Manfred Beckert

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Manfred Beckert (born December 9, 1926 in Freiberg (Saxony) ; † 2007 in Magdeburg ) was a German engineer and professor of welding technology . He is one of the pioneers of welding technology with innovative applications and is a co-founder of engineering training in this field in the entire German-speaking area. From 1966 to 1970 he held the office of rector of the Magdeburg University of Technology.

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Manfred Beckert attended the Workers 'and Farmers' Faculty (ABF) at the Bergakademie Freiberg , where he passed his school leaving examination . Then he began studying at this traditional mining academy in Freiberg . The training began with a preliminary internship and was accompanied by several larger internships during his studies, especially at the Central Institute for Welding Technology (ZIS) in Halle (Saale) , which shaped his professional future. He completed his studies in 1952 as a graduate engineer (Dipl.-Ing.).

In 1958 he received his doctorate as Dr. rer. nat. 1969 followed his habilitation (PhD B).

In 1956, Hans Neese founded the Institute for Welding Technology at the Magdeburg University of Applied Sciences, the first of its kind in the entire German-speaking area. He was also the first director of the institute.

In 1961, the management of the institute was transferred to Manfred Beckert, who was responsible for this for 25 years until 1986. With the third university reform of the GDR in 1968, it was integrated as a scientific area into the technology section of the metalworking industry . During these 25 years, more than 700 qualified engineers for welding technology were trained at the TH Magdeburg.

His apprenticeship started in 1960 at the Institute for Welding Technology (Director: Hans Neese) at the 1953 newly founded University for Heavy Engineering in Magdeburg . This young university developed steadily: from 1961 technical university, from 1987 technical university Magdeburg . Beckert followed this development with his career: he was appointed full professor with a chair at the TH Magdeburg. Manfred Beckert was rector of the Magdeburg Technical University from 1966 to 1970, succeeding Friedrich Kurth . During this time he was a member of the SED district leadership in Magdeburg from 1967 to 1971; He had been a member of the SED since 1946. His successor as rector was Hans-Erich Weinschenk .

In 1971 Werner Gilde , head of the Central Institute for Welding Technology (ZIS) in Halle (Saale), agreed with DVS Düsseldorf on mutual recognition of the welding engineers East and West. This was a prerequisite for the export and import of welded products between East and West. This agreement also represented a breakthrough in the training of welding engineers, in which the academic school of Hans Neese and Manfred Beckert played a major role.

Manfred Beckert is sometimes referred to as the "father of Magdeburg welding technology" and his importance for Germany's welders is compared with that of Franz Beckenbauer for footballers.

In the years after the third university reform in 1968, his chair belonged to the Technology Section of the Metalworking Industry (TmvI) (Director: Reinhard Probst ). During these years Beckert made a noteworthy contribution to the profile of the section with regard to practice-oriented teaching and industry-related research as well as to the development of the next generation of scientists. The section was developed into a model section for the field of “technology of the metalworking industry” for the entire GDR, and it was finally awarded the Karl Marx Order in 1974 as a collective.

In order to further develop international cooperation, Beckert particularly expanded the relationships that existed with the welding technology chairs in Leningrad and Kiev and with the Academy Institute for Electrofusion (Head: Borys Paton ) in Kiev.

Well-known industrial experts, scientists and several professors have emerged from Beckert's academic environment .

Memberships and honors (selection)

  • member of the SED since 1946
  • 1967 to 1971 member of the SED district leadership in Magdeburg
  • 1968 Labor banner
  • 1974 Karl Marx Order in the collective of the TmvI section
  • 1980 Patriotic Order of Merit in Gold
  • Honorary doctorate , multiple (Dr. mult.)
  • Member of the editorial board of the magazine "Schweißtechnik" and of the editorial board of "Schweiß und Schneid".

Publications (selection)

As a specialist in welding technology, he wrote numerous scientific articles, patents, several textbooks on welding technology and gave numerous lectures that also earned him international recognition. After the transition into retirement in 1991, he dealt increasingly with the technical and industrial history of Magdeburg and published on it.

