Lajos Haynald

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Bishop Dr. Ludovicus Haynald, lithograph by Eduard Kaiser (1856)
Archbishop Lajos Haynald (from a photo collection of the Council participants in 1870)

Lajos Haynald (German Stephan Franz Ludwig von Haynald ; born October 3, 1816 in Szécsény in Nógrád County , Hungary ; † July 4, 1891 in Kalocsa ) was archbishop and botanist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Haynald ".

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Haynald studied in Gran , Tyrnau and at the Pazmaneum in Vienna , where he received his doctorate in theology in 1841 . He was ordained a priest on October 15, 1839. From 1842 to 1846 he was professor of theology in Gran, but also occupied himself lively with natural science, especially botany.

On March 15, 1852 he was appointed coadjutor of the bishop in Karlsburg and named titular bishop of Hebron . He was ordained bishop on August 15, 1852, by the Archbishop of Esztergom János Scitovszky . On October 15, 1852 he succeeded as Bishop of Transylvania and Transylvania .

In 1863 he renounced his diocese and from then on lived in Rome until he returned to Hungary as Archbishop of Kalocsa in 1867 . He was a participant in the First Vatican Council (1869-1870). In the consistory of May 12, 1879, Pope Leo XIII. him cardinal , whereupon him in September d. J. was assigned the titular church of Santa Maria degli Angeli as cardinal priest .

Archbishop Haynald built a richly endowed Jesuit grammar school in Kalocsa and in 1877 provided it with an observatory ( Haynald Observatory ).

His herbarium and botanical library were among the most complete in Europe around 1890, and he also provided valuable work on the plants of the Bible. The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina appointed him a member in 1867.


  • Constantin von Wurzbach : Haynald, Ludwig . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 11th part. Kaiserlich-Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1864, pp. 425–428 ( digitized version ).
  • Kanitz, A. 1890: Cardinal Archbishop Dr. L. Haynald as a botanist. To celebrate his 50th anniversary as a priest. - Ung. Revue 10: 1-20.
  • Ascherson, P. 1893: Cardinal Haynald. Obituary (presented at the autumn general meeting on October 10, 1891). - Proprietary Bot. Association Prov. Brandenburg 34: L-LVI.
  • Haeberlin, C. 1891: Ludwig von Haynald. - Leopoldina 27: 165-170, 180-184.
  • Knapp, JA 1891: Obituary to Cardinal Haynald, held at the congregation on October 7, 1891. - Verh. KK Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 41: 785-790.
  • Haynald Ludwig. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 2, Publishing House of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1959, p. 227 f. (Direct links on p. 227 , p. 228 ).
  • Walter Lack: Cardinal Lajos Haynald as patron of the botanists in Vienna and Berlin . - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Vienna 106 B: 221-235 (2005).

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Commons : Lajos Haynald  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Josef Lonovics from Krivina Archbishop of Kalocsa
Juraj Császka
Miklós Kovács Bishop of Transylvania, Erdély, Transylvania
Mihály Fogarassy