Moravian Wallachia

The Moravian Wallachia is an ethnographic and cultural region in northeastern Moravia , it is bordered to the south by the Moravian Slovakia , on the west by the Hanna-level and on the north by the Lachia , the field of Lachian languages . It is roughly identical to the area of the Okres Vsetín and the town of Valašské Klobouky , Valašské Meziříčí and their surroundings with Valašská Bystřice , Valašská Polanka , Valašská Senice , Valašské Příkazy , Velká Lhota and Velké Karlovice .
The inhabitants of the Moravian Beskids speak the Moravian-Wallachian dialect of the Czech language , but with many Romanian loan words. In terms of tourism, the region is jokingly advertised as the "Wallachian Kingdom" ( Valašské království ). In Rožnov pod Radhoštěm there is the Wallachian Open-Air Museum , in which objects of regional Wallachian folk culture and handicrafts can be seen, as well as preserved wooden houses from local towns and villages.
Wallachian colonization
The name "Wallachia" is derived from the Wallachians (Czech Valaši (Pl.) ) Who immigrated here between the 14th and 17th centuries ( Valašská kolonizace , German: Wallachian colonization ). Although they gave up the Romanian language in favor of Czech, they left many Romanian loanwords in the local dialect and preserved their culture (especially their architecture, folklore, folk songs and costumes) as well as their main economic income: sheep farming .
Valaška and Jánošík
The typical Valaška - an ax combined with a short shepherd's stick as a weapon and tool at the same time - is to this day a symbol of the defensive strength of the Wallachian mountain herdsmen , who for a time were also offered border settlers and military builders. In the figure of their real rebel Jánošík , the hero of the mountains, the legend of the robber, womanizer and freedom fighter lives on, who is now also claimed by the Slovaks and the Poles as their national hero and at the same time as a literary fictional figure both the noble Robin -Hood - as well as the courageous Wilhelm Tell myth in the media (TV series, animated film, numerous books and film adaptations) embodied.
Moravian Slovakia
In the south of the westernmost Carpathian arc, where the wooded Beskid Mountains merge into gentler hills with vineyards, Moravian Wallachia borders on Moravian Slovakia (Czech: Moravské Slovácko ), also a typical border country, the dialect and folklore of the Moravian Slovaks are still those of the Moravian Wallachians very similar. However, due to the different, flatter topography and thus also a different type of agriculture, a significantly different settlement structure and handicrafts arose, which also produced different traditions.
Web links
- About the peculiarities of Wallachian cattle breeding in Slovakia English
- Demolition of the Wallachian settlement in southern Poland
- Radhošť folklore troupe
- Page with references to the websites of Wallachian communities
- Individual evidence