List of stumbling blocks in Wiesbaden-Mitte

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 Info:  Information on properties, which all partial lists for Wiesbaden have in common, can be found under List of stumbling blocks in Wiesbaden .


address Surname Inscription with additions Laying date image annotation
Bahnhofstrasse 1
Erioll world.svg

Bahnhofstrasse  1 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg

Oskar Braun Here lived
Oskar Brown
born 1,880th
' protective custody ' 1938
Murdered 12/22/1938
0October 6, 2016 Oskar Braun, Bahnhofstr.  19-21 (Wiesbaden) .jpg Oskar Braun came to Germany after World War I , lived in Düsseldorf and was stateless. From 1921 he was a partner in the Rheinische Wollwarenfabrik, a company registered in the Wiesbaden commercial register, and in 1924 became its sole owner. The management of a manufacturing factory becomes more and more difficult in the course of the economic crisis, so that he is more and more dependent on the laundry agency and his income decreases considerably in the years after 1933. The boycott measures of the Nazis will also have played a role.
Luisenstrasse 47
Erioll world.svg

Luisenstrasse  47 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg

Henriette Ackermann
b. Marx

Henriette Ackermann
nee lived here . Marx
born 1863
Deportation 1942
Theresienstadt concentration camp
Dead September 24, 1942
0August 8, 2007 Stolperstein Henriette Ackermann.jpg As the mother of eight children, Ackermann, a Jew, had to watch herself passed out during the National Socialist dictatorship as her family was torn apart and partly destroyed. Others managed to escape, but here too there was hardly any contact due to the political situation and the chaos of war.
Martha Holzmann
born Ackermann

Martha Holzmann
nee lived here . Ackermann
born in 1896
Deported 1942 Lublin
Murdered in 1942 in
Stumbling block for Martha Holzmann (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Adolf Stern This is where
Adolf Stern,
born in 1878, lived .
Humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death 10.6.1942
April 30, 2013 Stumbling Stone Adolf Stern.jpg
Hedwig Stern
born man

Hedwig Stern
nee lived here . Man
born 1879
humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
Stolperstein Hedwig Stern.jpg
Constanze Trum
born man

Constanze Trum
nee lived here . Man
born in 1887
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
0December 2, 2010 Stumbling Stone Constanze Trum.jpg
Mauergasse 19
Erioll world.svg
Mauergasse 19 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Clotilde Adler
Clotilde Adler
nee lived here . Nassauer
born 1882
Deportation 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
0April 8, 2014 Clotilde Adler b.  Nassauer, Mauergasse 19 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Mathilde Simon
born Wolff

Mathilde Simon
nee lived here . Wolff Born
Deported 1942
Dead October 8, 1942
February 18, 2009 Mathilde Simon, Mauergasse 19 (Wiesbaden) .jpg The Simons ran a bakery at 19 Mauergasse. The house in which they lived with Mathilde's unmarried sister Rebecka Wolff belonged to Wilhelm Simon.
Wilhelm Simon Here lived
Wilhelm Simon
Jg. 1887
Humiliated / Disenfranchised
Dead 04.07.1941
in Wiesbaden
Wilhelm Simon, Mauergasse 19 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Rebecka Wolff
Rebecka Wolff,
born in 1874, lived here .
Deported 1943
Liberated 1945
Rebecka Wolff, Mauergasse 19 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Taunusstrasse 6
Erioll world.svg

Taunusstrasse  6 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Kurt-Jakob Amson

Kurt-Jakob Amson,
born in 1905, lived here .
Admitted to the Eichberg Sanatorium in 1927.
Dead January 21, 1940
0May 5, 2010 Kurt-Jakob Amson-Stolperstein.jpg Due to a congenital physical and mental handicap, Kurt-Jakob Amson was dependent on institutional care and support from an early age.

His brother Rolf Amson was also handicapped and had also lived in the “ Calmenhof Healing Home ” in Idstein since he was 9 years old
Rolf Amson

Rolf Amson,
born in 1911, lived here .
Admitted 1941 Heilanstalt Weilmunster
Heilanstalt Hadamar
Murdered 1941
Rolf Amson-Stolperstein.jpg
Bahnhofstrasse 46
Erioll world.svg

Bahnhofstrasse 44-46.jpg

Emma August
born Because

Emma August
nee lived here . Because
born in 1862
Deported 1942
Murdered December 29, 1942
April 14, 2014 Emma August born  Weil, Bahnhofstr.  46 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Lea Emilie Nussbaum
b. August

Lea Emilie Nussbaum
nee lived here . August
born 1895
Deported 1942
Murdered April 18, 1943
Lea Emilie Nussbaum b.  August, Bahnhofstr.  46 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Maximilian Nussbaum
Maximilian Nussbaum,
born in 1893, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered October 8, 1944
Maximilian Nussbaum, Bahnhofstr.  46 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Hedwig Strauss
born Rödelheimer

Hedwig Strauss
nee lived here . Rödelheimer
born 1879
Deported 1942
Murdered September 21, 1942
Hedwig Strauss, Bahnhofstr.  46 (Wiesbaden) .jpg The Strauss couple ran a wine wholesale business at Nikolasstrasse 28, now Bahnhofstrasse 46, which was doing very well. They owned their own vineyards in Geisenheim. Wine deliveries were made across Germany.
Sebald Strauss

Sebald Strauss,
born in 1866, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered October 6, 1942
Sebald Strauss, Bahnhofstr.  46 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Kirchgasse 29
Erioll world.svg

Kirchgasse 29 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Helene Schwarz
born Pear branch

Helene Schwarz
nee lived here . Birnzweig
born in 1893.
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in
0June 1, 2016 Stumbling Stone Helene Schwarz.jpg
Rudolf Schwarz Here lived
Rudolf Schwarz
Vol. 1881
' protective custody ' in 1938
Deported 1942
Murdered in
occupied Poland
Stumbling Stone Rudolf Schwarz.jpg
Kirchgasse 52
Erioll world.svg

Kirchgasse 52 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Hilde Agnes Bachmann
b. Cahen

Hilde Agnes Bachmann
nee lived here . Cahen
Born 1897
Deported 1942 Lublin
Murdered in
0April 8, 2014 Stolperstein Hilde Agnes Bachmann, in front of Kirchgasse 52 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Sophie Cahen, b. Kleeberg, and her daughter Hilde Agnes Bachmann
Sophie Cahen
b. Kleeberg

Sophie Cahen
nee lived here . Kleeberg,
born in 1871,
humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
October 19, 1940
Stumbling Stone Sophie Cahen Kirchgasse 52 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Adelheidstrasse 18
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Adelheidstr.  18.JPG

Elise Baer
b. heart

Elise Baer
nee lived here . Herz Born
Humiliated / Disenfranchised
Escape to death 25.08.1942
June 30, 2009 Elise Baer, ​​Adelheidstr.  18 (Wiesbaden) .jpg From 1933 to 1936 Elise Baer lived at Adelheidstrasse 18 on the ground floor. She was financially supported by her daughter Anna. In the will of her son-in-law, who committed suicide because of the National Socialist reprisals, a monthly amount of 200 RM is shown to ensure Elise Baer's livelihood. Her daughter Anna had been deported from Mainz to Lublin in March 1942; her son-in-law had committed suicide in 1939. Elise Baer had received a capsule of potassium cyanide from him. After receiving the notice of the date of her deportation, she tidied up her apartment on August 25, 1942, arranged herself properly, lay down on the made bed and ingested the poison.
Elbow Alley 11
Erioll world.svg

Ellenbogengasse 11 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Julie Baum
born lock

Julie Baum
nee lived here . Castle
born in 1875
Deported in 1942
Murdered September 29, 1942
April 19, 2016 Julie Baum, Ellenbogengasse 11 (Wiesbaden) .jpg Reminder sheet for Julie Baum and her sister Klara Dreifuss

In memory of Sophie Cahen, b. Kleeberg, and her daughter Hilde Agnes Bachmann
Klara Dreifuss
born lock

Klara Dreifuss
nee lived here . Castle
born in 1868
Deported 1942
Murdered November 20, 1942
Klara Dreifuss, Ellenbogengasse 11 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Mauergasse 8
Erioll world.svg

Mauergasse 8, Wiesbaden.jpg

Karl Baum

Karl Baum,
born 1884, lived here .
Deported 1942 Lublin
Murdered in Sobibor
January 22, 2009 Karl Baum, Mauergasse 8 (Wiesbaden) .jpg Karl Baum was the owner of a long-established butcher's shop at Schulgasse 2 in Wiesbaden, where the apartment was also located. Witnesses confirm that business was doing well until 1932.

