List of personalities from Mesocco

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Mesocco coat of arms

This list contains personalities born in Mesocco and those who had their sphere of activity in Mesocco without being born there. The list does not claim to be complete.


Coat of arms of the Counts of Sax-Misox in the cathedral of Chur
  • The barons of Sax barons and counts, high nobility
    • Eberhard de Sacco (* around 1137/1139 in Mesocco), earliest attested representative of the family
    • Ulrich von Sax (abbot) (* 1160, first mentioned in 1204 in Mesocco; † September 23, 1220 ibid), son of Albrecht, abbot, Portarius (gatekeeper) of the St. Gallen monastery
    • Heinrich von Sax (* around 1180, last mentioned March 31, 1247 in Mesocco), (probably from 1213) monastery governor of Disentis
    • Albert II (* around 1210 – after 1248 in Mesocco)
    • Albert III (* around 1215 – after 1257 in Mesocco)
    • Caspar von Sax-Misox (1362-1390)
    • Johann von Sax-Misox (1365–1427), first mentioned in 1400; † 1427 in Castrisch , baron, from 1413 count.
    • Albert IV von Sax-Misox (1370-1406), after the death of Duke Gian Galeazzo Visconti of Milan, in 1403 the Sax conquered the Bellinzona fortress
    • Donat von Sax-Misox (1400–1423)
    • Heinrich von Sax-Misox (1427–1488), Count
    • Johann Peter von Sax-Misox (1462–1540), last count of Sax-Misox.
  • Members of the a Marca family. The patrician family, which still exists today, is attested to in 1365 and 1391 in the community. Several representatives played an important role in the public life of the Misox and the Three Leagues. They were mercenary officers in the service of France and Venice , they were clergy, public notaries, merchants, bankers and emigrants
    • Nicolao a Marca (* around 1400 in Mesocco; † 1450 ibid), imperial notary in Misox
    • Albert a Marca (* around 1470 in Mesocco; † 1492), governor of Misox under Gian Giacomo Trivulzio
    • Nicolao Donato a Marca (* around 1470 in Mesocco; † after 1515 ibid), vicar in the judicial parish of Mesocco, Podestà of Traona (1512-1515)
    • Antonio a Marca (* around 1500 in Mesocco; mentioned 1537; † March 15, 1558 in Chur ), captain in the service of France, governor
    • Giacomo a Marca (* around 1553 in Mesocco; † 1602 ibid?), Architect in Poland
    • Giovanni a Marca (* around 1555 in Mesocco; † around 1602 ibid), Colonel in the service of Venice , vicar in the judicial parish of Mesocco
    • Nicolao a Marca (* around 1555 in Mesocco; † 1607 ibid), notary (1574–1607), merchant, banker, Podestà in Tirano (1595–1597)
    • Antonio a Marca (* around 1560 in Mesocco; † after 1598 ibid?), Architect in Poland
    • Gaspare a Marca (* 1575 in Mesocco; † after 1619), Podestà of Morbegno (1618–1619)
    • Peter a Marca (* around 1600 in Mesocco; † June 29, 1662 in Paris ), 1654 Archbishop of Toulouse , February 16, 1662 Archbishop of Paris
    • Carlo a Marca (* around 1622 in Mesocco; † before June 3, 1681 ibid), captain in the service of the Serenissima Repubblica di San Marco , governor of the Mesocco judicial community, governor in Valtellina , governor in Sondrio (1677–1679)
    • Giuseppe Maria a Marca (* 1651 in Mesocco; † 1707 ibid), governor in Sondrio since 1679
    • Giuseppe Maria a Marca (* 1694 in Mesocco; † 1756 ibid), notary in Mesolcina, Podestà in Piuro (1733–1735)
    • Carlo Domenico a Marca (* October 8, 1725 in Mesocco; † January 25, 1791 in Roveredo GR ), consul, judge, governor, Podestà in Tirano (1771–1773), president of the syndicate in Valtellina (1781)
    • Giovanni Antonio a Marca (* 1739 in Mesocco; † 1813 ibid), master of the banner, commissioner in Chiavenna 1789–1793
    • Carlo a Marca (born December 30, 1803 in Mesocco; † July 4, 1851 in Leggia ), Oberstbrigadier, Landammann
    • Carlo Corradino a Marca (born May 3, 1805 in Mesocco; † November 24, 1878 ibid), judge and governor, 1845 federal governor for the Upper Confederation
    • Clemente Maria a Marca (born November 21, 1764 in Soazza ; † August 27, 1819 in Leggia), son of Carlo Domenico, Podestà von Teglio (1793–1795)
    • Giovanni Antonio Ludovico a Marca (* around 1785 in Mesocco; † after 1812 there?), Officer in French, captain in Piedmontese services, landammann.
    • Giuseppe Vittore a Marca (born July 27, 1799 in Soazza, † July 6, 1866 in San Vittore GR ), 1799–1866 mayor and judge
    • Carlo Corradino a Marca (born May 3, 1805 in Mesocco; † November 24, 1878 ibid), judge and governor in the Mesocco district and lieutenant colonel
    • Andrea a Marca, historian, archivist
  • Fodiga family of artists
    • Gaspare Fodiga (* around 1575 in Mesocco; † 1625 in Chęciny ), sculptor, architect
    • Sebastiano Fodiga (* around 1577 in Mesocco; † around 1625? In Chęciny), sculptor, architect
    • Alberto Fodiga (* around 1579 in Mesocco; † around 1625? In Szydłowiec ), sculptor, architect.
  • Toscano family
    • Giacomo Toscano (* around 1510 in Mesocco; † after 1553 ibid), Podestà in Bormio (1551–1553)
    • Gaspare Toscano (* around 1610 in Mesocco; † after 1661 ibid), lord of the banner in Mesolcina , governor in Sondrio (1659–1661)
  • Gian Giacomo Trivulzio (1442–1518), Marshal of France , Baron of the Gray League
  • Guglielmo Bovollino (* around 1445 in Mesocco?; † after 1493 there), master builder
  • Martino Bovollino (* around 1470 in Mesocco; † March 13, 1531 near Cantù ), notary, politician, poet, vicari des Veltlins in Sondrio
  • Antonio Nigris called Zanon (* around 1565 in Mesocco; † after 1607 ibid), Podestà von Teglio (1605–1607)
  • Remo Fasani (born March 31, 1922 in Mesocco; † September 27, 2011 in Grono ), poet, literary critic, former lecturer at the University of Friborg (Switzerland)
  • Otto Hellmüller (born September 20, 1931 in Willisau ; † June 8, 2000 in Zug (city) ), painter, draftsman, lithographer
  • Angela Hellmüller (born September 15, 1932 in Mesocco), painter, graphic artist
  • Christoph Rieser (born December 2, 1952 in Mesocco), painter, illustrator, dental technician
  • Luigi Corfù (* 1945 in Mesocco), lecturer, local historian, archivist, Vice-President of the Coscienza Svizzera

