List of stumbling blocks in Wiesbaden-Nordost

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1 Info:  Information on properties that all partial lists have in common for Wiesbaden can be found under List of stumbling blocks in Wiesbaden .  


address Surname Inscription with additions Laying date image annotation
Leberberg 5
Erioll world.svg

Leberberg 5 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Elsbet Albrecht
Elsbet Albrecht,
born in 1869, lived here .
Before deportation, he
fled to death on
August 29, 1942
August 28, 2008 Stumbling Stone Elsbet Albrecht, Leberberg 5, Wiesbaden.jpg In memory of Elsbet Albrecht and Clara and Margarete Zwergel

Clara Zwergel is the widow of the factory owner Arthur Zwergel, who died in 1913. She has three children: Edgar Zwergel, a Dr. in chemistry at IG Farbwerke Berlin , who emigrated with his family to the Netherlands and died there, Stanislaus Zwergel and Margarete.
Clara Zwergel
b. Albrecht

Clara Zwergel
nee lived here . Albrecht Born
Deported 1942
Dead September 16, 1942
Stolperstein Clara Zwergel, Leberberg 5 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Margarete Zwergel
Margarete Zwergel,
born in 1887, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in 1942
in Sobibor
Stumbling Stone Margarete Zwergel, Leberberg 5 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Nerotal 43
Erioll world.svg

Northern Nerotal 43 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Carl Bacharach
Carl Bacharach,
born in 1869, lived here .
Arrested 1939
Wiesbaden prison.
Dead May 28, 1939
0May 3, 2011 Carl Bacharach, Nerotal 43 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg Carl Bacharach was a well-known and respected businessman in his hometown. Already the parents Justus (Juda) Bacharach and his wife Eleonore, geb. Eisenburg, had run a flourishing women's fashion, fur and silk goods shop in Webergasse, which at the time was known far beyond Wiesbaden.
Sonnenberger Strasse
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Sonnenberger Str. 17. JPG

Max Bacharach
Max Bacharach,
born in 1872, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered September 29, 1942
Max Bacharach, Sonnenberger Str. 17 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg In memory of Max Bacharach and Martha, geb. White
Martha Bacharach
b. White

Martha Bacharach
nee lived here . Weiss
born 1888
Deported 1942
Murdered September 29, 1942
Martha Bacharach, Sonnenberger Str. 17 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Sonnenberger Strasse
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Sonnenberger Str. 22.JPG

Ludwig Baruch
Ludwig Baruch,
born in 1892, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot November 2nd, 1943
0July 2, 2009 Stumbling Stone Ludwig Baruch, Sonnenberger Str. 22 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Ludwig and Lilly Baruch
Adolf Levy This is where
Adolf Levy,
born in 1869, lived .
Deported 1942
Tot December 26, 1942
Stolperstein Adolf Levy, Sonnenberger Str. 22 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Adolf and Greta Levy
Greta (Margarete) Levy
b. Rappaport

Greta (Margarete) Levy
nee lived here . Rappaport Born
Deported 1942
Murdered May 15, 1944
Stolperstein Greta Levy, Sonnenberger Str. 22 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Jenny-Clara Taendler
b. Skinny

Jenny-Clara Taendler
nee lived here . Mager
born 1878
Deported 1942
Murdered May 15, 1944
Stumbling Stone Jenny-Clara Taendler, Sonnenberger Str. 22 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Dr. Willy Taendler and his wife Jenny
Ludwig Leffmann
Ludwig Leffmann,
born in 1864, lived here .
Medication refused
Tot 6.10.1944
Knaussstrasse 4
Nathan Nikolaus Bauer
Nathan Nikolaus Bauer,
born in 1882, lived here .
Deported 1943
May 5, 2010
Nathan Nikolaus Bauer was born into a Berlin Jewish family. He became an actor, from 1912 to 1915 his engagement at the Residenztheater in Wiesbaden is documented. His wife came from a strictly Catholic family in Wiesbaden. They married in November 1909 in Berlin. The couple had four daughters. Nathan Bauer gave up acting after injuries sustained as a participant in World War I and has since worked as a bank and finance clerk. He had already converted to Christianity in 1924, and the children were raised Catholic. At first one still hopes that the father will be protected as a Catholic and a war participant. In March 1943, Nathan Bauer was arrested and taken to the police prison in Wiesbaden, then to the judicial prison in Albrechtstrasse. From there he was deported to Auschwitz in May 1943-
Sonnenberger Strasse
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Sonnenberger Str. 47-49.JPG

