Lucile Randon

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Lucile Randon FdC (also Lucille Randon , religious name Sister André ; born February 11, 1904 in Alès , Occitania ) is a French supercentenarian . She is the oldest religious sister in the world and currently the second oldest living person as well as the oldest living European.


Randon was the youngest of five children of primary school teacher Paul Randon (* 1866) and Alphonsine Delphine Yéta Soutoul (* 1869). She was not raised religiously in her Protestant family. Her entire family was involved in education. Her twin sister Lydie died in August 1905 at the age of 18 months. In 1915 she moved to Houdan with the eldest of her three brothers, André, the justice of the peace , who was born in 1892 . In 1916 she became governess of the three children of a doctor in Marseille , and in 1920 she became a private tutor for a Peugeot family in Versailles . From 1922 she was governess with another family for 14 years.

In 1923 she converted to the Roman Catholic Church and, after completing her catechumenate, received the sacrament of baptism and first communion from the religious order of the Sisters of the Cenacle . In 1944 she joined the religious order of the Cooperative Society of the Daughters of Christian Love of St. Vincent de Paul . She completed her novitiate in the Parisian monastery Maison des Filles de la Charité in the Rue du Bac and received the religious name André , chosen after her brother, whom she referred to as “father, mother and nanny” at the same time. In 1945 she went to the Vichy hospital on the mission , where she cared for orphans and the elderly; here she stayed for 28 (according to other sources 31) years. From 1963 she worked in La Baume-d'Hostun for her religious community.

In 1979 she finished her active religious service in the Vincentian Community and entered an accommodation facility for dependent elderly people (EHPAD) in Les Marches , where she lived for 30 years. At the age of 105, she moved to the EHPAD Sainte-Catherine Labouré in Toulon in 2009 . In 2016, Toulon made her an honorary citizen . Your age is verified by the Gerontology Research Group. She attends mass every day at 11 am, listens to the radio, attends evening prayer and likes trips to the garden.

An outbreak of COVID-19 occurred in Randon's nursing home in January 2021 . On January 16, she was also found to have a Covid 19 infection, which was completely asymptomatic. Randon was declared recovered on February 8th.


In her opinion, Randon owes her old age to her Guardian Angel , but it is God's secret, not hers, why she lives so long. Her answer to the question about her longevity: “The good Lord doesn't want me.” She is blind, has poor hearing and is dependent on a wheelchair, but she jokes a lot and her memory remains intact. She remembers the First World War , in which her two brothers fought, and the moment she first saw an airplane and when electricity was introduced in her school. She said it annoys her that people dress her and give her food, but what counts is thanking the people who love and have loved her. People should love themselves rather than hate themselves.

She is not proud to be one of the oldest people in the world because she would rather be young again to be able to work. Randon missed her independence and she could no longer read, embroider or knit. She does not like to be cared for all the time, she is without appetite and lonely with her pain. She speculated that maybe God would want her to replace the unexperienced days of her sister who died prematurely. She thinks it is terrible that people no longer love each other and that there can be no unification of peoples. On her 115th birthday, she said 115 years was not a dream and she hoped that she would die in the next year so that she could relieve the people who take care of her.

On her 117th birthday, she said, among other things, that she was “happy to be here”, but she also wished to be “somewhere else” .... Among her big brother and grandparents.

Age records

Randon has been the oldest French woman alive since Honorine Rondello died on October 19, 2017. She has been the third oldest living person since Shimoe Akiyama's death on January 29, 2019, and is the second oldest living person behind Tanaka Kane and the oldest living European since Maria Giuseppa Robucci's death on June 18, 2019 . On May 12, 2020, she exceeded Robucci's age and has since become the third oldest European woman with a verified age.

On May 14, 2018 she entered the list of the 100 oldest people , since September 26, 2019 she has been one of the 25 oldest people of all time and since January 23, 2021 in the top ten. She is currently in 10th place. She was the third French woman to be 115 and has been the second oldest French woman of all time after Jeanne Calment since March 25, 2019, when she exceeded Marie Brémont's age . With Shin Matsushita's death on August 27, 2019, Randon became the last living person to be born in 1904 (in July 2020, Francisca Celsa dos Santos was also verified). She is believed to be the oldest unmarried person ever and the oldest without children. On June 2, 2019, she became older than Marie-Josephine Gaudette and has been the oldest nun ever since; therefore she received a rosary blessed by Pope Francis .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. GRG World Supercentenarian Rankings List , Gerontology Research Group , accessed on December 22, 2020.
  2. ↑ The oldest religious in the world and at the same time the oldest European is 117. In: February 9, 2021, accessed February 10, 2021 .
  3. ^ Fiche Magistrat: André Amaury RANDON
  4. Lucille, vice-doyenne des Varois, vient de célébrer ses 113 ans . Var Martin, February 14, 2017.
  5. Soeur André, la doyenne of French, fête ses 116 ans . BFM TV, February 12, 2020.
  6. For the entire biography: La doyenne de Toulon a 112 ans ., February 9, 2016.
  7. La Toulonnaise Lucille Randon, nouvelle doyenne des Français . Var Martin, October 20, 2017.
  8. ^ "A mon age, tout est permis": la doyenne des Français fête ses 115 ans à Toulon . Catherine Pontone in: Monaco Matin, February 12, 2019.
  9. À 115 ans, Sœur André devient la doyenne des Européens: "Elle participe à la messe tous les jours" . Europe1, August 16, 2019.
  10. Covid-19 disease (English)
  11. ^ Doyenne des Français, sœur André fête ses 114 ans! . Aleteia, February 12, 2018.
  12. ^ Sœur André, la nouvelle doyenne européenne, 115 ans, est née à Alès! . Midi Libre , August 17, 2019 (with videos).
  13. La Varoise soeur André fête ses 112 ans ., February 11, 2016.
  14. ^ Sœur André a 115 ans aujourd'hui et deux souhaits , Thibault Lefèvre & Valeria Emanuele in: France Inter, February 11, 2019.
  15. Sœur André, doyenne of French, fête ses ... 114 ans, ce dimanche à Toulon ., February 9, 2018.
  16. La doyenne des Français fête ses 115 ans dans le Var . Suzanne Shojaei in: france bleu, 11 February 2019.
  17. Oldest European: 116-year-old French woman survives corona infection . In: FAZ.NET . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed February 11, 2021]).