Memorial sheet for Karl and Toni Baum and Karl's brother Leo
Leo tree
Leo Baum,
born in 1893, lived here .
Since 1934 "Heilanstalt" Eichberg
Murdered in 1941 in the
"Heilanstalt" Hadamar
Stumbling Stone Leo Baum, Mauergasse 8.jpg
Toni Baum
born Beery

Toni Baum
nee lived here . Bierig Born
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Stolperstein Toni Baum, Mauergasse 8 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Herrngartenstrasse 11
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden - Herrngartenstraße 11 complete system (KD.HE 1 09.2015) .jpg

Regina Beck
b. sickle
Regina Beck
b. Sichel Born
Humiliated / Disenfranchised
Escape to death
August 28, 1942
0May 2, 2013 Regina Beck b.  Sichel, Herrngartenstr.  11 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg Regina Beck was the owner of the house at Herrngartenstrasse 11. Since she had no job and therefore no income from work, she rented apartments in her house to two Jewish parties in the front building and three so-called Aryan parties in the rear building. On February 12, 1940, she then had to sign a security order for her account; it was blocked and their assets no longer available to them. In 1942 - she was already 72 years old - she was classified as fit for work. Regina Beck was not arrested and deported to Theresienstadt because she committed suicide a few days earlier on August 28, 1942. Some of her siblings and their children survived the Holocaust. They applied for compensation on October 12, 1949. They received a total of 10,000 marks in compensation.
Röderstrasse 26

Erioll world.svg

Rosa Borger
born Melamet
Here lived
Rosa Borger
Jg. 1896
born Melamet
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
October 24, 2019 Reminder sheets to Rosa Borger geb. Melamet and her son Oskar David
Oskar Borger
Oskar Borger,
born in 1926, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in occupied Poland
Pagenstecherstraße 4
Erioll world.svg

Pagenstecherstr.  4 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Dr. Max Marcus
This is where
Dr. Max Marcus Bender Born
Deported 1942
Murdered September 27, 1942
April 30, 2013 Dr.  Max Marcus Bender, Pagenstecherstr.  4 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Mauergasse 12
Erioll world.svg

Mauergasse 12 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Felix Berney
Felix Berney,
born in 1883, lived here .
Deported August 10, 1942,
Murdered in Sobibor in 1942
January 22, 2008 Felix Berney, Mauergasse 12 (Wiesbaden) .jpg The Berneys lived at Mauergasse 12. The couple ran a long-established butcher's shop there.
Rosalie Berney
b. cat

Rosalie Berney
nee lived here . Katz Born
Deported June 10,
1942 Murdered
in Sobibor in 1942
Rosalie Berney, Mauergasse 12 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Luisenstrasse 17
Erioll world.svg

Luisenstrasse  17 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Beate Berney
Beate Berney,
born in 1923, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in
0May 2, 2013 Stumbling block for Beate Berney (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Heinrich Berney
Heinrich Berney,
born in 1888, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in
Stumbling block for Heinrich Berney (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Karolina Berney
b. Solver

Karoline Berney
nee lived here . Loser
born in 1890
Deported 1942
Murdered in
Stumbling block for Karolina Berney (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Wilhelmstrasse 30
Erioll world.svg

MK10925 Wilhelmstrasse 30.jpg

Paula Bertram
born Dispeker
Here lived
Bertram, Paula
born Dispeker Born
Humiliated / Disenfranchised
Escape to death
June 11, 1942
0October 9, 2014 Stumbling block for Paula Bertram (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Jeanette Mosbach
b. Dispeker

Jeanette Mosbach
nee lived here . Dispeker Born
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Stumbling block for Jeannette Mosbach (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Kirchgasse corner Schulgasse, Karstadt department store
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Kirchgasse 35-43.jpg

Stumbling blocks Irma Blumenthal-Rosenthal and Adolf Julius Blumenthal.jpg

Adolf Julius
Adolf Julius
Born 1887
Deported Sobibor
Murdered July 18, 1943
March 30, 2006 Stumbling blocks Adolf Julius Blumenthal.jpg In memory of Julie, Adolf and Irma Blumenthal
Irma Blumenthal
Irma Blumenthal
Born 1898
Murdered January 25, 1943
Stumbling Stone Irma Blumenthal-Rosenthal.jpg
Luisenstrasse 26
Erioll world.svg

Luisenstrasse  26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Paula Briefwechseller
born Blumenthal

Paula Briefwechseller
nee lived here . Blumenthal
born in 1899
Deported in 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
May 15, 2015 Stopping stone for Paula Briefwechseller (Wiesbaden) .jpg Simon and Paula Briefwechseller and their son Walter had come to Wiesbaden to organize their escape from Nazi Germany. In July 1939 they moved from St. Pölten / Austria to sublet Luisenstrasse 26.
Simon correspondent
Simon Briefwechseller,
born in 1894, lived here .
Escape 1939 England
Interned Isle of Man
Transport of prisoners
1940 Australia
1943 Palestine
Stumbling block for Simon Briefwechseller (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Walter letter changer
Walter Briefwechseller,
born in 1930, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in Sobibor
Stumbling block for Walter Briefwechseller (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 34
Erioll world.svg

Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 34 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Alicia Capell
b. Joseph

Alicia Capell
nee lived here . Joseph
born 1887
Deported August 1, 1942
Dead June 15, 1944
January 22, 2008 Alicia Capell b.  Joseph, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 34 (Wiesbaden) .jpg Edmund Capell was cantor of the liberal Jewish community on Michelsberg and teacher in Wiesbaden since 1910. Until 1935 he gave Jewish religious instruction at Wiesbaden boys' schools.
Edmund Capell
Edmund Capell,
born in 1876, lived here .
Deported September 1st,
1942 Theresienstadt
Tot September 24th, 1942
Edmund Capell, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 34 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Oranienstrasse 60
Erioll world.svg

Oranienstrasse  60, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg

Frieda Decker
Frieda Decker,
born in 1871, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot October 4, 1942
0April 8, 2014 Frieda Decker, Oranienstr.  60, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Otto Selig
Otto Selig,
born in 1878, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Otto Selig, Oranienstr.  60, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Adelheidstrasse 44
Erioll world.svg

Adelheidstrasse  44 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Julie Dreyfuss
b. Altmayer

Julie Dreyfuss
nee lived here . Altmayer
born in 1875
Deported in 1942
Dead December 14, 1942
June 30, 2009 Julie Dreyfuss b.  Allmayer, Adelheidstr.  44 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg In memory of Julie Dreyfuss, b. Allmayer
Oranienstrasse 43
Erioll world.svg

Oranienstrasse  43 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Dora Ebbe This is where
Dora Ebbe,
born in 1928, lived .
Expelled in 1938
to Bendzin / Poland
Death march,
Dead on Consequences, 1945
August 28, 2008 Dora Ebbe, Oranienstr.  43, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg In memory of Max Ebbe and his children Leopold and Dora

Max Ebbe married Hedwig Ebbe, born in 1919. Eiba, which comes from Munich. He learned the trade of watchmaker and opened a watch shop in Kirchgasse 49 in 1920.
Leopold ebb
Leopold Ebbe,
born in 1926, lived here .
Expelled 1938
to Bendzin / Poland.
Leopold Ebbe, Oranienstr.  43, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Max ebb
Max Ebbe,
born in 1895, lived here .
Expelled 1938 to
Bendzin / Poland.
Max Ebbe, Oranienstr.  43, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Neugasse 3
Erioll world.svg

Neugasse 3 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Benni Ehrenreich
Benni Ehrenreich,
born in 1927, lived here .
Escape 1938 Poland
Murdered in
0May 5, 2010 Benni Ehrenreich, Neugasse 3 (Wiesbaden) .jpg Benni, Mary and Rosi Ehrenreich lived with their parents Heinrich and Lotte, geb. Dörner, and his younger sister Fanny, in Neugasse 3. Heinrich Ehrenreich manufactured "woolen goods, knitwear and other textile goods" and sold them through a wholesaler. Business and living rooms were on the first floor of the house.
Mary Ehrenreich This is where
Mary Ehrenreich,
born in 1922, lived .
Escape 1938 Holland
Interned Westerbork
Murdered in Auschwitz
Mary Ehrenreich, Neugasse 3 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Rosi Ehrenreich
Rosi Ehrenreich,
born in 1924, lived here .
Flucht 1939 Holland
Interned Westerbork
Murdered in Auschwitz
Rosi Ehrenreich, Neugasse 3 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Leon Golomb
Leon Golomb,
born in 1897, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in 1942 in
0April 8, 2014 Leon Golomb, Neugasse 3 (Wiesbaden) .jpg Leon Golomb had registered a trade in Wiesbaden since 1923. He was a sales representative for lingerie and worked for various lingerie factories on a commission basis. For this he was traveling all over Germany.
Luisenstrasse 14
Erioll world.svg

Luisenstrasse  14-16 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Betty Enge
born Goslar

Betty Engel
nee lived here . Goslar Born
Deported 1942
Murdered March 22, 1944
15th October 2015 Stumbling block for Betty Engel (Wiesbaden) .jpg The Engel family lived at Luisenstrasse 14 since 1922.

