List of stumbling blocks in Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg

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 Info:  Information on properties, which all partial lists for Wiesbaden have in common, can be found under List of stumbling blocks in Wiesbaden .


address Surname Inscription with additions Laying date image annotation
Danziger Strasse 85
Erioll world.svg
Danziger Str. 85, Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg.jpg
Johanna Bender
Johanna Bender,
born in 1874, lived here .
Admitted to the Frankfurt
Jewish Hospital. Dead 9.9.1942

October 13, 2010 Johanna Bender, Danziger Str. 85, Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg.jpg
Schuppstrasse 1
Erioll world.svg

Schuppstrasse  1 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Berta Cahn
b. Jacoby

Berta Cahn
nee lived here . Jacoby
born in 1891
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
04th October 2011 Berta Cahn b.  Jacoby, Schuppstr.  1 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Herbert Cahn
Herbert Cahn,
born in 1920, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Herbert Cahn, Schuppstr.  1 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Ingeborg Cahn
Ingeborg Cahn,
born in 1931, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Sobibor
Ingeborg Cahn, Schuppstr.  1 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Rambacher Strasse 11
Erioll world.svg
Rambacher Str. 11 Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg.jpg
Franziska Levita
b. Gutmann

Franziska Levita
nee lived here . Gutmann Born
Deported 1942
Murdered September 19, 1942
December 10, 2007 Franziska Levita b.  Gutmann, Rambacher Str. 11 Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg.jpg In memory of Ludwig, Frieda and Franziska Levita from Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg,

Ludwig Levita (called Louis), together with his younger brother Arthur, owned a thriving butcher and cattle shop at Rambacher Str. 11 in Sonnenberg. As a result of the boycott of Jewish businesses, especially butchers, by the Nazis, the Levita brothers had to close their business in 1936. According to a contemporary witness, her customers were photographed by a neighbor, exposed by name in the press and thus put under pressure.
Frieda Levita
b. De Vries

Frieda Levita
nee lived here . De Vries
Born 1886
Deported 1942
Murdered 1942 in Sobibor
Frieda Levita b.  de Vries, Rambacher Str. 11 Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg.jpg
Ludwig Levita
Ludwig Levita,
born in 1886, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered 7.4.1942
Ludwig Levita, Rambacher Str. 11 Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg.jpg
At the city wall 4
Erioll world.svg

At the city wall 4, Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg.jpg

Mina Marx
born Eagle
Here worked
Mina Marx
born Adler
born 1874
Deported 1942
Murdered May 15, 1944
04th October 2011 Mina Marx born  Adler, An der Stadtmauer 4, Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg.jpg In memory of Moritz Marx and Mina Marx, geb. Adler
Since 1914 at the latest, the Marx couple ran a butcher's shop in the former Langgasse 4 in Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg together with Moritz's brother Julius. This had to suffer from the harassment of the National Socialists as early as 1933. In October 1937, the Hessen-Nassau Viehwirtschaftsverband Hessen-Nassau tried to force Moritz Marx, who was also a cattle dealer, out of the job. His admission to the cattle trade should be "revoked", it said in a letter to the tax office and asked to check whether there were any irregularities, unreliability or even tax arrears. Moritz Marx finally gave up his butcher's shop in 1938.
Moritz Marx
Moritz Marx
born in 1870 worked here .
Deported 1942
Dead April 27, 1944
Moritz Marx, An der Stadtmauer 4, Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg.jpg
Tennelbachstrasse 21
Erioll world.svg

Tennelbachstrasse  21 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Ida Henriette Moser
b. deer

Ida Henriette Moser
nee lived here . Hirsch
Born 1899
Deported 1942
Declared dead
April 13, 2005 Ida Henriette Moser b.  Hirsch, Tennelbachstr.  21 (Wiesbaden) .jpg The Moser couple lived in Wiesbaden in a house on Tennelbachstrasse from around 1920.

Paul Moser, who studied at the Technical Universities of Munich and Darmstadt , was a graduate engineer and as such must have been a very resourceful and sought-after specialist. Before moving to Wiesbaden, he was the main engineer at Elektra GmbH Essen / Ruhr, acted as a consultant for various power plants, collieries and gas works, as well as for the Royal Mechanical Engineering Schools and for schools and high schools in which electrical systems were installed under his direction . Even before the Nazis came to power, Paul must have been exposed to discrimination because of his Jewish faith, because during his studies he still had the surname Moses, which he later changed to Moser.
Use Charlotte Moser
Ilse Charlotte Moser
born in 1921 lived here .
Escape 1939
Ilse Charlotte Moser, Tennelbachstr.  21 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Margret Irma Moser
Margret Irma Moser,
born in 1922, lived here .
Escape 1939
Margret Irma Moser, Tennelbachstr.  21 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Paul Moser
Paul Moser,
born in 1875, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot, September 28, 1942
Paul Moser, Tennelbachstr.  21 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
At the city wall 9–11
Erioll world.svg

At the city wall 9-11, Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg.jpg

Emil Neumann
Emil Neumann,
born in 1867, lived here .
Deported 1942
Murdered in Treblinka
February 21, 2006 Emil Neumann, An der Stadtmauer 9-11, Wiesbaden.jpg
Johanna Neumann
Johanna Neumann
nee lived here . Meyer Born
Deported 1942
Murdered September 21, 1942
Johanna Neumann b.  Mayer, An der Stadtmauer 9-11 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Parkstrasse 59
Erioll world.svg

Parkstrasse  59, Wiesbaden-Nordost.jpg

Heinrich Rothschild
Heinrich Rothschild,
born in 1861, lived here .
Deported 1942
Tot 2.1.1943
0May 3, 2011 Heinrich Rothschild, Parkstr.  59 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In memory of Heinrich Rothschild and his wife Ida, geb. Because
Ida Rothschild
b. Because

Ida Rothschild
nee lived here . Because
born in 1869
Deported 1942
Dead October 8, 1942
Ida Rothschild b.  Weil, Parkstr.  59 (Wiesbaden) .jpg
Danziger Strasse 75
Erioll world.svg

Danziger Str. 79 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

August Spiegel
August Spiegel,
born in 1860, lived here,
August 25, 1942
September 15, 2005 August Spiegel, Danziger Str. 75 (Wiesbaden) .jpg In March 1930, August and Ida Spiegel sold their pharmacy in Lauterecken in the Palatinate and moved to Wiesbaden to spend the last years of their lives close to their relatives. Like all Jews, August and Ida Spiegel lost all rights in the “Third Reich”, were persecuted and oppressed. Nikolaus Prediger, as a social democrat, was constantly exposed to Nazi stalking and pressure, and stood by the mirror. With his family he regularly provided the very old people with food and so did his best to alleviate their misery.
Ida Spiegel
b. All

Ida Spiegel
nee lived here . Full
Jg. 1862
Ida Spiegel, Danziger Str. 79 (Wiesbaden) .jpg

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reminder sheets to Ludwig, Frieda and Franziska Levita from Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg
  2. ^ Memorial sheets to Moritz Marx and Mina Marx geb. Eagle
  3. ^ Reminder sheets to Paul and Ida Moser
  4. Reminder sheets for Heinrich Rothschild and his wife Ida, b. Because
  5. Reminder sheets for August and Ida Spiegel, b. All