Charlotte Maihoff

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Charlotte Maihoff (born August 17, 1982 in Neunkirchen (Saar) ) is a German journalist and television presenter .

life and career

Charlotte Maihoff's father is Ghanaian , her mother a German doctor.

Even before graduating from the German-French high school in Saarbrücken , she worked as a reporter and presenter for the youth radio of the Saarländischer Rundfunk ( 103.7 UnserDing ). She also moderated events and panel discussions. In 2002 she received the ARD Kurt Magnus Prize , including for a series of reports from Toulouse, France . While studying information science , French linguistics and business informatics at the Saarland University , he worked at hr XXL in Frankfurt am Main , 1 Live in Cologne and the live political program Kanzlerbungalow on WDR television . For her master's thesis entitled Fuzzy Business Process Modeling, Maihoff received the 2007 Gerhard Lustig Prize for the best information science thesis from 2005 to 2007 from the German-speaking area of ​​the Information Science University Association (third of three prizes among seven applicants). After graduating, Maihoff moved to Hamburg to study at the Henri Nannen School . Internship stations included the Dresden local editorial team of the Sächsische Zeitung , the Stern magazine and Spiegel TV .

From 2010 to 2015 Maihoff worked for the central news of Deutschlandfunk , wrote and presented news for DRadio Wissen . From April 2010, she moderated the current television news program of Saarland Radio and presented the news block in the current report . In April 2014 Maihoff became a member of the moderation team of tagesschau24 and was then spokeswoman for the Tagesschau from October 2014 . From May 2015 to July 2017 she also moderated the ARD night magazine . On August 5, 2017, she spoke for the last time the Tagesschau and was seen on tagesschau24 . Maihoff has been part of the RTL Aktuell team since September 1, 2017 and hosted the news program for the first time on September 9, 2017.

With the change of job, Maihoff moved from Hamburg to Cologne in 2017 . She also lives in Moscow , where her German husband works.

Web links

  • Management by Charlotte Maihoff: H&S Medienservice, Hamburg

Individual evidence

  1. The new one at “RTL Aktuell” Charlotte Maihoff: “Walk me away with oysters” from 10 September 2017
  2. Maihoff on Facebook
  3. BIT issue 3 2007 online
  4. Charlotte Maihoff at tagesschau24
  5. Interview "It was also a lot of gut feeling" from July 14, 2017