Paul Engel finished his school days in Wiesbaden and then completed his studies in mechanical engineering at the technical center in Bingen. He found his first job with Krupp in Duisburg; it ended after the Ruhrkampf of 1923/24. Paul returned to Wiesbaden.
Paul Engel
Paul Engel,
born in 1900, lived here .
Deported 1942 Izbica
1942 Majdanek
Stolperstein for Paul Engel (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Friedrichstrasse 6
Erioll world.svg

Friedrichstrasse  6 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Dr. Willi
This is where
Dr. Willi Fackenheim Born
Arrested 1938
Escape 1939 Shanghai
Dead 1943
0June 8, 2007 Stumbling block for Dr.  Willi Fackenheim (Wiesbaden) .jpg Dr. Willi Fackenheim studied medicine in Halle, Berlin and Würzburg and opened a practice as a general practitioner and spa doctor in Wiesbaden. During the First World War he had to serve as a hospital doctor in the army. He was dismissed as a captain and awarded the EK II.
Elsa Fackenheim
b. Altschul

Elsa Fackenheim
nee lived here . Altschul
Born 1894
Escape 1939 Shanghai

Dead 1945

Stumbling block for Elsa Fackenheim (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Mauergasse 14
Erioll world.svg

Mauergasse 14 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Regina Förster and David Förster, Mauergasse 14 Wiesbaden (Germany) .jpg

David Forster
David Förster,
born in 1925, lived here .
to Poland in 1939
Interned in Bendzin Ghetto
0July 2, 2009 Stumbling block for David Förster (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Heinrich Forster
Heinrich Förster,
born in 1930, lived here . Declared
to Poland in 1938
Interned in Ghetto Bendzin
Stumbling block for Heinrich Förster (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Melga Mathilde

Melga Mathilde Förster,
born in 1928, lived here. Expelled to Poland in
1938 Interned in Ghetto Bendzin Murdered

Stumbling block for Melga Mathilde Förster (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Moritz Förster
Moritz Förster,
born in 1898, lived here .
to Poland in 1938
Interned in Bendzin Ghetto
Stumbling block for Moritz Förster (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Regina Förster
b. Pious

Regina Förster
nee lived here . Frommer.
to Poland in 1938.
Interned in Ghetto Bendzin.
Stumbling block for Regina Förster (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Herderstrasse 11
Erioll world.svg

Herderstrasse  11.JPG

Abraham Friedmann
Abraham Friedmann,
born in 1886, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered 1942 in
0June 8, 2007 Abraham Friedmann, Herderstr.  11 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of the third generation of the Friedmann family
Beatrix Friedmann
Beatrix Friedmann,
born in 1924, lived here.
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in 1942 in
Beatrix Friedmann, Herderstr.  11 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Edith Friedmann
Edith Friedmann,
born in 1921, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered 1942 in
Edith Friedmann, Herderstr.  11 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Hilde Friedmann
born Boots

Hilde Friedmann
nee lived here . Stiefel
born in 1882.
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in Sobibor in 1942
Hilde Friedmann, Herderstr.  11 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Judith Friedmann
Judith Friedmann,
born in 1940, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in 1942 in
Judith Friedmann, Herderstr.  11 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Michelsberg 26
Erioll world.svg

Michelsberg 26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Judah Baruch light
Baruch Licht,
born in 1877, lived here .
Expelled 1938 Poland
Ghetto Tarnow
January 22, 2009 Baruch Licht, MIchelsberg 26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Baruch and Eva Licht, geb. Neustadt, as well as their children
Eva Chavitte Licht
b. Neustadt

Eva Licht
nee lived here . Neustadt
Born 1880.
Reported 1938
Ghetto Tarnow
Eva Licht born  Neustadt, Michelsberg 26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Ephraim light
Ephraim Licht,
born in 1908, lived here,
Poland Action 1938
April 30, 2013 Ephraim Licht, Michelsberg 26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of the siblings Jakob, Ephraim and Jenny Licht
Jakob light
Jakob Licht,
born in 1905, lived here .
Police action 1938
Forced labor 1940
in occupied Poland
Jakob Licht, Michelsberg 26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Jenny garden house
born light

Jenny Gartenhaus
born here lived here . Licht
Born 1910
Poland Action 1938 Tarnow
Jenny garden house born  Licht, Michelsberg 26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Adelheidstrasse 72
Erioll world.svg

Adelheidstrasse  72 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Cäcilie Goldstein
born No

Cäcilie Goldstein
nee lived here . No
born in 1887
Deported in 1942
Murdered in 1942 in
June 30, 2009 Cäcilie Goldstein born  None, Adelheidstr.  72 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Cäcilie Goldstein, her daughter Nora and her whole family
Nora Goldstein This is where
Nora Goldstein,
born in 1905, lived .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in Sobibor in 1942
Nora Goldstein, Adelheidstr.  72 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Bahnhofstrasse 25
Erioll world.svg

Bahnhofstrasse  25 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Berthold Guthmann
Berthold Guthmann,
born in 1893, lived here .
Deported 1943
Murdered September 29, 1944 in
0June 8, 2007 Berthold Guthmann, Bahnhofstr.  25 Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg In memory of three Guthmann generations: Jacob, Berthold and Paul. Berthold Guthmann was an aviator in the Richthofen squadron . He studied law in Freiburg and Giessen and was a member of an association. He settled in Wiesbaden as a lawyer. While he increasingly helped others with emigration, he stayed with his family in Wiesbaden. He became chairman of the Jewish " Unity Church " on Friedrichstrasse.
Jakob Guthmann
Jakob Guthmann,
born in 1868, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot, September 18, 1942
Jakob Guthmann, Bahnhofstr.  25 Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Paul Guthmann
Paul Guthmann,
born in 1922, lived here .
Deported 1943
Murdered March 12, 1945
Mauthausen concentration camp
Paul Guthmann, Bahnhofstr.  25 Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Nerostrasse 46
Erioll world.svg

Nerostraße 46 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Perlja Hammermann
b. Kupermann

Perlja Hammermann
nee lived here . Kupermann Born
Deported 1942
Murdered September 29, 1942 Treblinka
0July 2, 2009 Perlja Hammermann b.  Kupermann, Nerostr.  46 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg In memory of Perlja Hammermann, b. Kupermann
Luisenstrasse 19
Erioll world.svg
Ottilie Herz
Otilie Herz,
born in 1866, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered September 18, 1942
0October 6, 2016 Stumbling block for Ottilie Herz (Wiesbaden) .jpg Otilie Herz was paralyzed. Her passion was music and literature. Despite her disability, she led a lively social life.
Webergasse 35
Erioll world.svg

Webergasse 35, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg

Carl Nathan Duke Here lived
Carl Nathan Duke
Jg. 1867
Arrested in 1942
death 02/11/1942
04th October 2011 Stumbling stone for Carl Nathan Herzog (Wiesbaden) .jpg Carl Nathan Herzog had been running a shoe store at Webergasse 31/33 since 1914. In the same year the Wiesbaden address book says: “Schuhwarenladen - Hofladen SH d. Prince Eduard von Anhalt- Langgasse 50, Webergasse 31 and 33. "
Adelheidstrasse 103
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Adelheidstr.  103.JPG

Rosa Hobbach
born Cahn

Rosa Hobbach
nee lived here . Cahn Born
Deported 1943
Murdered December 8, 1943
June 30, 2009 Rosa Hobbach born  Cahn, Adelheidstrasse  103 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Rosa Hobbach, b. Cahn
Herderstrasse 10
Erioll world.svg

Herderstrasse  10.JPG

André Hoevel
André Hoevel,
born in 1900, lived here . Sachsenhausen Buchenwald arrested
several times . Last arrested in 1941 High treason. Executed August 28, 1942
Preungesheim prison

January 27, 2009 André Hoevel, Herderstr.  10 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Anneliese Hoevel
b. fiddler

Anneliese Hoevel
nee lived here . Fiedler Born
several times arrested
concentration camp Lichtenberg concentration camp
Last arrested in 1941
High treason
Executed August 28, 1942
Preungesheim prison
Anneliese Hoevel b.  Fiedler, Herderstrasse  10 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Herrngartenstrasse 10
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden - Herrngartenstraße 10 complete system (KD.HE 1 09.2015) .jpg

Gizela Hofstädter
b. Shear

Gizela Hofstädter
nee lived here . Schnur
Born 1910.
Expelled 1938 Poland
Escape 1939 Holland
Interned Westerbork
Deported 1944
Murdered in Auschwitz
October 13, 2009 Gizela Hofstädter b.  Schnur, Herrngartenstr.  10 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Osias Bernhard Hofstädter
Osias Bernhard Hofstädter
born in 1909 lived here .
Expelled 1938 Poland
Escape 1939 Holland
Interned Westerbork
Deported 1944
Murdered in Auschwitz
Osias Berhnhard Hofstädter, Herrngartenstr.  10 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Moritzstrasse 15
Erioll world.svg

Moritzstrasse  15 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg

Adolf Itzinger
Moritzstraße 15 lived here .
Adolf Itzinger
born 1925
Emigrated July
1939 to Poland
Ghetto Biecz
June 30, 2009 Adolf Itzinger, Moritzstr.  15 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg Israel Itzinger traded in textile goods, which he purchased from wholesalers and resold. He traveled in Germany and also to the Saar region, which was foreign at that time, by train.

