List of stumbling blocks in Wiesbaden-Schierstein

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Synagogue memorial in Schierstein

 Info:  Information on properties, which all partial lists for Wiesbaden have in common, can be found under List of stumbling blocks in Wiesbaden .


address Surname Inscription with additions Laying date image annotation
Water roll on the corner of Reichsapfelstrasse
Erioll world.svg

Walter-Richter's Schiersteiner-Bilderbogen Adventgemeinde.jpg

Dr. Alexander Bayerthal This is where
Dr. Alexander Bayerthal
born in 1867
detention 1943 Dead from the
consequences of detention October 21, 1943
0June 8, 2007 Dr.  Bayerthal Stolperstein WI-Schierstein.png Alexander Bayerthal completed his medical studies in Gießen in 1891 with a doctorate. In Ober-Ingelheim , where his bride's family ran a wine trade, he married the evangelical Anna Class, born in 1894. 1869. In 1897 the young family moved to Schierstein, where daughter Ilse was born in 1899. In the Rheinstrasse, today Wasserrolle, Dr. Bayerthal built a house in 1904, in which he also practiced. As Surgeon he was in the first World War as a medical officer at the National Railroad and was later appointed medical officer. Dr. Bayerthal is the grandfather of the director Rolf von Sydow , who was present when the Stolperstein was laid
Reichsapfelstrasse 19
Erioll world.svg

Reichsapfelstrasse  19 Wiesbaden Schierstein.jpg

Stolperstein Wiesbaden Schierstein Family Israel.jpg

Hedwig Israel
b. Hallgarten

Hedwig Israel
nee lived here . Hallgarten
Born 1886
Deported 1942
Murdered in
0August 8, 2006 Walter-Richter's Stolperstein-Schierstein Hedwig Israel.jpg The Israel family had a thriving butcher shop at Wilhelmstrasse 40 (today Reichsapfelstrasse 19, new NASPA branch).
Herta Israel
Herta Israel,
born in 1925, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in
Walter-Richter's Stolperstein-Schierstein Herta Israel.jpg
Karl Israel
Karl Israel
born in 1890 lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in
Walter-Richter's Stolperstein-Schierstein Karl Israel.jpg
Margot Israel
Margot Israel,
born in 1928, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in
Walter-Richter's Stolperstein-Schierstein Margot Israel.jpg
Rosel Israel
Rosel Israel,
born in 1922, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in
Walter-Richter's Stolperstein-Schierstein Rosel Israel.jpg
Reichsapfelstrasse 15
Erioll world.svg

Reichsapfelstrasse  15 Wiesbaden Schierstein.jpg

Stolpersteine ​​in Wiesbaden Schierstein Fam. Kahn.jpg

Emilie Kahn
b. German

Emilie Kahn
nee lived here . Teutsch
born in 1905
Deported 1942
Murdered October 4, 1944
August 28, 2008 Walter-Richter's Stolperstein-Schierstein Emilie-Kahn.jpg The Kahn family lived at Wilhelmstrasse 44, today Reichsapfelstrasse 15.

After attending secondary school, Otto Kahn completed an apprenticeship as a businessman in Frankfurt. He took part in World War I and then worked as a representative for important leather trading companies.
Otto Kahn
Otto Kahn,
born in 1891, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered September 28, 1944
Walter-Richter's Stolperstein-Schierstein Otto-Kahn.jpg
Walter Daniel

Walter Daniel
born in 1937, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered October 4, 1944
Walter-Richter's Stolperstein-Schierstein Walter-Daniel Kahn.jpg
Milanstrasse 6
Erioll world.svg

Walter-Richter's Stolperstein-Schierstein Milanstr.  6.jpg

Arnold Katzenstein
Arnold Katzenstein,
born in 1869, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered 1942
April 30, 2013 Stolperstein Arnold Katzenstein Milanstrasse 6 (Wiesbaden-Schierstein) .jpg In the Jewish community of Schierstein, to which Frauenstein also belonged, Arnold Katzenstein worked as a cantor (prayer leader) in the synagogue from 1906 and from 1924 to 1932 also as a religion teacher in the "school". He also carried out his offices and all administrative tasks in Hochheim , Rüdesheim and Eltville . On his initiative, the synagogue in Eltville was extensively renovated in 1931 on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.
At the green tree 6
Erioll world.svg
Ida Wehnert
b. Boat

Ida Wehnert
nee lived here . Kahn
born 1895
arrested in 1943
dead 1945
0October 1, 2013

Wehnert Wiesbaden-Schierstein.png

Ida Kahn married the non-Jewish Karl Wehnert in 1933 and lived with him in her own house, at that time Querstraße 3, later No. 6, which she had inherited from a relative together with her sister Frida. Ida and Karl Wehnert had no children.

Individual evidence

  1. Reminder sheet to Dr. Alexander Bayerthal
  2. ↑ In memory of Schiersteiner doctor . Report on laying the stumbling block in: Frankfurter Rundschau from August 1, 2008
  3. "It's wonderful that people think of him" . Report on the laying of the stumbling block in: Wiesbadener Kurier from August 1, 2008.
  4. ^ Reminder sheet to the Israel family
  5. ^ Reminder sheets for Otto and Emilie Kahn geb. Teutsch and their son Walter
  6. ^ Reminder sheet to Arnold Katzenstein
  7. ^ Reminder sheet to Ida Wehnert, b. Boat