Hans Berger
Hans Berger,
born in 1898, lived here .
Escape 1939 Belgium
interned Drancy
Deported 1942
Murdered in
0May 3, 2011 Hans Berger, Sonnenberger Str. 48 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Margot Berger
b. Laughman

Margot Berger
nee lived here . Lachmann
Born 1904
Escape 1939 Belgium
interned Drancy
Deported 1942
Murdered in
Margot Berger b.  Lachmann, Sonnenberger Str. 48 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Klaus Ludwig Berger
Klaus Ludwig
born in 1927, lived here .
Escape 1939 Belgium
interned Drancy
Deported 1942
Murdered in
Ulrich Berger
Ulrich Berger,
born in 1930, lived here .
Escape 1939 Belgium
interned Drancy
Deported 1942
Murdered in
Walkmuehlstrasse 89
Erioll world.svg
Adolf Bielschowsky
Adolf Bielschowsky,
born in 1874, lived here .
Humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
0October 2, 2012
Hedwig Bielschowsky
born Blithely

Hedwig Bielschowsky
nee lived here . Munter
born 1873
Humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
August 29, 1942
Weinbergstrasse 6
Erioll world.svgWeinbergstrasse  6 (Wiesbaden) .JPG
Dr. Erich Cosmann This is where
Dr. Erich Cosmann,
born 1885,
humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
November 14, 1942
October 13, 2009
In Marburg, Erich Cosmann obtained his doctorate in 1907. jur. In 1912 he was admitted to the bar at the Wiesbaden Regional Court and the Nastatten District Court. In Wiesbaden he opened his office at Moritzstrasse 15. Cosmann was appointed notary in April 1924. After the boycott of Jewish institutions ordered by the Nazi government in April 1933, Dr. Cosmann was initially admitted to the bar as a “veteran lawyer ” and “ front fighter ”. In 1934 he had to move his office to Adelheidstrasse 47. As a result of the Reich Citizenship Act of November 1935, his notary's office was withdrawn.
Leberberg 11a
Nadine Feldzer
b. Goldenweiser

Nadine Feldzer
nee lived here . Goldenweiser
Born 1881
Escape 1938 France
Interned Drancy
Deported 1943
Murdered in
October 24, 2019
Nice view 10
Erioll world.svg
Barbara Fischer
Barbara Fischer,
born in 1895, lived here .
Deported in 1943,
murdered October 20, 1943
0May 5, 2010 Barbara Fischer, Schöne Aussicht 10 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg REMINDER SHEETS: Grandchildren were not allowed to ask about Grandma Barbara (Wiesbadener Tagblatt, July 2, 2010)
Franz-Abt-Strasse 5
Erioll world.svg

Franz-Abt-Str.  5 (Wiesbaden-Südost) .jpg

Dora Frank
Dora Frank,
born in 1899, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
April 23, 2013 Dora Frank, Franz-Abt-Str.  5 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg In memory of Elisabeth Frank, b. Traumann, and Dora Frank
Elisabeth Frank
born Trautmann

Elisabeth Frank
nee lived here . Traumann
born in 1877
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Elisabeth Frank born  Traumann, Franz-Abt-Str.  5 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Philippsbergstrasse 25
Erioll world.svg
Frieda Goldschmidt
born Ostrich