In memory of the Itzinger family, Moritzstrasse 15
Henny Itzinger
b. Berger

Henny Itzinger
nee lived here . Berger
Born 1902
Emigrated July 1939
to Poland
Ghetto Biecz
Henny Itzinger b.  Berger, Moritzstr.  15 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Israel Itzinger
Israel Itzinger
born in 1897 lived here .
Reported October 28, 1938
Ghetto Biecz
Israel Itzinger, Moritzstr.  15 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Emanuel Itzinger
Emanuel Itzinger,
born in 1927, lived here .
July 1939 to Poland
Ghetto Biecz
Emanuel Itzinger, Moritzstr.  15 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Isaac Schaja

Isaac Schaja Itzinger,
born in 1928, lived here .
July 1939 to Poland.
Ghetto Biecz
Isaac Schaja Itzinger, Moritzstr.  15 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Manfred Itzinger
Manfred Itzinger,
born in 1927, lived here .
July 1938 to Poland
Ghetto Biecz
Manfred Itzinger, Moritzstr.  15 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Milka Itzinger
Milka Itzinger,
born in 1925, lived here .
Emigrated July
1938 to Poland
Ghetto Biecz
Milka Itzinger, Moritzstr.  15 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Paul Moses Itzinger
Paul Moses Itzinger,
born in 1937, lived here .
July 1938 to Poland.
Ghetto Biecz
Paul Moses Itzinger, Moritzstr.  15 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 80
Erioll world.svg

Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 80, (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg

Erna Kahn
b. Boat

Erna Kahn
nee lived here . Kahn
born in 1908
Deported 1942
Murdered in 1942
in Sobibor
0June 8, 2007 Erna Kahn b.  Kahn, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 80 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg In memory of Julius and Erna Kahn, geb. Kahn, and their daughter Lore-Bertel
Julius Kahn
Julius Kahn,
born in 1892, lived here.
Deported 1942
Murdered December 23, 1944
Julius Kahn, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 80 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Lore Kahn
Lore Kahn,
born in 1933, lived here .
Deported in 1942, Lublin.
Murdered in 1942 in
Lore Kahn, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 80 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Schwalbacher Strasse 61
Erioll world.svg

Schwalbacher Str. 61 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Adolf Kaplan
Adolf Kaplan,
born in 1886, lived here .
Deported August 10, 1942.
Murdered in Majdanek
October 13, 2009 Adolf Kaplan, Schwalbacher Str. 61 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Adolf Kaplan
Webergasse 46
Erioll world.svg

Webergasse 46, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg

Max Kassel
Max Kassel,
born in 1874, lived here . Shot
by SA
April 13, 2005 Max Kassel, Webergasse (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg In memory of Max Kassel
Wilhelmstrasse 42
Erioll world.svg

Wilhelmstrasse  42 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg

Dorothea Katzenstein
b. Pfeiffer

Dorothea Katzenstein
nee lived here . Pfeiffer
born 1883
Deported 1942
Murdered January 23, 1943
October 13, 2009 Dorothea Katzenstein b.  Pfeiffer, Wilhelmstrasse  42 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg Leo and Dora Katzenstein put together an art collection that included paintings, antique furniture and Meissen porcelain.

From 1914 to 1918, Dr. Leopold Katzenstein as a doctor in the First World War. In 1926 he founded the "Pharmaceutical Factory Dr. Katzenstein KG" in Erbenheim, where the well-known " Risinettes ", a remedy for coughs and sore throats, were made. In 1906 and 1908, Dr. Katzenstein wrote two books about Wiesbaden and the benefits of its healing springs.
Dr. Leopold

Leopold Katzenstein,
born in 1877, lived here .
Deported in 1942 from
Murdered on August 17, 1942
Leopold Katzenstein, Wilhelmstr.  42 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Adolfsallee 30
Erioll world.svg

MK11456 Adolfsallee 30.jpg

There were not only two Jews, but at least thirteen who lived in this building, which had been declared a Jewish house , during the years of National Socialist rule , and some of them had been forcibly quartered there. Seven of them set out from here on the path to destruction.

Felix Kaufmann
Felix Kaufmann,
born in 1867, lived here .
Deported 1942
Dead February 18, 1943
04th October 2011 Felix Kaufmann, Adolfsallee 30 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Felix Kaufmann, Johanna Kaufmann, geb. Frank, and Thekla Hess, geb. Merchant
Johanna Jenny
b. Frank

Johanna Jenny
nee lived here . Frank Born
Deported 1942
Dead January 25, 1943
Johanna Jenny Kaufmann, Adolfsallee 30 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Thekla Hess
b. Merchant

Thekla Hess
nee lived here . Kaufmann
born in 1873
Deported in 1942
Dead January 25, 1943
Thekla Hess b.  Kaufmann, Adolfsallee 30 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Schiersteiner Strasse 3
Erioll world.svg

Schiersteiner Str. 3 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Irma Kaufmann
b. core

Irma Kaufmann
nee lived here . Kern
born in 1901
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
0May 5, 2010 Irma Kaufmann b.  Kern, Schiersteiner Str. 3 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Otto Klaus
Otto Klaus,
born in 1892, lived here .
Arrested in 1934
Trier prison.
Admitted in 1938
Bendorf / Sayn
asylum. 9 February 1939
Otto Klaus, Schiersteiner Str. 3 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Adelheidstrasse 90
Erioll world.svg

Adelheidstrasse  90 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Anna Strauss
born Wis

Anna Strauss
nee lived here . Weis,
born 1869,
humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
June 30, 2009 Anna Strauss born  Weis, Adelheidstr.  90 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Siegfried and Anna Weis, historically Strauss
Siegfried Weis
Siegfried Weis,
born in 1865, lived here .
Humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
August 28, 1942
Siegfried Weis, Adelheidstr.  90 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Langgasse 21
Erioll world.svg
Wiesbaden pedestrian zone Langgasse 21 Building and headquarters of the daily newspaper Wiesbadener Kurier Zeitung Presse Pressehaus Verlag Medien Photo 2005 Wolfgang Pehlemann Wiesbaden PICT0009.jpg
Lili Laser
born heart

Lilli Laser
nee lived here . Herz Born
Deported 1942
Dead September 18, 1943
September 15, 2005 Stumbling block for Lilli Laser (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Dr. Eduard and Lili Laser
Eduard Laser
Eduard Laser,
born in 1875, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot, September 17, 1943
Stumbling block for Eduard Laser (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Adolfsallee 14
Erioll world.svg

MK11484 Adolfsallee 14.jpg

Ludwig Leffmann
Ludwig Leffmann,
born in 1884, lived here .
Medication refused
Tot 6.10.1944
June 30, 2009
In memory of Ludwig and Auguste Leffmann
Stiftstrasse 8
Erioll world.svg

Stiftstrasse  8 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Hermione Bertha Levi
Hermine Bertha Levi,
born in 1865, lived here .
Humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
August 28, 1942
May 15, 2015 Hermine Levi, Stiftstr.  8 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg Hermine Bertha Levi was a bookseller and since 1885 the owner of a bookstore with an antiquarian bookshop on Taunusstrasse as the successor to her father Jacob Levi and her uncle Carl Levi. In 1933 the company had to be closed.
Adolfsallee 26
Erioll world.svg

MK11463 Adolfsallee 26.jpg

Herbert Leo Levitta
Herbert Leo Levitta,
born in 1927, lived here .
Deported in 1942
Murdered in 1943
in Auschwitz
0August 8, 2006 Herbert Leo Levitta, Adolfsallee 26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg Leo Levitta was a partner in the “Leo Levitta and Sons” commission business. It was a very well established company that dealt specifically with Rheingau wines. The customer base was spread all over Germany.

