List of Canadian capitals

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This is a list of Canadian capitals .

Capitals of the state of Canada

  • Kingston (Ontario)
  • Montréal / Montreal
    • 1844–1849 capital of the province of Canada (British colony)
  • Toronto
    • 1849–1851 capital of the province of Canada (British colony)
    • 1855–1859 capital of the province of Canada (British colony)
  • Quebec / Quebec
    • 1851–1855 capital of the province of Canada (British colony)
    • 1859–1865 capital of the province of Canada (British colony)
  • Ottawa
    • 1865–1867 Capital of the Province of Canada (British Colony)
    • 1867–1982 federal capital of the Canadian Dominion
    • since 1982 the federal capital of Canada

Capitals of the provinces and territories since 1867

Capitals of the provinces

Capitals of the territories

In 1869 the Hudson's Bay Company transferred all sovereign rights of its territories to Canada, in 1870 the Northwest Territories were formed, in 1876 they became a separate political entity. From 1905–67 they were administered by various institutions of the Canadian government in Ottawa, there was no official capital at this time.

From 1876-1905, the Keewatin District, which is now part of Nunavut, was separated from the Northwest Territories as a territory. It was administered by the lieutenant governor of Manitoba and therefore had no capital of its own.

In 1898 the Yukon Territory was separated from the Northwest Territories.

In 1999, the Inuit Territory of Nunavut was separated from the Northwest Territories.