Ludwig Dunte

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Copper engraving from Johann Christoph Brotze : Collection of various Liefland monuments

Ludwig Dunte (born November 21, 1597 in Reval ; † December 2, 1639 there ) was a German-Baltic scholar, educator and preacher .


The son of Reval councilor Jobst Dunte and Margaretha Singelbring attended schools in Reval and Riga before studying in Rostock , Giessen , Strasbourg and Tübingen . He completed his studies in Wittenberg and obtained his master's degree . After traveling through the Baltic Sea region , he became the educator of the wards of the Swedish general Jacob de la Gardie , Johannes and Antonius Willemann, whom he accompanied on study trips to the Netherlands , England and France . Here he learned the English and French languages ​​so well that he was able to provide pastoral care to the dying. In 1627 he was ordained as a preacher in the German community in Reval. Despite various offers, he stayed in his hometown and eventually became a deacon at St. Olai . Because of a sermon against the city council, he was banned from the pulpit for three weeks. It was in this context that he contracted an illness, of which he died in 1639.

He led a scholarly friendship with the Riga theology professor Hermann Samson (1579-1643) and the Wittenberg theology professor and Lübeck superintendent Nikolaus Hunnius . In addition to German, English and French, Dunte also spoke Latin and Hebrew.

Dunte wrote, among other works, an influential book of edification (True and Lawful Exercise) , which was based on the book Praxis Pietatis by Lewis Bayly , which was first published in German two years earlier . In his writing, composed in seven parts, Dunte places particular emphasis on meditation, which is closely connected with hearing and reading the word of God (the Bible). He also emphasizes the value of Sunday sanctification and the Lord's Supper, each of which is addressed in one of the seven sections.


  • Decisiones Mille et sex Casuum Conscientiae, E Diversis Theologorum Scriptis collectae, contractae, et in brevitatem redactae, ac Iuxta ordinem Locorum Theologicorum positae. That is Kurtze and correct discussion A thousand and six conscience questions, on many occasions, in theological schools, preaching ammunition, and consistories for important cases in matters and contributors: Out of many highly learned theologians, writings, consilia, teachings, judgments, and farewells . Erfurt 1648
  • Wipes of the fearful sweat of the woman giving birth [funeral sermon], Reval 1639
  • Catechism reason, that is, noble main sayings from Holy Divine Scripture directed at the catechism. Reval 1638
  • Decisiones casuum conscientiae Sexcentorum et ultra, e Diversis Theologorum scriptis Collectae, contractae, et ... reductae ...: That is: Kurtze ... Discussion of six hundred and serious questions of conscience. Lübeck 1636
  • Buccina Evangelii, That is, A short treatise [...] how God pleased the Lord to build [...] a church for him [...] by preaching [...] Lübeck 1632
  • Christian sermon at the inauguration of the University of Dorpat [...] on the 87th Psalm. Dorpat 1632
  • True and Lawful Exercise of True Christianity Consisting of Righteous Faith, Godly Living, and Blessed Death: Written in 7 Books. Lübeck 1630
  • Disp. theol. de universalium omnium hominum [...] Wittenberg 1622 (Presidium: Aegidius Hunnius)


  • Funeral sermon by Eberhard von Renteln, Reval 1640
  • Martin Klöker: Literary life in Reval in the first half of the 17th century. Tübingen 2005, 205ff.
  • Johann Friedrich von Recke, Karl Eduard Napiersky (edit.): General dictionary of writers and scholars of the provinces of Livonia, Esthland and Courland. Vol. 1 A-F, Mitau 1827, pp. 462-465.

Web links

Commons : Ludwig Dunte  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal (1617).
  2. ^ Martin Klöker: Literary life in Revalin of the first half of the 17th century . Tübingen 2005, p. 207 .
  3. Ulrike Gleixner: Pietism and bourgeoisie: a historical anthropology of piety: Württemberg 17th - 19th century . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2005, ISBN 3-525-36841-0 , pp. 36 f . ( [accessed June 26, 2020]).
  4. Udo Sträter : Meditation and Church Reform in the Lutheran Church of the 17th Century . Mohr, 1995, ISBN 3-16-146299-8 , pp. 56 ( [accessed June 26, 2020]).