In memory of Ludwig and Hertha Levitta and their son Herbert Levitta
Hertha Levitta
b. Bouquet of roses

Hertha Levitta
nee lived here . Rosenstrauss
Born 1894
Deported 1942
Murdered in 1943
in Auschwitz
Hertha Levitta, Adolfsallee 26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Ludwig Levitta
Ludwig Levitta,
born in 1885, lived here .
Deported in 1942
Murdered in 1943
in Auschwitz
Ludwig Levitta, Adolfsallee 26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Luisenplatz 2

Heinz Lewin (Letton), Luisenplatz 2 Stolperstein residential building (Wiesbaden) .png

Heinz Lewin
Heinz Lewin,
born 1888, lived here .
Escape 1936
Interned Drancy
Deported 1942
Murdered in
June 28, 2019 Heinz Lewin (Letton), Luisenplatz 2 Stolperstein (Wiesbaden) .png Heinz Lewin composed operetta and ballet music, chansons, hits and film music (including 1932: Kriminalreporter Holm ), mostly under the pseudonym Heinz Letton . His compositions were popular and performed in Wiesbaden and on many stages. In the 1930s, Lewin's focus was on composing film music.
Herderstrasse 28
Erioll world.svg

Herderstrasse  28 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Kurt Lewinsohn
Kurt Lewinsohn,
born in 1891, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in
0April 8, 2014 Kurt Lewinsohn, Herderstr.  28 (Wiesbaden) .jpg Kurt Lewinsohn was a businessman and partner in the company "Lewinsohn und Stein, GmbH", which was entered in the commercial register in 1922. The company sold all kinds of metal and musical goods.
Lower Albrechtstrasse 13
Erioll world.svg

Lower Albrechtstrasse  13 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Albert Liebmann
Albert Liebmann,
born in 1876, lived here .
Before deportation, he
fled to death on
August 28, 1942
0May 5, 2010 Albert Liebmann, Untere Albrechtstr.  13 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Albert Liebmann and Margarethe Dorothea geb. Bragenheim
Margarethe Dorothea
b. Bragenheim

Margarethe D. Liebmann
nee lived here . Bragenheim Born
Before deportation,
escape to death
August 26, 1942
Margarethe D. Liebmann b.  Bragenheim, Untere Albrechstr.  13 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Josef Steinberg
Josef Steinberg,
born in 1893, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered July 1st, 1942
Josef Steinberg, Untere Albrechtstr.  13 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Kirchgasse 43
Erioll world.svg
Wiesbaden, Kirchgasse 35-43.jpg
Dr. Alfred Loeb This is where
Dr. Alfred Loeb Born
Deported 1942
Murdered June 30, 1942
04th October 2011 Stumbling block for Dr.  Alfred Loeb (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Dr. Alfred Loeb and Charlotte Loeb
Charlotte Loeb
Charlotte Loeb,
born in 1856, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot October 8, 1942
Stumbling block for Charlotte Loeb (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Frieda Simon
born Bensinger

Frieda Simon
nee lived here . Bensinger Born
Deported 1942
Murdered in Treblinka
0May 2, 2013 Stumbling block for Frieda Simon (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Siegfried Simon
Siegfried Simon,
born in 1864, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in
Stumbling block for Siegfried Simon (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Albert Löb
Albert Löb,
born in 1874, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered September 29, 1942
0October 1, 2013 Stumbling block for Albert Löb (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Käthe Löb
Käthe Löb,
born in 1877, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered September 29, 1942
Stumbling stone for Käthe Löb (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Ernst Löb Here lived
Ernst Loeb
Jg. 1918
'protective custody' in 1938
flight 1939 France
dead from the effects of
1939 Nantes
Stumbling block for Ernst Löb (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Erna Löb
Erna Löb,
born in 1919, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Stumbling block for Erna Löb (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Adolfsallee 33

Erioll world.svg

Helmut Lindt
Helmut Lindt,
born in 1901, lived here .
Escape Belgium
Interned Drancy
1942 Auschwitz
Dr. Ludwig Lindt This is where
Dr. Ludwig Lindt Born
Deported 1942
Murdered 7.2.1943
Karlstrasse 39
Erioll world.svg

Karlstrasse  39 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Adolf Lubasch This is where
Adolf Lubasch,
born in 1928, lived .
Escape 1939 Belgium
from Mechelen
in 1942. Murdered in Auschwitz
0June 8, 2007 Adolf Lubasch, Karlstr.  39 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Max and Frieda Lubasch and their children Paula, Adolf and Markus

Max and Frieda Lubasch ran a textile and lingerie wholesaler
Frieda Lubasch
b. Good friend

Frieda Lubasch
nee lived here . Gutfreund,
born in 1899,
escaped in 1939 from Belgium.
from Mechelen
in 1942. Murdered in Auschwitz
Frieda Lubasch b.  Gutfreund, Karlstr.  39 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Markus Lubasch
Markus Lubasch,
born in 1928, lived here .
Escape 1939 Belgium
Deported from
in 1942. Murdered in Cosel
Markus Lubasch, Karlstr.  39 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Max Lubasch
Max Lubasch,
born in 1897, lived here .
Escape 1939 Belgium
Interned 1940
Dead in Belgium
Max Lubasch, Karlstrasse  39 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Paula Lubasch
Paula Lubasch,
born in 1925, lived here .
Escape 1939 Belgium
Deported from
in 1942. Murdered in Auschwitz
Paula Lubasch, Karlstr.  39 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Adlerstrasse 42
Erioll world.svg
Helene Ludwig
born Dewald

Helene Ludwig
nee lived here . Dewald Born
Humiliated / Disenfranchised
Escape to death
August 28, 1942
0July 2, 2009 Stumbling block for Helene Ludwig (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Helene Ludwig born Dewald
Wagemannstrasse 27

Erioll world.svg
1-Wagemannstrasse 27 in Wiesbaden.JPG

Honor roll for Sally Grosshut

big hat coat

Großhut Mantel,
born in 1907, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in Sobibor
February 21, 2006 Stumbling stone Hedwig Grosshut-Mantel Wagemannstraße 27.jpg Irma, Gisela, Sally , Hedwig and Franziska, the children of Ludwig Mantel and his wife Rosa Rude, b. Stern, were born in Wiesbaden. The family lived at Wagemannstrasse 27. In October 1938, Rosa Großhut, her daughters Irma and Hedwig and their five-year-old son Heinz were deported to the Polish border as stateless Eastern Jews. At first they lived in Bychawa near Lublin . After the occupation of Poland, they first came to the Izbica ghetto , then very likely deported to Majdanek or Sobibor and murdered there.

At the beginning of 1933 Ludwig Mantel was mistreated by the SA and forced to drive a long-time friend, a Christian who was married to a Jew, in a coal cart through the streets of the city center to mock passers-by. He had to wear a sign around his neck that read: “I am a pig, I have violated the breed.” In December 1934, Ludwig Großhut died as a result of the abuse.
Heinz Großhut coat
born in 1933, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in Sobibor
Stumbling stone Heinz Grosshut-Mantel Wagemannstraße 27.jpg
Ludwig coat
Ludwig Mantel,
born in 1878, lived here .
Abused by SA
Dead on December 22nd, 1934
Stumbling Stone Ludwig Mantel Wagemannstrasse 27.jpg
Pink big hat coat
born Stern,
born in 1871, lived here. Expelled
1938 Poland
Murdered in Majdanek
Stumbling Stone Pink Grosshut-Mantel Wagemannstraße 27.jpg
Irma big hat coat
born in 1902, lived here. Expelled
1938 Poland
Murdered in
Stumbling stone Irma Grosshut-Mantel Wagemannstraße 27.jpg
Kirchgasse 5
Erioll world.svg

Kirchgasse 5 from 1907 Heinrich Sembach, Art Nouveau 02.JPG

Jenny Marx
Jenny Marx
born in 1874 lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered September 29, 1942
0April 8, 2014 Jenny Marx, Kirchgasse 5 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of the siblings Jenny and Paula Marx
Paula Marx
Paula Marx
born in 1876 lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered September 29, 1942
Paula Marx, Kirchgasse 5 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Rheinstrasse 97
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Rheinstr.  97.JPG

Heinrich Maschmeyer
Heinrich Maschmeyer,
born in 1885, lived here . Arrested in the
resistance in
Severely mistreated Incapable of
Dead June 10, 1945
0October 1, 2013 Heinrich Maschmeyer, Rheinstr.  97 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Taunusstrasse 20
Erioll world.svg

