Lucio Mariani

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Lucio Mariani around 1905

Lucio Mariani (born August 4, 1865 in Rome ; died August 30, 1924 there ) was an Italian classical archaeologist .

Lucio Mariani was the son of the respected fresco painter Cesare Mariani (1826-1901), who was involved, among other things, in the pictorial decoration of the churches of San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura and Santa Maria in Aquiro in Rome or the cathedral in Ascoli Piceno . After attending grammar school, he first studied law at La Sapienza University in Rome from 1884 and was laureed in 1888 . He then began studying the humanities, which he completed in 1890 with the top grade for his tesi di laurea on ancient Cora . He traveled to Germany and Switzerland before he began a three-year training course at the Scuola nazionale d'archeologia in 1891 . During these years he was introduced to the methodology of archeology and art history by Emanuel Loewy , Rodolfo Lanciani and Luigi Pigorini .

Initially, as part of these in-depth studies , he was busy compiling the catalog for the museum in Tarquinia- Corneto, before moving to the University of Naples . In 1893 he took part in Federico Halbherr's archaeological investigations on Crete , which had been taking place since 1884 and mainly worked on the finds from older campaigns. He presented the results of his investigations in 1895 in the “Antichità cretesi” , in which the Kamares style was worked out for the first time as an independent ceramic style. Activities for various museums followed, including the Museo dell 'Opera di Palazzo in the Doge's Palace , whose archaeological collection he reorganized. In 1895 he was appointed assistant to the Museo Nazionale Romano , then to the municipal commission for archeology and finally to the deputy inspector of the museums, galleries and excavations of the city, a position in which he was also responsible for the editing of the Notie degli scavi d'antichità was responsible.

In 1897 he successfully applied for the chair of archeology at the University of Pavia , where he taught from 1898 - expanded to include ancient history . As early as 1897, he began to work on the material from hundreds of graves that had been excavated in Alfedena , the ancient Aufidena , in 1879 . Originally, the review and organization of the grave inventory should only apply to the preparation of a corresponding exhibition in the local museum, but Mariani also began his own excavations in Alfedena, which occupied him until 1902 and in 1901 in the comprehensive presentation "Aufidena: ricerche storiche ed archeologiche nel Sannio settentrionale" were published by him.

At the beginning of 1900 Mariani moved to the University of Pisa and succeeded Gherardo Ghirardini . Immediately after his arrival, he acquired a slide projector and held his lectures and seminars using this new instrument. During his teaching in Pisa, which lasted until 1914, he was dean of the humanities faculty in 1903/04 and 1912/13. He kept his residence in Rome and continued to work for the Archaeological Commission of the City of Rome. At the suggestion of Federico Halbherr, he joined the coordination office for the archaeological services at the Ministry for the Italian Colonies in 1913 and coordinated the archaeological investigations in Italian Libya . After traveling to Crete and Libya in this capacity, he switched entirely to the ministry in 1914 and gave up his chair in Pisa, which he officially held until 1918. He made the results of the archaeological investigations in Libya known to a wider public in Italy.

After Emanuel Löwy had to leave Rome as an Austrian at the outbreak of the First World War , Mariani took over the chair of archeology and art history at the University of La Sapienza in 1915 until he was officially ordained in 1918. At the same time he became director of the Museo dei gessi (plaster cast museum ) of the university as well as the Capitoline Museums and the Museo Barracco . He also became secretary of the Commissione archeologica and director of the Bollettino Comunale published by the commission .

In April 1919 he traveled to the inauguration of the Museum of Tripoli , at the end of the year he fell seriously ill, as it turned out from the European sleeping sickness that was common at the time . In the beginning, Mariani went about his usual job, but the last few years were marked by increasing physical decline. Lucio Mariani died in Rome on August 30, 1924.

Marian became a member of the Accademia di San Luca in Rome in 1904 and became its secretary in 1913. In 1908 he was accepted by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei as a corresponding member and in 1912 as a national member. He was also one of the founding members of the Società Italiana di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte .

Publications (selection)

  • Dei recenti studi intorno le principali civiltà d'Europa e la loro origine. Forzani e C. Tipografi del Senato, Rome 1895.
  • Antichita cretesi. Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 1896.
  • Museo del palazzo ducale in Venezia. Raccolta archeologica. Ministero Dell'istruzione Pubblica, Rome 1896.
  • Statue mutile di un gruppo marmoreo rappresentante Teseo ed il Minotauro. Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 1897.
  • Aufidena. Ricerche archeologiche e storiche nel Sannio settentrionale. Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 1901.
  • Statue of the Palazzo dei Conservatori. Loescher, Rome 1905.
  • Statue policletee nel Museo Nazionale Romano. Loescher, Rome 1906.
  • L'Ephedrismos di Piazza Dante. Loescher, Rome 1907.
  • Sopra un tipo di Hermes del IV secolo aC Unione Cooperativa Editrice, Rome 1908.
  • La giovinetta di Anzio. Loescher, Rome 1910.
  • Statua di Augusto di via Labicana. Loescher, Rome 1910.
  • Di un altro esemplare dell'atleta Diskophoros. Loescher, Rome 1911.
  • Statuetta in bronzo di Sutri. E. Calzone, Rome 1913.
  • L'Alessandro Magno di Cirene. Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 1915.
  • L'Aphrodite di Cirene. Editrice romana, Rome 1915.
  • L'Ara di campo Marzio. P. Maglione and C. Strini, Rome 1918.
  • Scavi e ricerche in Libia. Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 1918.
  • The alcune statue di recente restaurate all'Antiquarium. P. Maglione and C. Strini, Rome 1921.
  • Creta. Memorie di un viaggio nell'interno dell'isola. Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione, CIRAAS, Rome 2005, ISBN 88-901701-9-0 .


Web links

Commons : Lucio Mariani  - collection of images, videos and audio files