Frieda Goldschmidt
nee lived here . Strauss
Born 1902
Deported 1942
Murdered 1942 in
0May 5, 2010
Paul Leo Goldschmidt
Paul Leo Goldschmidt,
born in 1932, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered 1942 in
Lotte Goldschmidt
Lotte Goldschmidt,
born in 1931, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
murdered in Majdanek in 1942
Berthold Goldschmidt
Berthold Goldschmidt,
born in 1901, lived here .
Deported 1942
murdered July 29, 1942
Parkstrasse 8
Erioll world.svg

Parkstrasse  8-10 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Dr. Georg Goldstein This is where
Dr. Georg Goldstein Born
Deported March 16, 1943
Dead August 31, 1943
January 22, 2008 Stumbling block Dr.  Georg Goldstein, Parkstr.  8 (Wiesbaden) .jpg Dr. Georg Goldstein from Breslau lived in Wiesbaden with his wife and two children. As director, Dr. From 1912 onwards, Goldstein made a decisive contribution to the success of the "German Society for Merchant Recreational Homes" (GKH) throughout Germany for over twenty years . In 1930, at the inauguration of the "House on the Alb" in Bad Urach, he expressed himself as the client self-confidently about the objective of using this modern building to provide social welfare for the employees. Goldstein was also active in the city's political club life, in keeping with his self-image as a democratic, liberal German Jew. But on June 10, 1933, the board of the GKH dismissed him. The loss of professional position and recognition hurt him very much. Only the children managed to emigrate.
Margarete Goldstein
born Lasker

Margarete Goldstein
nee lived here . Lasker
born in 1889
Deported March 16, 1943
murdered October 9, 1944
Stumbling block Dr.  Georg Goldstein and Margarete Goldstein (detail), in front of Parkstr.  8-10 (Wiesbaden) .PNG
Nerotal 43
Arthur Guttmann
Arthur Guttmann,
born in 1871, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered 17. 10.1942
Luise Guttmann
Luise Guttmann
nee lived here . Hirschmann
born 1879
Humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
January 30, 1940
Taunusstrasse 45

Taunusstrasse  45 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg

Dora Hene
b. fog
October 24, 2019
Margot Hene October 24, 2019
Marianne Hene October 24, 2019
Nerotal 35
Erioll world.svg
Joseph Heymann
Joseph Heymann,
born in 1862, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot 16.9.1942
September 15, 2005
Josef Heymann is described as a very respected, solid businessman, the women's fashion house at times had up to 50 assistants. Käthe also worked in her husband's business and also signed power of attorney there . The Heymanns are confronted with the changing realities early on: In the spring of 1933 - immediately after they came to power - a post with a sign in front of their shop: “Do not buy from Jews!” The business books indicate that sales then fell dramatically have to be. This, but above all the personal threat associated with it, led Heymanns to make the decision to sell their business prematurely.
Katharina (Käthe) Heymann
b. laser

Katharina Heymann
nee lived here . Laser
born in 1877
Deported in 1942
Dead September 19, 1942
Wilhelminenstrasse 42
Erioll world.svg

Wilhelminenstrasse  42 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg

Lilly Hirschkind
born copper

Lilly Hirschkind
nee lived here . Kupfer
Born 1882
Deported 1942
1944 Auschwitz
0August 8, 2006 Lilly Hirschkind born  Kupfer, Wilhelminenstr.  42 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg In memory of Theobald, Lilly and Dora Hirschkind
Theobald Hirschkind
Theobald Hirschkind,
born in 1882, lived here,
deported in 1942,
Tot 3 March 1943
Theobald Hirschkind, Wilhelminenstr.  42 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Kapellenstrasse 80
Erioll world.svg

Kapellenstrasse  80 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg

Mathilde Hofer
b. Scheinberger

Mathilde Hofer
nee lived here . Scheinberger Born
Murdered November 21, 1942
February 21, 2006 Mathilde Hofer b.  Scheinberger, Kapellenstr.  80 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg In memory of Mathilde Hofer, b. Scheinberger
Richard-Wagner-Strasse 26
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Richard-Wagner-Str.  26.JPG

