Ludwig Aulbach

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Ludwig Aulbach (born August 9, 1914 in Offenbach am Main ; † June 25, 1989 ) was a German journalist and editor-in-chief of the GDR newspaper Freie Presse .


After primary school and an apprenticeship as a commercial clerk , the son of a leather worker Ludwig Aulbach attended the adult education center until 1931 . From 1936 to 1938 he did military service in the German Wehrmacht and worked as a buyer in Offenbach am Main in 1938/39 . Aulbach fought in the Second World War from 1939 to 1945 and was taken prisoner by the Americans in Le Mans in France in December 1945 . In 1946 he was released, returned to Germany and first became a KPD and then a SED member. In 1946 Aulbach worked briefly as a buyer in the Oelsnitz coal works and then became editor of the SED newspaper Volksstimme in the Karl-Marx-Stadt district . By 1948 Aulbach completed training at the SED state party school and distance learning at the Karl Marx party college .

In 1949 he became deputy editor-in-chief of the Lausitzer Rundschau in Bautzen and in 1950, as successor to Paul Prien, he became editor-in-chief of the Volksstimme (later Freie Presse in Chemnitz). In January 1956 Aulbach was replaced as editor-in-chief because of the printing of "letters with a fascist character" and party proceedings were initiated against him. Aulbach switched to the ADN news agency and at the end of 1956 became a correspondent for ADN and the Neues Deutschland newspaper in Cairo . Aulbach was a correspondent in Bucharest in 1972/73 and in Belgrade from 1975 to 1978 . Aulbach then worked in the international relations department at ADN in Berlin .