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Anna-Maria Deplazes-Haefliger: von Sax. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz . February 18, 2011 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  2. Magdalen Bless-Grabher: Ulrich von Sax. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz . February 21, 2011 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  3. Wolfgang Göldi: Heinrich von Sax. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz . January 11, 2012 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  4. ^ Florian Hitz: Albert von Sax. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz . January 11, 2012 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  5. Cesare Santi, Tre donazioni fatte a Mesocco nell'aprile del 1448. (Italian) on (accessed on January 11, 2017).
  6. ^ Anna-Maria Deplazes-Haefliger: Johann Peter von Sax. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz . February 21, 2011 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  7. Lorenz Joos: Amarca. a Marca. P. 307 (PDF digitized version ), accessed on May 4, 2017
  8. a b Cesare Santi: a Marca. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . March 2, 2010 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  9. ^ Lorenz Joos: Nicolao a Marca. P. 307 (PDF digitized version ), accessed on May 4, 2017
  10. ^ Lorenz Joos: Albert a Marca. P. 307 (PDF digitized version ), accessed on May 4, 2017
  11. Donato a Marca on e-periodica.chdigbib (accessed January 9, 2017).
  12. Cesare Santi: Antonio a Marca. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . April 4, 2006 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  13. Ursula Stevens: Giacomo a Marca. In: 2015, accessed March 27, 2016 .
  14. Nicolao a Marca at (accessed on January 9, 2017).
  15. Ursula Stevens: Antonio a Marca. In: 2015, accessed March 27, 2016 .
  16. Gaspare a Marca on e-periodica.chdigbib (accessed January 9, 2017).
  17. ^ Lorenz Joos: Peter a Marca. P. 307 (PDF digitized version ), accessed on May 4, 2017
  18. Cesare Santi: Carlo a Marca. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 14, 2007 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  19. a b Giuseppe Maria a Marca on (accessed on January 9, 2017).
  20. Cesare Santi: Carlo Domenico a Marca. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . January 11, 2008 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  21. Giovanni Antonio a Marca at (accessed on January 9, 2017).
  22. Cesare Santi: Carlo a Marca. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 14, 2007 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  23. ^ Cesare Santi: Carlo Corradino a Marca. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . January 3, 2008 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  24. Cesare Santi: Clemente Maria a Marca. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . September 10, 2008 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  25. ^ Lorenz Joos: Giovanni Antonio Ludovico a Marca. P. 307 (PDF digitized version ), accessed on May 4, 2017
  26. Cesare Santi: Giuseppe a Marca. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . May 9, 2008 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  27. ^ Cesare Santi: Carlo Corradino a Marca. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . January 3, 2008 , accessed April 27, 2020 .
  28. Andrea a Marca, bibliography on (accessed on: April 22, 2016.)
  29. ^ A b Cesare Santi: Gaspare Fodiga. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . April 11, 2005 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  30. Alberto Fodiga. In: Mariusz Karpowicz: Artisti ticinesi in Polonia nel '600 . Stato del Cantone Ticino, Bellinzona 1999, p. 60.
  31. Toscano family (Italian) at (accessed on January 10, 2017).
  32. Giacomo Toscano at (accessed on January 9, 2017).
  33. Gaspare Toscano at (accessed on January 9, 2017).
  34. Martin Bundi: Guglielmo Bovollino. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 13, 2002 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  35. Martin Bundi: Martino Bovollino. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 13, 2002 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  36. Antonio Nigris called Zanon on (accessed on January 9, 2017).
  37. Francesca Negroni: Remo Fasani. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . October 13, 2011 , accessed January 25, 2020 .
  38. Otto Hellmüller. In: Sikart , accessed February 3, 2016.
  39. Angela Hellmüller. In: Sikart , accessed February 3, 2016.
  40. Christoph Rieser. In: Sikart , accessed January 11, 2016.
  41. Luigi Corfù in video on