As Lachia (Czech: Lašsko) were referred to an area north Moravia and western Cieszyn Silesia on the Ostravice .
Lachei is located on the Silesian border in the Mistek district , north of Moravian Wallachia , in the foothills of Moravia wedged between Opava and Czech Silesia , behind the Moravian Gate , where the Sudeten German landscape was Kuhländchen , whose area is now often included in Lachei.
The most important rulers were one with the seat in the castle Hukvaldy and the Silesian minority Friedek . There were for example Frankstadt , Freiberg , Braunsberg and Mährisch Ostrau , and on the Silesian side of the Ostravice the most important city Frýdek .

The inhabitants of Lachei called themselves Lachen (or were initially mocked by Wallachians or Gorals ), in Czech Laši, sometimes they were also referred to as water polaks, like the speakers of the Teschen dialects or Upper Silesian. Lachish is spoken .
The name of the pools is also common outside of Moravian Lachei, e.g. B. in the Polish Sub-Carpathians and Lesser Poland for the transitional ethnic groups between the Gorals in the south and the ethnic groups of the lowlands in the north, as well as in the area of the Polish-Silesian Teschen dialects northwest of the Teschen Wallachians , or for the Polish-Upper Silesian population southwest of Wodzisław Śląski . In Lesser Poland this name was often explained as being connected to the name for Poland that is still used in Ukraine today . In the Wallachian colonization, the East Slavic-speaking Lemken settled from the east along the Carpathian Mountains to the area around Nowy Sącz , with whom this name spread; this colonization followed, however, further west through the West Slavic-speaking Gorals as far as Moravian Wallachia and so the term could have continued to be used for the non- Wallachian or Goral population below the mountains.
Sons and daughters of the region
Leoš Janáček was the greatest popularizer of the landscape in the Czech Republic, who orchestrated Lachian dances (Lašské tance) in 1889/1890 . Sigmund Freud was born in Freiberg in 1856 to a Jewish family who immigrated from Galicia . His peer in Freiberg was Berthold Bretholz .
The legendary robber and folk hero Ondraszek came from the area , who inspired Erwin Goj , a writer, poet, literary translator, philologist and creator of the literary Lachic language to choose his literary pseudonym Óndra Łysohorsky .
See also
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b Marian Dembiniok: O Góralach, Wałachach, Lachach i Jackach na Śląsku Cieszyńskim / O goralech, Valaších, Laších a Jaccích na Těšínském Slezsku . Ed .: REGIO. 2010, ISBN 978-80-904230-4-6 , Lasi śląscy / Slezští Laši, p. 87 (Polish, Czech).
- ↑ a b Halina Karaś: Lachy jako grupa etnograficzna (Polish)
- ↑ Zróżnicowanie etnograficzne obecnego województwa śląskiego In: Śląskie Centrum Dziedzictwa Kulturowego w Katowicach (Polish)
- ↑ Martin Demmler: Composers of the Twentieth Century . P. Reclam, 1999, ISBN 3-15-010447-5 , p. 215.