Charles Logg

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Charles "Charlie" Paul Logg (born February 24, 1931 in Princeton , New Jersey ) is a former American rower and Olympic champion.

Logg began rowing as a student at Rutgers University in New Brunswick , New Jersey. In 1952 he formed a two-man without a helmsman with Thomas Price , and three months later the two competed at the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki . In the first run, the two Americans reached the finish line fourth and last behind the Swiss, British and Belgians. Apparently the prelims were not equally strong, because the Swiss and the British reached the final as winners of the semi-finals, while the Belgians and the Americans each won two hope runs and also qualified for the final. In the final, the French were the only boat that did not start in the first run; they finished fifth in the final. The two American juniors won the gold medal ahead of the Belgians, Swiss and British.

Logg and Price also won the title at the 1955 Pan American Games . In 1956, the two could not prevail in the US trials against James Fifer and Duvall Hecht , who were their successors as Olympic champions in two-man.

Logg spent six years with the US Army and then went into the helicopter industry. In 1971 he settled as a farmer in Florida.


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