Martha Hoff
born Fraenkel

Martha Hoff
nee lived here . Fraenkel
born in 1890
Deported 1942
Murdered 1942
0October 1, 2013 Stolperstein Martha Hoff, Richard-Wagner-Str.  26 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Martha Hoff, b. Fraenkel
Taunusstrasse 71
Erioll world.svg

Taunusstrasse  71 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg

Clothilde Isaar
b. Small fruit

Clothilde Isaar
nee lived here . Kleineibst
born in 1875
Deported in 1942
Murdered in Treblinka
0May 2, 2012 Clothilde Isaar b.  Kleineibst, Taunusstr.  71 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Heßstrasse 5
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Heßstr.  5.JPG

Hedwig Jakobsohn
Hedwig Jakobsohn,
born in 1889, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot 9.9.1942
0August 8, 2006 Hedwig Jacobsohn, Heßstr.  5 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Julius Jacobsohn and Hedwig Jacobsohn, geb. Cohn
Julius Jakobsohn
Julius Jakobsohn,
born in 1892, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in
Julius Jacobsohn, Heßstr.  5 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Nerotal 11a
Erioll world.svg

Nerotal 11a (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Klara Jacobsohn
born White

Klara Jacobsohn
nee lived here . Weiss Born
Deported 1942
Dead September 8, 1942
0May 3, 2011 Klara Jacobsohn, Nerotal 11a (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Nathan Jacobsohn
Nathan Jacobsohn,
born in 1889, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot 9.9.1942
Nathan Jacobsohn, Nerotal 11a (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Walkmühlstrasse 63
Erioll world.svg

Walkmuhlstrasse  62-64 (Wiesbaden) .JPG(Walkmühlstrasse 62-64)

Erich Jourdan
Erich Jourdan,
born in 1887, lived here .
Forced laborer.
Arrested in September 1942.
Police prison, Wiesbaden,
1942 Mauthausen
. Shot on the run, November 12, 1942
0May 2, 2012
In memory of Erich Jourdan
Platter Strasse 178
Erioll world.svg
Gerda Jung
born Lily field

Gerda Jung
nee lived here . Lilienfeld Born
Deported Auschwitz
Murdered August 25, 1943
February 21, 2006

Gerda Jung was married to the stonemason and sculptor Karl Jung, a Christian. Karl Jung worked in his parents' business on Platterstrasse. The couple had a daughter. With the beginning of the National Socialist rule, families who lived in so-called " mixed marriages " were exposed to pressure from the authorities, and to ostracism and defamation by neighbors. Karl Jung had to leave his parents' business because his marriage to a Jewish partner meant that customers avoided the business. He retrained as a technical draftsman.

Kapellenstrasse 38
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Kapellenstr.  38.JPG

Hedwig Kahn
born Mayer

Hedwig Kahn
nee lived here . Mayer Born
Deported 1942
Murdered January 23, 1943
0October 9, 2014
Leopold Albert

Leopold Albert
born in 1883, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered January 23, 1943
Lanzstrasse 2
Erioll world.svg
Karolina Kann
b. Because

Karolina Kann
nee lived here . Because
born in 1895
Deported 1942
Dead June 11, 1944
0October 1, 2013
In memory of Karoline Kann, geb. Because, Dr. Siegfried Kann and Ellen Kann, b. Boat
von Linstow
b. Boat

von Linstow
nee lived here . Kahn Born
Arrested 1942
' Suspected of espionage'
Deported in 1943
Murdered July 28, 1943
0May 2, 2012
Taunusstrasse 37
Albert Kleeberg
Albert Kleeberg,
born in 1873, lived here .
Deported 1942
Taunusstrasse 37

