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Bottle dusting (Lycoperdon perlatum)

Bottle dusting ( Lycoperdon perlatum )

Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Mushroom relatives (Agaricaceae)
Genre : Dusters
Scientific name
Tour. ex pers.

The puffballs ( Lycoperdon ) is a fungal genus of the family of mushroom relatives (Agaricaceae). With the exception of the hare puff ( L. utriformis ), pebbles are divided into a sterile stem and a spore-producing head part. The name refers to the ripe fruit bodies , the spore dust inside of which evaporates in a clear cloud when touched or when pressure is applied.


The fruit bodies are more or less pear-shaped. A chambered, sterile part of the fruiting body ( subgleba ) can be found under the chambered basal part, which carries the spores and capillitium ( gleba ). After ripening, the mushrooms open with a hole at the top. The peridia , that is, the outer covering of the fruiting body, is double. The outer peridia is often prickly to warty, flaky.


The dusters are saprobiontic soil dwellers.


The genus of the Stäublings earlier belonged to the now obsolete subclass of the belly mushrooms (Gastromycetidae) and there to the order Stäubling-like (Lycoperdales). Today it is assigned to the order mushroom-like (Agaricales) in the subclass Agaricomycetidae .


There are around 50 species worldwide. The following taxa are known or expected for Europe :

Puffballs ( Lycoperdon ) in Europe
German name Scientific name Author quote
Hochgebirgs-Stäubling Lycoperdon altimontanum Gyro 1976
Purple-black dusting Lycoperdon atropurpureum Vittadini 1842
Schwänztsporiger dusting Lycoperdon caudatum J. Schröter in Cohn 1889
Chalk-white dusting Lycoperdon cretaceum Berkeley 1880
Steppe dusting Lycoperdon decipiens Durieu & Montagne in Durieu 1848
Tiny or dwarf dusting Lycoperdon dermoxanthum Vittadini 1842
Hedgehog dusting Lycoperdon echinatum Persoon 1797: Persoon 1801
Heide-Stäubling Lycoperdon ericaeum var.  Ericaeum Bonorden 1857
Lycoperdon ericaeum var.  Subareolatum (Roundabout 1962) Demoulin 1979
Lycoperdon estonicum Demoulin 1972
Bag dusting Lycoperdon excipuliforme (Scopoli 1772: Persoon 1801) Schaeffer 1774
Lycoperdon floccosum Lloyd 1905
Lycoperdon floridanum (AH Smith 1974) comb. prov.
Dwarf willow dusting Lycoperdon frigidum Demoulin 1972
Dark brown dusting Lycoperdon lambinonii Demoulin 1972
Gray-brown grassland dusting Lycoperdon lividum Persoon 1809
Flake dusting Lycoperdon mammiforme
described as " mammaeforme "
Persoon 1801: Persoon 1801
Flaking dusting Lycoperdon marginatum Vittadini 1842
Soft dust Lycoperdon molle Persoon 1800: Persoon 1801
Smelly dusting Lycoperdon nigrescens Persoon 1794
Lycoperdon niveum 1969 roundabout
Nordic dusting Lycoperdon norvegicum Demoulin 1971
Bottle dusting Lycoperdon perlatum Persoon 1796: Persoon 1801
Wiesen-Stäubling Lycoperdon pratense Persoon 1794: Persoon 1801
Rooting dusting Lycoperdon radicatum Durieu & Montagne in Durieu 1848
Fine-cracked dusting Lycoperdon rimulatum Peck in tart. ex Trelease 1889
Brown peat moss dusting Lycoperdon subincarnatum Peck 1872
Tatra dusting Lycoperdon turneri Ellis & Everhart 1885
Wrong umber dusting Lycoperdon umbrinoides Dissing & M. Lange 1962
Brown dusting Lycoperdon umbrinum Persoon 1797: Persoon 1801
Hare dusting Lycoperdon utriforme Bulliard 1790: Persoon 1801
Lycoperdon utriforme var.  Hungaricum (Hollós 1904) comb. prov.

See also



Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Paul M. Kirk, Paul F. Cannon, David W. Minter, JA Stalpers: Dictionary of the Fungi . 10th edition. CABI Europe, Wallingford, Oxfordshire (UK) 2008, ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8 (784 pages).
  2. ^ Andreas Gminder : Manual for mushroom collectors . Franckh – Kosmos, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-440-11472-8 , p.  332 .
  3. Eric Strittmatter: The genus Lycoperdon. In: Fungiworld.com. Mushroom Taxa Database. Retrieved October 7, 2013 .

Web links

Commons : puffballs ( Lycoperdon )  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files