Marija Alexandrovna Ananyina

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Marija Alexandrovna Ananyina

Marija Alexandrowna Ananyina ( Russian Мария Александровна Ананьина ; * 1849 in St. Petersburg ; † January 25th July / February 6th  1899 greg. In Nerchinsk ) was a Russian revolutionary .


Ananjina, the daughter of a factory worker, grew up in the home school of Prince Peter von Oldenburg in St. Petersburg, from which she was dismissed in 1865. She married a farmer in the Nizhne Serbinsky community in the Krasnoufimsk district of Perm Governorate and had two children, daughter Lidija Ivanovna Ananyina (* 1868) and son Alexander Ananyin.

In the mid-1880s, Ananjina separated from her husband and studied obstetrics . After graduation, she worked as an obstetrician in the St. Petersburg suburb of Pargolowo. In their dacha in Pargolowo lived a few days in February 1887 AI Ulyanov , the brother of Lenin , who was responsible for a planned attack on Alexander III. Made nitroglycerin . When the preparations for the attack were discovered by chance, Ananyina was arrested on March 3, 1887 in Pargolowo and taken to the St. Petersburg remand prison. In the trial of Ulyanov and complicity (case 1 March 1887 ) was Ananjina because of membership in a terrorist association , the association will of the people , and preparing a bomb attack in April 1887 to the loss of their civil rights and to death by train convicted. The court requested that the death penalty be converted to 20 years of katorga forced labor, which was granted. Ananjina submitted a pardon to no avail. Ananyina went on a hunger strike in November 1887 in connection with unrest in the Irkutsk Fortress prison on October 21, 1887 . On January 8, 1888, she was taken to the Katorga camp on the Kara River in Transbaikalia . On the basis of the manifestos of 1891 and 1894, she was not granted any easing of imprisonment because of the seriousness of her act. In September 1892 she was released from camp detention.

In April 1896 she married the exiled journalist Lew Deitsch , with whom she had the son Jakow Lwowitsch Deitsch (1896-1956, died in the hospital of Stanford University ). In 1896 her remaining sentence was reduced to a third. After the Kara camp was closed, she was transferred to the Akatuiski camp in 1898. In November 1898 she was admitted to the prison hospital in Algatsch. In January 1899 she was released under surveillance to Nerchinsk , where she died of a kidney infection .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Rodovid: Мария Александровна Ананьина (Дейч) р. 1849 ум. 25 январь 1899 (accessed March 11, 2017).
  2. Большая биографическая энциклопедия: Ананьина, Мария Александровна (accessed March 11, 2017).
  3. Патронова А. Г .: Государственные преступники на Нерчинской каторге (1861–1895): Материалы к « Энциклопедии Забайкалья » . Chita 1998.