Martin Johann Jenisch the Elder

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Martin Johann Jenisch the Elder
Signature on a business letter (1802)

Martin Johann Jenisch (born June 22, 1760 in Hamburg ; † January 29, 1827 there ) was a German businessman and senator in Hamburg.


Amsinck-Palais on Neuer Jungfernstieg 1830
Jenisch House in Jenisch Park
Jenisch Mausoleum, Ohlsdorf Cemetery

Jenisch came from an old merchant family and was the eldest son of the merchant and senator Emanuel Jenisch and his wife Anna Margarethe Plessing. One of his ancestors was the businessman Zimbert Jenisch .

Jenisch worked early on in his father's business. He succeeded in increasing the family's fortune in a particularly sustainable manner. Under him, the trading company MJ Jenisch expanded its business activities to include the banking industry and soon became one of the most important Hamburg banks. Through speculation during the French Revolution and the subsequent continental blockade , Jenisch was able to increase its profits. France became particularly important in banking operations, but there were also business connections with Tsarist Russia and the emerging United States of America.

In addition to trading in goods and pure banking, insurance was later added as a prosperous branch of business. He held the functions of a co-director of the First Insurance Compagnie , later of the Fourth Insurance Compagnie, as well as an agent of the Triester Assecuranz Societät .

In 1784 Jenisch married Catherina Dorothea Rendtorff in Hamburg. With her he had seven daughters and 6 sons. In 1798 Jenisch was promoted to senator in his hometown. Due to his good relations with France, he was often involved in the city's political affairs during the French period in Hamburg . In 1811 he represented Hamburg as envoy in Paris and between 1812 and 1814 he was a member of the Corps Legislatif also in Paris.

When Martin Johann Jenisch the Elder died in Hamburg on January 29, 1827 at the age of 66, he was the richest citizen of this city.

His son Martin Johann Jenisch d. J. was in Klein Flottbek by Franz Gustav Joachim Forsmann today as a branch of the Altonaer museum open to the public Jenisch-Haus building, and his second son Gottlieb Jenisch commissioned Forsmann building the Jenisch'schen city palace 'on the Neuer Jungfernstieg in which today the overseas club is located. His sister Elisabeth Jenisch , who after the death of her parents also grew up and lived with the uncle and Lübeck mayor Johann Philipp Plessing , founded the Jenisch'sche Freischule in Lübeck . The school should 1923 Martin Rücker von Jenisch as a saint one. The foundation still exists today.


Of his descendants have gained importance: Martin Johann Jenisch the Younger (son); Marianne Jenisch (daughter), married to Carl Godeffroy ; Bertha Jenisch (daughter), married to Count Friedrich Wilhelm von Redern ; Alfred Rücker (grandson); the granddaughters Marie Jenisch, married to Adolf Graf Grote , and Viktoria Luise Rücker, married to the diplomat Bernhard Ernst von Bülow ; the great-grandchildren Martin Rücker Freiherr von Jenisch and Prince Bernhard von Bülow and the great-great-granddaughter Marie-Izabel von Jenisch, married to Victor Baron von Plessen .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eberhard Kellers: Burial grove and crypt: the tombs of the upper class on the old burial grounds in Hamburg. Issue No. 17 of workbooks on the preservation of monuments in Hamburg. Verlag Christians, 1997, ISBN 3-7672-1294-3 , pp. 91–93 (historical photographs), p. 120 No. 7