List of mills on Rodebach

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Weir mill
Millener mills

The list of mills on the Rodebach includes the mills that were or are still standing on the Rodebach .

The Rodebach begins at a retention basin near Siepenbusch in the town of Übach-Palenberg in North Rhine-Westphalia at an altitude of 105 m above sea level. The Rodebach has a length of 28.9 km to its confluence with the Geleenbeek near Oud-Roosteren in the Netherlands.

Falling groundwater levels, lower rainfalls and straightening the stream in the 1960s brought the end of mill operations for all mills.

The 14 mills are listed from the source to the mouth

  • Engelsmühle in Gangelt- Stahe, mill operation before 1300-1924 as a grain mill , building was closed
  • Platzmühle in Gangelt-Stahe, mill operation before 1472 - 1926 as an oil and tan mill with 4 pounders and one grinding gear
  • Mohrenmühle in Gangelt, mill operation before 1559 - 1956 as a grain mill, some grinding stones and electric generator still available
  • Dahlmühle in Gangelt, mill operated before 1472 - mid-20th century as an oil and grain mill, millstones still exist
  • Brommler Mühle in Gangelt-Mindergangelt, mill operation before 1327 - around 1940 as an oil and grinding mill, today a country inn
  • Etzenrather mill in Gangelt-Mindergangelt, mill operation before 1492 - 1965 as an oil mill, excursion restaurant with preserved pan mill
  • Roermolen in Jabeek (NL), mill operation before 1492 - mid-20th century as an oil and grain mill, millstones still exist
  • Ingentaler Mühle in Selfkant - Süsterseel , mill operation before 1800 - mid-20th century as an oil and grinding mill, millstone still available
  • Istrater mill in Selfkant-Süsterseel, mill operation before 1343 - around 1970 as a fruit and dyer's woad mill, today residential complex
  • Wehrer mill in Selfkant- Wehr , mill operation from the 14th century to the middle of the 20th century as a grinding mill, millstones and stone crane
  • Vollmühle Tüddern in Selfkant- Tüddern , mill operation before 1608 - 1967 as a fulling, saw, oil and grain mill
  • Tüddern grain mill in Selfkant-Tüddern, mill operation before 1654 - 1944 as an oil and grain mill , millstone available
  • Millener mills in Selfkant- Millen , mill operation from 12./13. Century - around 1970 as a separate oil and grain mill
  • Isenbruch mill in Selfkant- Isenbruch , mill operation from the 14th century - 1944 as an oil and grain mill, millstone still available


Hans Vogt: Lower Rhine water mill guide 2nd edition. Niederrhein Association, Krefeld 1998, ISBN 3-00-002906-0 , pp. 239-256