List of snake species in Germany

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In this list all have Germany living species and sub-species of the subordination of the snakes (Serpentes) listed. The basis for the list is Ulrich Gruber's Kosmos nature guide, The Snakes of Europe .

Species of snakes by families

German name Scientific name Family , subfamily Distribution in Germany length Toxicity Subspecies in Germany image
Smooth snake Coronella austriaca Real snakes (Colubridae, Colubrinae) Open, sunny terrain with lots of hiding spots, all over Germany 50-70 cm non-toxic and harmless austriaca
Aesculapian snake Zamenis longissimus (syn .: Elaphe longissima ) Sunny areas on river banks and alluvial forests with dense bushes near Schlangenbad in the Taunus , in the southern Odenwald , hanging on the Danube near Passau , on the lower Inn and Salzach (residual populations) 140-160 cm non-toxic and harmless not differentiated
Zamenis longissimus tree.jpg
grass snake Natrix natrix Water snakes (Natricinae, Colubridae) Moist meadows or forests, often near bodies of water, throughout Germany Males 60-70 cm, females 80-100 cm non-toxic and harmless natrix , until 2017 helvetica
Grass snake Natrix natrix.jpg
Barring snake (since 2017) Natrix helvetica especially west of the Rhine up to 190 cm non-toxic and harmless not differentiated
Dice snake Natrix tessellata Bank areas of shallow, warm, slowly flowing waters with rich bank vegetation ; in Germany on the Lahn , Moselle and Nahe (residual populations), extinct on the Middle Rhine and Elbe 60-90 cm non-toxic and harmless not differentiated
Dicesnake umbriaitaly.jpg
Aspic viper Vipera aspis Real vipers (Viperidae, Viperinae) Dry and sunny slopes with bushes, only a small relic occurrence in the southern Black Forest 60-70 cm poisonous (tubular poison teeth), antiserum ! aspis
Aspis viper 01.jpg
Adder Vipera berus Above all moors , swamps , quarries , also mountain meadows in the area of ​​the tree line , all over Germany 60-75 cm toxic (tubular teeth), cytotoxic effect, very painful bite, antiserum ! berus

See also


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Barren grass snake: New snake species registered in Germany . In: The time . August 7, 2017, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed August 11, 2017]).