Martha Kleeberg
born Rothschild

Martha Kleeberg,
born in 1881, lived here .
Deported 1942
1942 Treblinka
Taunusstrasse 79
Erioll world.svg

Taunusstrasse  79 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg

Melanie Kleineibst
Melanie Kleineibst
born in 1883 lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
0May 3, 2011 Melanie Kleineibst, Taunusstr.  79 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Taunusstrasse 63b
Erioll world.svg

Taunusstraße 63 1909 former ophthalmological institution 03.JPG

Moritz Kupfer
Moritz Kupfer,
born in 1877, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered September 24, 1942
January 22, 2009 Moritz Kupfer, Taunusstr.  63b, (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg In memory of Moritz Kupfer and Claire Kupfer, geb. Haas
Taunusstrasse 31
Erioll world.svg

Taunusstrasse  31 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Dr. Siegfried Landé This is where
Dr. Siegfried Landé,
born 1864,
humiliated / disenfranchised
Escape to death
Dr.  Siegfried Landé, Taunusstr.  31 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg In addition to his practice, Dr. Landé as medical officer, head doctor at the Red Cross hospital at the Schöne Aussicht. He was widely recognized in the city as a specialist in women's diseases. In 1933 he was removed from his post as chief physician. In addition, after 43 years as a doctor, he was banned from practice. By 1937 the Landés had to move three times, first to Adolfsberg 2, then to Wilhelmstrasse. 18 and then to the Dambachtal 38. Nowhere could they live for more than two years, because the landlords kept abandoning them.
Mozartstrasse 6
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Mozartstr.  6.JPG

Leopold Levy
Leopold Levy,
born in 1882, lived here .
Arrested 1938
Murdered April 3rd, 1942
Bernburg / Saale
Aktion T4
0May 3, 2011 Leopold Levy, Mozartstrasse.  6 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg Leopold Levy was a co-owner of Beckhardt, Kaufmann & Co in Wiesbaden. The company manufactured linen and linen equipment and was located in Kirchgasse at the corner of Friedrichstrasse.
Riederbergstrasse 3
Erioll world.svg

Riederbergstrasse  1-3 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Ella Marx
b. Ostrich

Ella Marx
nee lived here . Strauss
Born 1881
Deported 1942
Murdered 1942
September 15, 2005
Heinrich Marx
Heinrich Marx
born in 1877 lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered September 28, 1944
Juliane Marx
Juliane Marx,
born in 1873, lived here,
dead September 18, 1942 in the Frankfurt
Jewish Hospital
Leberberg 11a
Helene Parmskava
b. Goldenweiser

Helene Parmskava
nee lived here . Goldenweiser
Born 1881
Moving France
Interned Drancy
Deported 1943
Murdered 1944
October 24, 2019
Strasse 30
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Richard-Wagner-Str.  30.jpg

David Ransenberg
David Ransenberg,
born in 1866, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered September 7, 1942
October 21, 2009 Stumbling Stone David Ransenberg, Richard-Wagner-Str.  30 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Ida Ransenberg
b. Brettheimer

Ida Ransenberg
nee lived here . Brettheimer Born
Deported 1942
Murdered October 13, 1942
Stumbling block Ida Ransenberg, Richard-Wagner-Str.  30 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Neuberg 4
Erioll world.svg

Neuberg 4 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg

Irene Zelikin
Irene Zelikin,
born in 1913, lived here .
Escape 1934
Interned in 1942
Deported in 1942
Murdered in Auschwitz
October 13, 2010 Irene Zelikin, Neuberg 4 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg In memory of Stephanie Rabinowicz, Teofilia Zelikin and their daughter Irene
Teofilia Zelikin
b. Rabinowicz

