Ludwig Laher

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Ludwig Laher during a workshop with 14-year-old students

Ludwig Laher (born December 11, 1955 in Linz ) is an Austrian writer.


Ludwig Laher studied German , English and Classical Philology in Salzburg and graduated with a Dr. phil. from. He then worked as a high school teacher at the Christian Doppler High School in Salzburg .

In 1993 he moved to St. Pantaleon in Upper Austria and has been working as a freelance writer since 1998 . Laher published prose, poetry , essays , translations, academic papers, radio plays , scripts and received numerous literary prizes and grants.

Awards and grants

Works (selection)

as editor or translator
  • Hans Reichenfeld (author), Ludwig Laher (ed. & Translator); Katharina Laher (translator): Moving Exile. Memories of an uncertain future. Autobiography from diary entries. Series: Remember differently , 4th Theodor Kramer Society , Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-90160240-5 .

Web links


  1. Reichenfeld, b. February 26, 1923, 1938 with Kindertransport to GB, interned as Enemy Alien on the Isle of Man in May 1940 , deportation to Canada , 1941 back to GB, 1944 Royal Air Force , activist from Young Austria , doctor and psychiatrist for gerontology in Canada, died March 5, 2016 in Ottawa .