with a simple plastered facade as well as half-timbered bay and gable, an architecturally interesting building of local historical importance. The building has a multi-part roof landscape, half-timbered gable, half-timbered bay window, an original entrance door, beaver tail covering, half-timbered gable, the guest house garden was built over before 2012, so it was recorded as demolition. 08970640

Villa (No. 35), pavilion, enclosure, gardener's house (No. 37) and villa garden (with fountain and old trees, garden monument) Lucky-On-Road 35; 37
around 1915 A villa with a picturesque plastered facade and mansard roof, half-timbered gable, a representative complex, as the director's villa of the briquette works "Dora and Helene" in Großzössen near Lobstädt, of architectural and local significance. The villa is very large with a high roof, tower, winter garden and slated bay window as well as a semicircular porch on the first floor. 08970642

Dorfkirche Lobstädt (church (with furnishings))
Dorfkirche Lobstädt (church (with furnishings)) Kirchstrasse
around 1490 The late Gothic hall church with polygonal choir closure and west tower is important in terms of architectural history, the history of the place and the appearance of the town. The church is a hall with a three-sided closed choir with buttresses. 08970611

Residential house of a mill estate Mühlgasse 8
re. 1824 A stately home close to the castle, of architectural and local significance. The building with half-timbered upper floor, one-sided half-hipped roof and two arched portals has two floors, an old roof structure with a new covering, probably porphyry walls on the gable side and a portal with a date. 08970598

Residential stable house, side building, barn, gate and courtyard paving of a farm Neumarkt 1
1st half of the 19th century A stately three-sided courtyard with many original details close to the church, the stable house on the upper floor with Thuringian ladder half-timbering, two floors, exposed half-timbered upper floor, old windows, massive ground floor, old roof truss, beaver tail covering and crooked hip roof, the solid barn, brick with clinker brick structure and two large gates, sandstone plaque (illegible!), the stable plastered, with two hatches. 08970612

Side building and stable building of a farm Neumarkt 4
19th century As a structural component of a former homestead, historically important. A gable side building on the upper floor half-timbered plastered, eaves facing the street as well as a small massive stable building with two storeys, probably a half-timbered building with an old roof structure and beaver tail covering, old windows (well preserved), the single-storey auxiliary building is eaves with a plastered facade and a gable roof. 08970621

Barn of a farm Neumarkt 9
19th century A stately half-timbered barn with a half-hipped roof, historically important. The barn has an old roof structure with old beaver tail covering, the half-timbering with partial clay infills. 08970620

House of a farm Querstraße 1
around 1820 A residential building with a half-timbered upper floor and a half-hipped roof, in a corner position to Alt-Witznitzer Strasse, a relatively unchanged half-timbered building in an important urban location, historically significant. 08970604

Lobstädt Palace (castle of a manor)
Lobstädt Palace (castle of a manor) Schlossstrasse 27
16th century, later reshaped A stately two-storey two-wing complex, essentially from the Renaissance, local history, architectural history and artistic importance. A stately two-storey building on a T-shaped floor plan with a high pitched roof, hipped to the east, the west wing with profiled window walls from the 16th century, on the north side there is an extension with a slightly higher roof from the 19th century, there is no park . 08970599

Lobstädter School (School) Victoriastraße 2
around 1890 An appealing building of local historical importance. The building is a two-storey building with a quarry stone base, nine axes, a profiled portal with an old entrance door, new windows, profiled window frames, inside there are old doors and vestibule doors, recently renovated. 08970601

Postgut (residential building and side building of a former post office)
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Postgut (residential building and side building of a former post office) Victoriastraße 9
1st half of the 19th century A stately residential building with a simple plastered facade and half-hipped roof, the side building with half-timbered upper floor and arcade to the courtyard, a large courtyard in the center of the town, of historical and architectural importance. The residential building is eaves and has two storeys and has recently been renovated, as well as a farm building with an elevator hatch. 08970617

Memorial to the fallen of the First World War, with stairs Victoriastraße 19 (next to)
after 1918 (war memorial) For the victims of the First World War, of local historical importance. 08970616

Rectory Victoriastraße 21
1824 A stately building with a half-timbered upper floor and a half-hipped roof, of architectural and local importance. The building has a quarry stone base, a massive ground floor, half-timbering, old roof structure, new windows, probably porphyry walls. 08970615

Side building of a farm Victoriastraße 37
1st half of the 19th century A building with a half-timbered upper floor and a half-hipped roof, a well-preserved stately stable, of architectural significance. The building is gable-free with an old roof structure and old beaver tail covering as well as old windows. The gable side of the stable is plastered. 08970594


  1. The list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. This can be viewed by the responsible authorities. Therefore, the presence or absence of a structure or ensemble on this list does not guarantee that it is or is not a registered monument at the present time. The State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony provides binding information .

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