Teofilia Zelikin
nee lived here . Rabinowicz
Born 1889
Escape 1938
Interned in 1942
Deported in 1942
Murdered in Auschwitz
Teofila Zelikin b.  Rabinowicz.  Neuberg 4 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Stephanie Rabinowicz
Stephanie Rabinowicz,
born in 1895, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered December 18, 1943
Stephanie Rabinowicz, Neuberg 4 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Taunusstrasse 45
Erioll world.svg

Taunusstrasse  45 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg

Adolf Rothschild
Adolf Rothschild,
born in 1890, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Majdanek
0October 2, 2012 Adolf Rothschild, Taunusstrasse.  45 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg After his return from the war as a war volunteer , Adolf Rothschild found a job as managing director and authorized signatory in the carpet store Ganz & Co in Mainz, a Jewish company that also had a branch in Wiesbaden.

Johanna Baum's parents ran the “Ritter's Hotel” at Taunusstrasse 45. Above all, devout Jews who could not pay high prices stayed here.
Johanna Rothschild
b. tree

Johanna Rothschild
nee lived here . Baum
born in 1893
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Johanna Rothschild b.  Braun, Taunusstr.  45 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Riederbergstrasse 3

Erioll world.svg

Riederbergstrasse  1-3 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Elsa Rückersberg
b. Marx

Elsa Rückersberg
nee lived here . Marx
Born 1913
Deported 1942
Murdered 1942 Sobibor    
February 21, 2006
Taunusstrasse 46/48
Erioll world.svg

Taunusstrasse  46-48 (Wiesbaden) .JPG

Ruth Irmgard Rückersberg
Ruth Irmgard
born in 1921, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
murdered in September 1942
0May 3, 2011
Dambachtal 29
Erioll world.svg
Florentina Soliman
b. rice

Florentina Soliman
nee lived here . Reis
born in 1860
Deported in 1942
Dead 24.8.1942
0May 5, 2010
Florentina, called Flora, Soliman b. Reis, was married to Louis David Ben Soliman, a Turkish national who had lived in Wiesbaden since 1880. From 1886 he ran an oriental bazaar in the fountain colonnade, and from 1899 as an imperial and royal purveyor to the court in Wilhelmstrasse. 30 an art shop with oriental and luxury goods.
Kreidelstrasse 7
Erioll world.svg

Wiesbaden, Kreidelstr.  7.JPG

Edith Irmgard Bacon Here lived
Edith Irmgard bacon
Jg. 1929
'trained' 28/06/1943
sanatorium Hadamar
Murdered 07/07/1943
0April 8, 2014 Edith Irmgard Speck, Kreidelstr.  7 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg Edith Irmgard Speck attended the "girls' school on Bierstadter Straße", later the "middle school on Schulberg" and was a good student. When the grandmother became too frail, Edith came to a foster home with two elderly women in Wiesbaden. In the years that followed, she witnessed how both her mother Elisabeth Speck and her grandmother were deported and killed. Finally, the 13-year-old met the same fate. She found a violent death in the "Department for Jewish Mixed Race" in Hadamar .
Elisabeth Speck
born Gersohn

Elisabeth Speck
nee lived here . Gersohn Born
Admitted 1936
Sanatorium 'Relocated' May 31, 1940
Murdered May 31, 1940
Action T4
Elisabeth Speck born  Gersohn, Kreidelstr.  7 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Ida Gersohn
b. Silberstein

Ida Gersohn
nee lived here . Silberstein Born
Deported 1942
Murdered September 23, 1942
Ida Gersohn b.  Silberstein, Kreidelstr.  7 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Franz-Abt-Strasse 12
Erioll world.svg

Franz-Abt-Str.  12 (Wiesbaden-Südost) .jpg

Babette Weil
b. Göggel

Babette Weil
nee lived here . Göggel Born
Deported 1942
Murdered in


October 13, 2009 Babette Weil b.  Göggel, Franz-Abt-Str.  12 (Wiesbaden) .jpg "Against forgetting."

