List of stumbling blocks in Wiesbaden-Nordenstadt

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We remember with humility and shame the Jews from Nordenstadt who were deported from here to the extermination camps on June 10 and August 28, 1942: Erna Wolf, Else Weis, Leo Ochs, Frieda Ochs, Sylvia Ochs, Benny Schönfeld, Saul Löwenstein , Frieda Löwenstein, Irena Frank, Ludwig Frank, Paul Frank and others "
Nordenstadt memorial : "We humbly and shame the Nordenstadt Jews who were deported from here to the extermination camps on June 10 and August 28, 1942: Erna Wolf, Else Weis, Leo Ochs, Frieda Ochs, Sylvia Ochs, Benny Schönfeld, Saul Löwenstein, Frieda Löwenstein, Irena Frank, Ludwig Frank, Paul Frank and others

In Nordenstadt, which was an independent community of the "Ländchen" until the incorporation in Wiesbaden in 1977, there were 15 Jewish families up to the 1930s, some of whom lived on the southern edge of the old town center and partly in the then new development area of ​​the western town center.

The Nordenstadt Jews belonged to the Wallau religious community . There was the little synagogue they went to for worship and there they buried their dead in the Jewish cemetery.

After the November pogrom in 1938, the living situation of the Jews in Nordenstadt also deteriorated more and more, and whoever was able to flee abroad. Fourteen Jewish citizens were deported and murdered in 1943. Another fifteen people from the north of the city were abducted from other places and also became victims of the Holocaust.

 Info:  Information on properties, which all partial lists for Wiesbaden have in common, can be found under List of stumbling blocks in Wiesbaden .


address Surname Inscription with additions Laying date image annotation
Geisbergweg 2
Erioll world.svg
Irene Frank
born Schönfeld

Irene Frank
nee lived here . Schönfeld
born 1918
Deported in 1942
Murdered in 1942
in Sobibor
October 18, 2010
Ludwig Frank
Ludwig Frank,
born in 1912, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in 1942
in Sobibor
Paul Frank
Paul Frank,
born in 1941, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in 1942 in
Benny Schönfeld
Benny Schönfeld,
born in 1908, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
in Majdanek in 1942
Clementine Schönfeld
b. Nachmann

Clementine Schönfeld
nee lived here . Nachmann
born in 1875
Deported in 1942
in Treblinka in 1942
Rüsselgasse 9
Erioll world.svg

Joseph Joseph
Joseph Joseph,
born in 1876, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot 16.5.1944
0November 4, 2010 Stolperstein Nordenstadt Joseph Joseph.jpg Joseph Joseph ran a butcher's shop with a slaughterhouse and stables in Rüsselgasse 9. Both kosher and non-kosher meat products were sold. The business was well established and had customers from Nordenstadt and Igstadt , Wallau and Breckenheim , Kloppenheim , Erbenheim and Bierstadt. But after the transfer of power to Hitler, sales fell by around 20 to 30% in 933/1934, and in 1935 by around 70%. In 1936 the decline was so great that the store had to close at the end of the year.
Rüsselgasse 3
Erioll world.svg
Rüsselgasse 3.jpg

Frieda Löwenstein
born Schwarzschild

Frieda Löwenstein
nee lived here . Schwarzschild
born in 1884
Deported 1942
Murdered in 1942
in Sobibor
January 27, 2009 Stolperstein Nordenstadt Frieda Löwenstein.jpg The parents of Frieda Löwenstein, the butcher Moses Schwarzschild and Mina Schwarzschild geb. Stern ran a butcher's shop at Obergasse 25 in Massenheim .

The Löwensteins were respected citizens of the Nordenstadt. Sali was for many years a board member of the Nordenstadt Choral Society and was well integrated into the community. In the social life of Nordenstadt he held a prominent position and was considered charitable. His cattle trade was respected by suppliers and customers well beyond Nordenstadt and was very well established. His suppliers for calves were farmers in Nordenstadt, Igstadt, Kloppenheim and Bierstadt. Sali Löwenstein had a very profitable cattle trade until 1933, which however fell suddenly after the boycott of Jewish businessmen in 1933.
Sali Löwenstein
Sali Löwenstein,
born in 1883, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in 1942 in Sobibor
Stolperstein Nordenstadt Sali Löwenstein.jpg
Stolberger Strasse 26
Erioll world.svg
Frieda Ochs
born Wis

Frieda Ochs
nee lived here . Weis
born 1896
Deported 1942
Murdered in 1942
in Sobibor
04th October 2011 Stolperstein Nordenstadt Frieda Ochs.jpg Frieda and Leopold Ochs and their daughter Sylvia lived very secluded. The parents ran a grocery store that also sold lubricants for agricultural implements. On June 10, 1942, the family was picked up in a truck for deportation to Lublin . Leopold, Frieda and Sylvia Ochs were very likely murdered in Majdanek and Sobibor in the same year .
Leo ox
Leo Ochs,
born in 1883, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Majdanek
Stolperstein Nordenstadt Leo Ochs.jpg
Sylvia Ochs
Sylvia Ochs,
born in 1922, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Stolperstein Nordenstadt Sylvia Ochs.jpg
Stolberger Strasse 43
Erioll world.svg
Stolberger Strasse 43.jpg

Martha Schiffer
born Fried

Martha Schiffer
nee lived here . Fried
Born 1889
Escape 1939 Belgium
Interned Mechelen
Deported 1942
Murdered in 1942 in Auschwitz
0September 9, 2008 Stolperstein Nordenstadt Martha Schiffer.jpg Selma Fried was unmarried and worked until about 1935 as manageress in a prestigious fashion house in Würzburg. Since 1939 she was in Wiesbaden, Yorkstr. 17 at Kronfeld, reported. Selma was the eldest of three siblings. Her brother Ludwig Fried was born on August 29, 1890, her sister Martha Fried on June 2, 1894, both also in Nordenstadt.
Selma Fried
Selma Fried,
born in 1889, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in 1942
in Sobibor
Stolperstein Nordenstadt Selma Fried.jpg
Rüsselgasse 4
Erioll world.svg
Rüsselgasse 4.jpg
Elise Weis
b. Wis

Elise Weis
nee lived here . Weis
born in 1885
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
0May 2, 2013 Stolperstein Nordenstadt Elise Weis.jpg
Turmstrasse 1
Erioll world.svg
Turmstrasse 1 - Location Wiesbaden Nordenstadt.jpg
Else Weis
Else Weis,
born in 1900, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
0May 2, 2012 Stolperstein Nordenstadt Elise Weis.jpg

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Active Museum Spiegelgasse : Jews in Nordenstadt. Information sheet without year.
  2. Memoirs of Joseph and Bertha Joseph, geb. Lion's Arch
  3. Reminder sheets to Sali Löwenstein and Frieda Löwenstein, b. Schwarzschild
  4. Memory of Sali Löwenstein and Frieda Löwenstein, geb. Schwarzschild
  5. Erbenheimer Anzeiger (Nordenstadt): Further stumbling blocks were moved in Nordenstadt. October 7, 2011
  6. Reminder sheets to Selma, Ludwig and Martha Fried, married. Skipper