List of the Municipios in the Department of the Valle del Cauca

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The Departamento del Valle del Cauca in western Colombia consists of 42 municipalities . These are subdivided into a community center ( Cabecera Municipal ) and the surrounding area ( Resto Rural ). The surrounding area is further subdivided into so-called police inspections ( Inspecciones de Policía Municipal ), smaller offices ( Corregimientos ), settlement centers ( Centros Poblados ) and homesteads ( Caseríos ). The following lists the Municipios with their total number of inhabitants from the census of the Colombian statistical office DANE from 2005, extrapolated for 2018.

Municipio Population 2018
Alcalá 22,710
Andalucía 17,738
Ansermanuevo 19,252
Argelia 6.364
Bolívar 13,961
Buenaventura 424.047
Buga 114,562
Bugalagrande 21,017
Caicedonia 29,526
Cali 2,445,405
Calima 15,848
Candelaria 85.352
Cartago 134,308
Dagua 36,775
El Águila 11.209
El Cairo 10.184
El Cerrito 58,296
El Dovio 8,236
Florida 58,775
Ginebra 21,624
Guacarí 35,377
Jamundí 127.228
La Cumbre 11,672
La Unión 39,671
La Victoria 12,994
Obando 15,229
Palmira 310,594
Pradera 57,257
Restrepo 16,365
Riofrío 14,029
Roldanillo 32,226
San Pedro 18,882
Seville 44,311
Toro 16,598
Trujillo 17,919
Tuluá 219.148
Ulloa 5,336
Versalles 6,926
Vijes 11,409
Yotoco 16,491
Yumbo 125,663
Zarzal 46,599

Individual evidence

  1. Extrapolation of the population of Colombia on the official DANE website