Lutz Sparowitz

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Lutz Sparowitz

Lutz Sparowitz (born December 2, 1940 in Graz ; † December 31, 2019 there ) was an Austrian civil engineer and university professor.

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Sparowitz studied civil engineering at the Graz University of Technology from 1961 , gained experience in building practice from 1965 to 1968, passed his engineering examination with distinction in 1971, earned his doctorate with distinction in 1974 and spent a year as an academic guest at the ETH Zurich . A year before completing his exam his professional career began as a teaching assistant and from September 1971 to 1979 as an assistant professor at the Institute of reinforced concrete - and solid construction at the Technical University in Graz with its Institute Director and doctoral supervisor Fritz Bauer .

From 1976 he worked part-time in the engineering office Lorenz in Graz, where he successfully passed the civil engineering exam and, as a partner of the company, was responsible for the reinforced concrete construction department from 1980.

In 1988 he applied for a professorship at the University of Applied Sciences in Kassel and prevailed against 39 applicants, but resigned before he took up the position, since in the meantime, in 1989, he had been appointed full professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) of the institute director for structural engineering. In 1993 he received a call from his alma mater and returned to his old place of work at the Institute for Concrete Construction in Graz. It was not a complete farewell to Vienna , however, as he continued to give lectures as a visiting professor at BOKU. As head of the Institute for Concrete Construction in Graz until his retirement in 2009 and dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Sparowitz wanted to promote communicative exchange and cooperation between students in these two disciplines.

Sparowitz contributed greatly to the development and technology of ultra high strength fiber concrete (Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Composite - UHPFRC) at which the construction of the 2010 opened Wild bridge international market for the first time been used worldwide.


Sparowitz was married to his wife Tronlja and had three children; Clemens, Johann and Lucia. His family owns the Groß-Söding Castle and his hobby was renovating his castle.

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  1. ↑ Obituary notice. (PDF) Kleine Zeitung, accessed on April 2, 2020 .
  2. Academic guest. ETH Zurich , accessed on April 2, 2020 .
  3. Sparowitz Lutz o. Uni.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. (Google Books) Club Carrier, pp. 1095-1096 , accessed April 2, 2020 .
  4. a b Lutz Sparowitz: TU info. (PDF) TU Graz, accessed on April 2, 2020 .
  5. "Wild" success for the anniversary., accessed on April 6, 2020 .
  6. Freytag B., Nguyễn VT, Kainz H. , Bergmeister K .: Obituary - Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Lutz Sparowitz passed away. (PDF) In: Volume115, Issue3. Concrete and reinforced concrete construction , March 2020, pp. 251-256 , accessed on April 2, 2020 .
  7. a b Lutz Sparowitz; Research and development for practice. LinkedIn, accessed April 2, 2020 .