Taunusstrasse  20 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Dr. Josef Dawson Mayer
Josef Mayer,
born in 1870, lived here,
escaping to death in
February 21, 2006 Joseph Mayer, Taunusstr.  20 (Wiesbaden) .jpg At the end of the 1890s, Josef Dawson Mayer acquired the Taunusapotheke in Wiesbaden and temporarily maintained a small factory for pharmaceutical preparations here. His pharmaceutical history collection, which he kept on the second floor of his house, was considered the most important in Germany at the time. He also collected art and was friends with the painter Alexej Jawlensky .
Herderstrasse 8
Erioll world.svg

Herderstrasse  8 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Emmy Meyer
born Boat

Emmy Meyer
nee lived here . Kahn
born in 1894
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
0April 8, 2014 Emmy Meyer, Herderstr.  8 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Julius Meyer, Emmy Meyer, geb. Kahn, and Erich Hermann Meyer
Erich Hermann

Erich Hermann Meyer,
born in 1930, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in Majdanek
Erich Hermann Meyer, Herderstr.  8 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Julius Meyer
Julius Meyer
born in 1930 lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Majdanek
Julius Meyer, Herderstr.  8 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Else Schott
born Rothschild

Else Schott
nee lived here . Rothschild
born 1882
Deported 1942
Murdered October 4, 1944 Auschwitz
Else Schott, Herderstr.  8 (Wiesbaden) .jpg After the death of her husband in 1933, his widow Else Schott devoted herself to welfare work in the Wiesbaden Jewish community, among whose employees she was very popular, as witnesses reported at the time.

In memory of Else Schott, b. Rothschild, and Recha Schott
Recha Schott
Recha Schott,
born in 1884, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Recha Schott, Herderstr.  8 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Adelheidstrasse 94
Erioll world.svg

Adelheidstrasse  94 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Simon Morgenthau
Simon Morgenthau,
born in 1850, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot September 7, 1942
0June 8, 2007 Simon Morgenthau, Adelheidstr.  94 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Seligmann and Sofie Morgenthau, Arthur and Stefanie Morgenthau
Sophie Morgenthau
b. Bender

Sophie Morgenthau
nee lived here . Bender
born in 1864
Deported in 1942
dead December 2nd, 1942
Sophie Morgenthau b.  Bender, Adelheidstrasse  94 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Fritz Salomon
Fritz Salomon,
born in 1885, lived here .
Admitted to the
Eichberg Regional Clinic,
Tot 9.1.1943
Fritz Salomon, Adelheidstr.  94 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Fritz Salomon
Irma Stern
born Ackermann

Irma Stern
nee lived here . Ackermann
born 1897
Deported 1942
Murdered in
April 19, 2016 Irma Stern born  Ackermann, Adelheidstr.  94 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Hirschgraben 28
Erioll world.svg
Julius Nathan
Julius Nathan,
born in 1898, lived here .
Arrested 1941
Dead May 25, 1943
0May 2, 2013 Stumbling block for Julius Nathan (Wiesbaden) .jpg Julius Nathan trained as a businessman and sold butcher's supplies for the Koblenz company of his father Jakob Nathan.
Herderstrasse 21
Erioll world.svg

Herderstrasse  21 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Hedwig Neumann
b. Roos

Hedwig Neumann
nee lived here . Roos
Born 1883
Deported 1942
Murdered 1942
0October 9, 2014 Hedwig Neumann, Herderstr.  21 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Moritz Neumann and Hedwig Neumann, geb. Roos

Moritz Neumann ran the "Laufer & Co" wine shop in Ingelheim at Bahnhofstrasse 43 together with his brother Karl. After the wine shop was given up due to reprisals in 1938 and they had to sell their house, the Neumanns moved to Wiesbaden in the same year Herderstrasse 21.
Moritz Neumann
Moritz Neumann,
born in 1878, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
murdered in 1942
Moritz Neumann, Herderstr.  21 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 42
Erioll world.svg

Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 42, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg

Irene Irma Rabinowicz
b. Elias

Irene Irma Rabinowicz
nee lived here . Elias Born
Deported 1942
Dead January 29, 1943
September 15, 2005 Irene Irma Rabinowicz b.  Elias, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 42, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Heinrich Rabinowicz
Heinrich Rabinowicz,
born in 1874, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot, November 27th, 1942
Heinrich Rabinowicz, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 42, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Herderstrasse 26
Erioll world.svg

Herderstrasse  26 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Heinrich Reich
Heinrich Reich,
born in 1874, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered February 20, 1943
August 28, 2008 Heinrich Reich gave “street photographer” as the job title. Most likely he photographed distinguished spa guests, because that was how he could earn a living for himself and his partner.
Kirchgasse 47
Erioll world.svg

Kirchgasse 47 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Clara Reinstein
born Lury

Clara Reinstein
nee lived here . Lury
Jg. 1882
Deported 1942
Fate unknown
October 1, 2005 Stolperstein for Clara Reinstein (Wiesbaden) .jpg The Reinsteins opened a menswear store and successfully ran it, initially at Kirchgasse 47, and since around 1915 at Langgasse 7. The store registered with “Prince of Wales menswear” was popular with spa guests. Clara Reinstein, who spoke perfect English and French, was responsible for purchasing and sales.
Sally Salomon Reinstein
Sally Salomon Reinstein,
born in 1873, lived here .
Humiliated / disenfranchised
dead December 2nd, 1938
Stumbling stone for Sally Salomon Reinstein (Wiesbaden) .jpg The destruction of his existence, the arrest of his son Adolf, the humiliating demand to have to pay for the damage caused by Nazi vandalism out of his own pocket, aroused and wounded Sally Reinstein very much. He died on December 2, 1938, presumably of complications from a heart attack.
Dr. Albert Stahl Here
Dr. Albert Stahl Born
Deported 1942
Dead December 9, 1942
Stumbling block for Dr.  Albert Stahl (Wiesbaden) .jpg Dr. Albert Stahl was admitted to the Wiesbaden bar in 1903. He took part in the First World War. On May 5, 1920 he was admitted as a notary. In the framework of the law "to restore the civil service" of 1933, Dr. Stahl withdrew the notary's office in June of the same year.
Herrngartenstrasse 16
Erioll world.svg

Herrngartenstr.  16 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg

Grete Rosenau
born Wertheim

Grete Rosenau
nee lived here . Wertheim Born
Deported 1942
Murdered May 15, 1944
0May 2, 2013 Grete Rosenau born  Wertheim, Herrngartenstr.  1 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg The Rosenau couple ran a bicycle wholesaler in Wiesbaden under the name Moritz Rosenau & Co. with a branch in Mainz. The only daughter Gerti was born on October 17, 1924. It was consecrated on June 5, 1938 in the synagogue on Michelsberg, which was destroyed during the Reichspogromnacht. On July 6, 1939, Gerti came to England on a Kindertransport and thus escaped the horrors of Nazi rule.
Moritz Rosenau
Moritz Rosenau,
born in 1873, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot 9.2.1943
Moritz Rosenau, Herrngartenstr.  16 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Wilhelmstrasse 20
Erioll world.svg

Wilhelmstrasse  18 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Salomon rose bush This is where
Salomon Rosenstrauch,
born in 1875, lived .
Abused by SA
Dead on
April 22nd, 1933
0May 5, 2010 Stumbling block for Salomon Rosenstrauch (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Rheinstrasse 81
Erioll world.svg

Rheinstrasse  81 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Jette Rottenberg Here lived
Jette Rottenberg
Jg. 1910


Institute Bendorf-Sayn
Deported 1942
Murdered 01/05/1943

April 30, 2013 Jette Rottenberg, Rheinstr.  81 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg The Rottenberg family lived in Wiesbaden since 1907. Philipp Rottenberg ran a thriving white and woolen goods store at Rheinstrasse 81. He ran a mail order business, served local retail stores, and sold direct to customers.
Mina Rottenberg
Mina Rottenberg,
born in 1881, lived here .
Deported in 1942
Fate unknown
Mina Rottenberg, Rheinstr.  81 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Karoline Katchen

Karoline Kätchen
born in 1890, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Karoline Katchen Haas, Rheinstr.  81 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Taunusstrasse 14
Erioll world.svg

Taunusstrasse  14 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Leo Lazarus Rubinstein
Leo Lazarus Rubinstein
born in 1904 lived here .
Deported 1943
Liberated / Survived
0October 2, 2012 Leo Lazarus Rubinstein, Taunusstr, 14 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Taunusstrasse 46/48
Erioll world.svg

Taunusstrasse  46-48 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Ruth Irmgard Rückersberg
Ruth Irmgard Rückersberg,
born in 1921, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
murdered in September 1942
0May 3, 2011 Ruth Irmgard Rückersberg, Taunusstr.  46-48, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg Ruth Rückersberg had two older brothers: Kurt Siegfried and Walter, who survived the persecution of the Nazi era. Her parents, Robert Rückersberg and Rosa geb. Gottschalk, ran the Hotel Kronprinz in Wiesbaden at Taunusstrasse 46/48.
Kirchgasse 46
Erioll world.svg