(Wiesbadener Tagblatt, February 5, 2010)

Frieda Weil
Frieda Weil,
born in 1924, lived here .
Deported in 1942,
Murdered in
Frieda Weil, Franz-Abt-Str.  12 (Wiesbaden-Nordost) .jpg
Stiftstrasse 16

Erioll world.svg

Augusta Krotoschin
b. Rose branch

nee lived here . Rosenzweig
born in 1904
Deported in 1942
Murdered in
Stumbling stone for Augusta Krotoschin (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Ewald Krotoschin
Ewald Krotoschin,
born in 1899, lived here .
Escape 1939 Belgium
Interned Drancy

Deported 1942.
Murdered in

Stumbling block for Ewald Krotoschin (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Hilde Krotoschin
Hilde Krotoschin,
born in 1930, lived here .
Deported in 1942.
Murdered in
Stumbling block for Hilde Krotoschin (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Jeanette Rosenzweig
b. Cywie

Jeanette Rosenzweig
nee lived here . Cywie Born
Deported 1942
Murdered in
Stumbling block for Jeanette Rosenzweig (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Helene Wydor
b. Rose branch

Helene Wydor
nee lived here . Rosenzweig
Born 1907
Arrested 1942
Deported 1942
Murdered October 22, 1942
Stumbling block for Helene Wydor (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reminder sheets to Elsbet Albrecht and Clara and Margarete Zwerge
  2. Reminder leaves on Elsbet Albrecht and Clara and Margaret Zwergel
  3. ^ Reminder sheet to Carl Bacharach
  4. ^ Reminder sheets to Max Bacharach and Martha, geb. White
  5. ^ Reminder sheets to Ludwig and Lilly Baruch
  6. ^ Reminder sheets for Adolf and Greta Levy
  7. Reminder sheets to Dr. Willy Taendler and his wife Jenny
  8. ^ Reminder sheet to Nathan Nikolaus Bauer
  9. Reminder sheet to Dr. Erich Cosmann
  10. ^ Reminder sheet for Barbara Fischer
  11. Reminder sheets for Elisabeth Frank geb. Traumann and Dora Frank
  12. Reminder sheet to Dr. Georg Goldstein and Margarethe Goldstein
  13. ^ Reminder sheets for Josef and Käthe Heymann
  14. ^ Reminder sheets to Theobald, Lilly and Dora Hirschkind
  15. ^ Reminder sheet to Mathilde Hofer, b. Scheinberger
  16. ^ Reminder sheet to Martha Hoff, b. Fraenkel
  17. ^ Reminder sheets for Julius Jacobsohn and Hedwig, born Cohn
  18. ^ Reminder sheet to Erich Jourdan
  19. ^ Reminder sheets to Gerda Jung, b. Lilienfeld, and Agnes Lilienfeld, b. Heckscher
  20. Reminder sheets to Karoline Kann, geb. Because, Dr. Siegfried Kann and Ellen Kann, b. Boat
  21. ^ Reminder sheets to Moritz Kupfer and Claire Kupfer, b. Haas
  22. Reminder sheets to Dr. Siegfried and Maria Landé, b. Popp
  23. ^ Reminder sheet to Leopold Levy
  24. reminder sheets to Stephanie Rabinowicz, Teofilia Zelikin and their daughter Irene
  25. ^ Reminder sheets to Johanna Rothschild, b. Baum, and Adolf Rothschild
  26. ^ Memorabilia to Florentina Ben Soliman and her family
  27. Anja Baumgart-Pietsch: Three generations wiped out by the Nazis. In: Wiesbadener Kurier, 7 July 2018
  28. Anja Baumgart-Pietsch: Active museum commemorates the Gersohn / Speck and Drachman families. Wiesbaden Courier Online. July 7, 2018 (accessed July 8, 2018)
  29. Maria Nüchter: The genesis of "euthanasia" in theory and practice using the example of the Rastatt nursing home . Karlsruher Institute for Technology. Institute for History. (Summer semester 2010)
  30. Memory from Babette Weil, b. Göggel