  • Manfred Beckert, Heinz Klemm: Handbook of metallographic etching processes. Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig 1962, 2nd edition 1966, 3rd edition 1976, 4th edition 1984.
  • Udo Franz, Reinhard Probst : II Saruba, BS Kassatkin: CO2 inert gas welding. Translation from Russian and German adaptation. Verlag Technik, Berlin 1963.
  • Manfred Beckert (Ed.): Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry. Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig 1967.
  • Manfred Beckert, Alexis Neumann (ed.): Basics of welding technology. Verlag Technik, Berlin (15 publications).
  • Basics of welding technology, part: welding processes. Verlag Technik, Berlin, 2nd edition 1965, 6th edition 1974.
  • Manfred Beckert (Ed.): Technical Mechanics, Materials, Material Testing. Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig 1970.
  • Manfred Beckert (Ed.), Gerd Fleischer: Machine elements, manufacturing technology, industrial measurement, control and regulation technology. Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig 1973.
  • Manfred Beckert, Rolf Hartmann: Non-metallic materials - generally understandable. Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig 1976; Heyne, Munich 1977, ISBN 978-3-453-49082-6 .
  • Manfred Beckert, Ludwig Winkler (illustrations): World of metals. Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig; Aulis-Verlag Deubner, Cologne 1977, ISBN 978-3-7614-0359-4 .
  • Manfred Beckert (Ed.), Karl Manteuffel (Mitarb.): Business and work design, benefit calculation, operational research. Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig 1977.
  • Iron - Facts and Legends. German publishing house for basic industry, Leipzig 1981.
  • Johann Beckmann (biography). Teubner, Leipzig 1983.
  • Manfred Beckert (Hrsg.): Johann Beckmann: Provision of small notes on some learned objects. Reprint of extracts from the edition Göttingen, Röwer 1795/1806. Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig 1990, ISBN 978-3-343-00669-4 .
  • Beckert, Herold: Compendium welding technology, Volume 3: Suitability of metallic materials for welding. DVS-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1997, ISBN 978-3-87155-160-4 , 2nd edition 2002, ISBN 978-3-87155-207-6 .
  • Metal design in the Tobiashammer - art & technology. Steinbeis transfer center for production and joining technology . Steinbeis Edition, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-938062-29-6 .


  • Helmut Asmus: History of the City of Magdeburg. 1975.
  • Reinhard Probst among others: Curriculum for training at universities and colleges in the basic study of mechanical engineering in the GDR. MHF, Berlin 1975.
  • 25 years of the Otto von Guericke Technical University. In: Scientific journal of the Technical University of Magdeburg, vol. 22, 1978, no. 3–5.
  • 1953-1983. 30 years of the Otto-von-Guericke University of Applied Sciences in Magdeburg. In: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Technische Hochschule Magdeburg, vol. 27, no.3, 1983.
  • Werner Hohaus: Probst, Reinhard Kurt, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., Dr.-Ing. Eh University Archives Magdeburg 2005.
  • Mechanical and plant engineering in the Magdeburg region at the beginning of the 21st century. Future based on tradition. Delta-D publishing house, Axel Kühling, Magdeburg 2014, ISBN 978-3-935831-51-2 .
  • Peter Neumann (Hrsg.): Magdeburg's automation technology in transition - from industrial to research location. Authors: Christian Diedrich , Rolf Höltge, Ulrich Jumar , Achim Kienle, Reinhold Krampitz, Günter Müller, Peter Neumann, Konrad Pusch, Helga Rokosch, Barbara Schmidt, Ulrich Schmucker, Gerhard Unger, Günter Wolf. Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg ; Institute for Automation and Communication Magdeburg (ifak), Magdeburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-944722-75-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Festschrift SLV: Welding Training and Research Institute Halle GmbH, competence with tradition since 1930. [1]
  2. Manfred Beckert: Contribution to the behavior of carbon at weld junctions with different compositions of weld metal and base material. Dissertation, Bergakademie Freiberg, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Supplementary Subjects, Freiberg (Saxony) 1958.
  3. Prof. Manfred Beckert - father of Magdeburg welding technology.