Kirchgasse 46 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg

Brandel Berta Saal
b. million

Brandel Berta Saal
nee lived here . Million
born in 1874
to Poland in 1938
October 13, 2009 Brandel Berta Saal b.  Million, Kirchgasse 46 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Jonas Hall
Jonas Saal,
born in 1874, lived here .
to Poland in 1938
Jonas Saal, Kirchgasse 46 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg
Kleiststrasse 19
Erioll world.svg

Kleiststrasse  19, Wiesbaden-Rheingauviertel.jpg

Ricka Schartenberg
Ricka Schartenberg,
born in 1883, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
0May 5, 2010 Ricka Schartenberg, Kleiststr.  19, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg Ricka Schartenberg worked as an authorized signatory in the Blumenthal department store in Kirchgasse - today Karstadt - until she was dismissed in 1936 "for racial reasons". Her salary had been falling steadily since 1933. From the time she was released, she was nervous and mentally ill and could no longer take care of herself. Her sister Rosa had to look after her.
Rosa Schartenberg
Rosa Schartenberg,
born in 1887, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Rosa Schartenberg, Kleiststr.  19, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Adelheidstrasse 82
Erioll world.svg

Adelheidstrasse  82 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Oskar Osias
Emanuel Kohn

Oskar Osias
Emanuel Kohn,
born in 1904, lived here .
Deported from Sachsenhausen.
Murdered December 31, 1941,
June 30, 2009 Oskar Osias Emanuel Kohn, Adelheidstr.  82 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Oskar Emanuel Kohn

Alfred Scherer ran a cigar house in Kirchgasse.

Jenny's siblings Rebecca, Isidor and Leopold were able to flee to the USA and South America.
Alfred Scherer
Alfred Scherer
born in 1897 lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered August 24, 1942
Alfred Scherer, Adelheidstr.  82 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Jenny Scherer
b. Horwitz

Jenny Scherer
nee lived here . Horwitz
Born 1889
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Jenny Scherer b.  Horwitz, Adelheidstr.  82 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Webergasse 3
Erioll world.svg

Webergasse 3, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg

Julie Schöniger
b. Mayer

Julie Schöniger
nee lived here . Mayer Born
Deported 1943
Murdered December 4, 1943
0April 8, 2014 Julie Schöniger b.  Mayer, Webergasse 3 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg In memory of Julie Schöniger, b. Mayer
Adelheidstrasse 54
Erioll world.svg

Stumbling blocks in front of Adelheidstr.  54 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Frida Schwarz
born Cohen

Frida Schwarz
nee lived here . Cohen,
born 1866,
humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
August 29, 1942
June 30, 2009 Stumbling block Frida Schwarz Adelheidstr.  54 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Sigmund Schwarz, Frida Schwarz, geb. Cohen, Therese Schwarz

Therese Schwarz looked after the deportation victims in the synagogue in Wiesbaden and at the freight yard and issued veronal on request . In February 1943 she was deported to Frankfurt with other Jewish citizens who had remained in Wiesbaden. The victims had to pay for the journey themselves.
Sigmund Black
Sigmund Schwarz,
born in 1880, lived here .
Humiliated / disenfranchised.
Dead December 15, 1942
before deportation
Stumbling Stone Sigmund Schwarz Adelheidstr.  54 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Therese Schwarz
Therese Schwarz,
born in 1893, lived here .
Deported 1943
Escape to
death before being transported on
October 18, 1943 in Frankfurt
Stumbling Stone Therese Schwarz Adelheidstr.  54 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Emanuel-Geibel-Strasse 11
Erioll world.svg

Geibelstrasse  11, Wiesbaden-Middle.jpg

Bernhard Sipper
Bernhard Sipper,
born in 1916, lived here .
Deported in 1943 from
Murdered on February 18, 1943
October 30, 2011 Bernhard Sipper, Geibelstr.  11, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg In memory of Bernhard Sipper
Oranienstrasse 45
Erioll world.svg

Oranienstrasse  45 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg

Jakob Sommerfeld
Jakob Sommerfeld,
born in 1887, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Auschwitz
October 13, 2011 Jakob Sommerfeld, Oranienstr.  45 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg In memory of Jakob Sommerfeld
Schwalbacher Str. 41
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling blocks Salomon Sternbach u.  Josef Sternbach Wiesbaden.png
Eva Sternbach
Eva Sternbach,
born in 1911, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in Sobibor
May 15, 2015 Stumbling Stone Eva Sternbach Wiesbaden.png In memory of Eva Sternbach and her children Harry, Leo and Fanny
Fanny Sternbach
Fanny Sternbach,
born in 1939, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in Sobibor
Stolperstein Fanny Sternbach Wiesbaden.png
Harry Sternbach
Harry Sternbach,
born in 1935, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in
occupied Poland
Stumbling block Harry Sternbach Wiesbaden.png
Leo Sternbach
Leo Sternbach,
born in 1936, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in
occupied Poland
Stumbling block Leo Sternbach Wiesbaden.png
Sander Sternbach Here lived
Sander Sternbach
Jg. 1873
' Poland action ' 1938
Beuthen / Bytom
Murdered 10/30/1941
Stolperstein Sander Sternbach Wiesbaden.png
Salomon Sternbach Here lived
Salomon Sternbach
Jg. 1905
" Poland Action " 1938
Bytom / Bythom
Murdered in occupied Poland
October 25, 2018 Stumbling Stone Salomon Sternbach Wiesbaden.png
Josef Sternbach
Josef Sternbach
born in 1903 lived here .
Arrested 1941
Escape to death
February 14, 1942
Stumbling Stone Josef Sternbach Wiesbaden.png
Moritzstrasse 40
Erioll world.svg

Moritzstrasse  40 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg

Gustav Strauss
Gustav Strauss
born in 1892 lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered January 24, 1943
15th October 2015 Gustav Strauss, Moritzstr.  40 (Wiesbaden-Mitte) .jpg In memory of Gustav Strauss
Lower Albrechtstrasse 17
Erioll world.svg
Lower Albrechtstrasse  17 (Wiesbaden) .JPG
Helene Strauss
born Simon

Helene Strauss
nee lived here . Simon Born
Humiliated / Disenfranchised
Escape to death
August 21, 1942
April 19, 2016 Helene Strauss, Untere Albrechtstr.  17.jpg Helene Strauss, b. Simon married the wine merchant Salomon Strauss, born in 1860, from Freilaubersheim in August 1880. The only daughter Irma was born in Wöllstein in 1895. After the Nazis came to power, nothing was earned anymore. Salomon Strauss died in July 1939, taxes could no longer be paid, the house in Albrechtstrasse had to be sold until there was so little money available that even the rates for the " Jewish property tax " had to be waived by the tax office.
Irma Strauss
Irma Strauss,
born in 1895, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in
Irma Strauss, Untere Albrechtstr.  17 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Adelheidstrasse 75
Erioll world.svg

Adelheidstrasse  75 Karlstrasse  21-25 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Anna Sulzberger
born Dear

Anna Sulzberger
nee lived here . Dear
born 1900
Deported June 10,
1942 Murdered in 1942 in
January 22, 2008 Anna Sulzberger born  Dear, Adelheidstr.  75 (Wiesbaden) .jpg Under increasingly harsher living conditions, the Sulzberger family's financial situation was further restricted. The “Jewish property tax” in December 1938 and the “ Reich flight tax ” in January 1941 had to be paid through the sale of securities and real estate.

The professional ban for Jewish lawyers in 1933 and financial problems in the extended family also worsened their economic situation. Dr. Martin Sulzberger on March 9, 1936 in the Israelite Hospital in Frankfurt.
Manfred Sulzberger
Manfred Sulzberger,
born in 1929, lived here .
Deported June 10, 1942.
Murdered in Sobibor in 1942
Manfred Sulzberger, Adelheidstr.  75 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Paul Sulzberger
Paul Sulzberger,
born in 1931, lived here .
Deported June 10, 1942.
Murdered in Sobibor in 1942
Paul Sulzberger, Adelheidstr.  75 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Esther Dear
Esther Lieber
nee lived here . Adler
born in 1871
Deported September 1,
1942 Theresienstadt
murdered September 29, 1942
Esther Lieber b.  Adler, Adelheidstr.  75 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Faulbrunnenstrasse 9
Erioll world.svg

Faulbrunnenstrasse  9 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Arthur Weil
Arthur Weil,
born in 1880, lived here .
Arrested in 1938
Dead on March 14, 1942
04th October 2011 Arthur Weil, Faulbrunnenstr.  9 (Wiesbaden) .jpg From 1931 to December 1938 Arthur Weil had registered a trade as an exterminator with the city authorities. The whole family suffered from the reprisals of the National Socialists.
Adelheidstrasse 70
Erioll world.svg

Adelheidstrasse  70 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Bertha Weinberg
born Schwabe

Bertha Weinberg
nee lived here . Schwabe
born 1881
Deported August 10, 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
June 30, 2009 Bertha Weinberg born  Schwabe, Adelheidstr.  70 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Berta Weinberg, b. Schwabe, and her son Kurt Weinberg
Kurt Weinberg
Kurt Weinberg,
born in 1906, lived here .
Deported June 10, 1942,
Murdered in Sobibor
Kurt Weinberg, Adelheidstr.  70 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 66
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 66 (GA) .jpg

Isak Weiss
Isak Weiss,
born in 1893, lived here .
Escape 1938 Belgium
1940 France
1942 Switzerland
15th October 2015 Isak Weiss, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 66, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Klara Weiss
Klara Weiss,
born in 1923, lived here .
Escape 1939 Belgium
1940 France
Interned Drancy
Deported 1942
Murdered in Auschwitz
Klara Weiss, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 66, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Leo Weiss
Leo Weiss
born in 1928 lived here .
Escape 1939 Belgium
1940 France
Interned Drancy
Deported 1942
Murdered in Auschwitz
Leo Weiss, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 66, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Sara Weiss
born Dutch

Sara Weiss
nee lived here . Dutch
born 1897
Escape 1939 Belgium
1940 France
Interned Drancy
Deported 1942
Murdered in Auschwitz
Sara Weiss born  Dutchman, Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 66, Wiesbaden-Mitte.jpg
Körnerstrasse 8

Erioll world.svg

Ernst Siegmund Wolf Here lived

Ernst Siegmund Wolf

Born in 1895

Deported in 1942


1944 Auschwitz


Frieda Hilda Wolf

born Feibel

Here lived

Frieda Hilda Wolf

born Feibel

Deported in 1942


1944 Auschwitz


Inge Wolf Here lived

Inge Wolf

Born in 1923

Deported in 1942

Murdered in



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reminder sheet to Oskar Braun
  2. Daniel Honsack: There is no place for mourning. In: Wiesbadener Tagblatt, June 6, 2008
  3. ^ Reminder sheets to the Wilhelm Simon family and to Rebecka Wolff
  4. Kurt-Jakob Amson memorial sheets
  5. ^ Reminder sheets to Sebald Strauss and Hedwig Strauss, born Rödelheimer
  6. ^ Reminder sheet to Sophie Cahen, b. Kleeberg and her daughter Hilde Agnes Bachmann
  7. Reminder sheet Elise Baer, ​​b. heart
  8. ^ Reminder sheet for Julie Baum and her sister Klara Dreifuss
  9. ^ Reminder sheets to Sophie Cahen, b. Kleeberg and her daughter Hilde Agnes Bachmann
  10. ^ Reminder sheet to Karl Baum
  11. ^ Memorial sheet for Karl and Toni Baum and Karl's brother Leo
  12. ^ Reminder sheet to Regine Beck, b. sickle
  13. ^ Reminder sheets to Rosa and Oskar David Borger
  14. Memory sheets of the Berney family
  15. Adolf Julius Blumenthal memorial sheet
  16. ^ Reminder sheets for Simon and Paula Briefwechseller and their son Walter
  17. ^ Reminder sheet to Edmund Capell
  18. In memory of Julie Dreyfuss geb. Allmayer
  19. ^ Reminder sheets for Max Ebbe and his children Leopold and Dora
  20. ^ Reminder sheets to Benni, Mary and Rosi Ehrenreich and their parents Heinrich and Lotte, born Dörner, and the younger sister Fanny
  21. ^ Reminder sheet to Leon Golomb
  22. ^ Reminder sheets for Betty and Paul Engel
  23. Reminder sheets to Dr. Willy Fackenheim and Elsa Fackenheim, b. Altschul
  24. ^ Reminder sheets for the third generation of the Friedmann family
  25. ^ Reminder sheets to Baruch and Eva Licht, b. Neustadt, as well as their children
  26. Reminder sheets for the siblings Jakob, Ephraim and Jenny Licht
  27. Reminder sheets for Cäcilie Goldstein, her daughter Nora and her whole family
  28. Memoirs of three generations Guthmann: Jacob, Berthold and Paul
  29. reminder sheet to Perlja Hammermann born, Kupermann
  30. Wiesbaden Kurier: Against forgetting: Stumbling blocks relocated to another six locations in Wiesbaden , article by Anja Baumgart-Pietsch, October 8, 2016
  31. Reminder sheet to Carl Nathan Herzog
  32. ^ Reminder sheet to Rosa Hobbach, b. Cahn
  33. ^ Reminder sheets to the Itzinger family, Moritzstrasse 15
  34. Reminder sheets for Julius and Erna Kahn geb. Kahn, and their daughter Lore-Bertel
  35. ^ Reminder sheet to Adolf Kaplan
  36. ^ Reminder sheet to Max Kassel
  37. ^ Reminder sheets for Leo and Dora Katzenstein
  38. ^ Jewish houses in Wiesbaden (1939-1942)
  39. ^ Reminder sheets to Felix Kaufmann, Johanna Kaufmann, geb. Frank, and Thekla Hess, geb. Merchant
  40. ^ Reminder sheets to Siegfried and Anna Weis, historically Strauss
  41. Reminder sheets to Dr. Eduard and Lili Laser
  42. ^ Reminder sheets to Ludwig and Auguste Leffmann
  43. ^ Reminder sheet to Hermine Bertha Levi
  44. Reminder leaves on Ludwig and Hertha Levitta and her son Herbert Levitta
  45. ^ Reminder sheet to Heinz Lewin
  46. Active Museum Spiegelgasse : A STUMPING STONE for HEINZ LEWIN. (Information on laying a stumbling block on June 27, 2019)
  47. ^ Reminder sheet to Kurt Lewinsohn
  48. ^ Reminder sheets for Albert Liebmann and Margarethe Dorothea geb. Bragenheim
  49. Reminder sheets to Dr. Alfred Loeb and Charlotte Loeb
  50. ^ Reminder sheets for Max and Frieda Lubasch and their children Paula, Adolf and Markus
  51. ^ Reminder sheets to Max and Frieda Lubasch
  52. ^ Reminder sheets for Helene Ludwig born Dewald
  53. ^ Reminder sheets for the siblings Jenny and Paula Marx
  54. ^ Reminder sheet to Josef Dawson Mayer
  55. ^ Reminder sheets to Julius Meyer, Emmy Meyer geb. Kahn and Erich Hermann Meyer
  56. ^ Reminder sheets to Else Schott geb. Rothschild and Recha Schott
  57. ^ Reminder sheets to Else Schott geb. Rothschild, and Recha Schott
  58. ^ Reminder sheets to Seligmann and Sofie Morgenthau, Arthur and Stefanie Morgenthau
  59. ^ Reminder sheet to Fritz Salomon
  60. ^ Reminder sheet to Julius Nathan
  61. Reminder sheets to Moritz Neumann and Hedwig Neumann, b. Roos
  62. ^ Reminder sheet to Heinrich Reich
  63. ^ Reminder sheet to Clara Reinstein
  64. ^ Reminder sheet to Sally Reinstein
  65. Reminder sheet to Dr. Albert Stahl
  66. ^ Reminder sheets to Moritz Rosenau and Grete geb. Wertheim
  67. ^ Reminder sheets to Mina and Jette Anna Rottenberg
  68. ^ Reminder sheet to Ruth Irmgard Rückersberg
  69. Reminder leaves on Ricka and Rosa Scharteberg
  70. ^ Reminder sheet to Oskar Emanuel Kohn
  71. Reminder sheets for Alfred Scherer and Jenny Scherer geb. Horwitz
  72. ^ Reminder sheet to Julie Schöniger, b. Mayer
  73. ^ Reminder sheets to Sigmund Schwarz, Frida Schwarz, geb. Cohen, Therese Schwarz
  74. reminder sheet Bernhard Sipper
  75. To the memorial sheet to Jakob Sommerfeld
  76. ^ Reminder sheets for Eva Sternbach and her children Harry, Leo and Fanny
  77. ^ Reminder sheet to Gustav Strauss
  78. ^ Reminder sheets for Helene and Irma Strauss
  79. Reminder sheets for Anna Sulzberger, her sons and her mother Esther Lieber
  80. ^ Reminder sheet to Arthur Weil
  81. ^ Reminder sheets to Berta Weinberg, b. Schwabe, and her son Kurt Weinberg