Martin Leutzsch

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Martin Leutzsch (born March 5, 1956 in Bayreuth ) is a German Protestant theologian.

He is a New Testament scholar and holds the Chair of Biblical Exegesis and Theology in Protestant Theology at the University of Paderborn . He has written numerous publications on social history issues as well as on the theory and practice of Bible translation .

Life and focus of work

Martin Leutzsch was born in Bayreuth in 1956, grew up nearby and passed the school leaving examination in 1975 at the Christian Ernestinum Bayreuth high school . After studying Protestant theology in Erlangen and Bonn , as well as the first theological exam in 1981 in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria , he completed his vicariate from 1981 to 1983 in Zeilitzheim, a part of Kolitzheim in Lower Franconia . He was ordained in 1984 and, in addition to his academic work, has been volunteering in the church ever since. After the vicariate, Martin Leutzsch worked as a research assistant on the DFG project "Hirt des Hermas" led by Klaus Wengst at the Evangelical Theological Faculty of the Ruhr University in Bochum . From 1985 to 1988 Martin Leutzsch worked as a research assistant (doctorate in theology in 1988), from 1988 to 1994 as a research assistant at the chair for theology and exegesis of the New Testament at the Ruhr University in Bochum. In 1993 he received his habilitation . His habilitation thesis is entitled “The Probation of Truth. The third letter of John as a document of early Christian everyday life ”. From 1994 to 1998 Martin Leutzsch taught as a professor for Biblical Theology at the Evangelical University of Applied Sciences in Dresden . Since 1998 he has held the chair for biblical exegesis and theology in Protestant theology at the University of Paderborn .

Martin Leutzsch is a member of the Church and Israel Study Group of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland and the Evangelical Church of Westphalia , a member of the Christian and Jewish Working Group at the German Evangelical Church Congress and Evangelical Chairman of the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation in Paderborn. He also provides academic support to the Bibeldorf Rietberg and is one of the editors and translators of the Bible in fair language . His main research interests are socio-historical questions, gender research , the history of the reception and transformation of the Bible ; Theory and Practice of Bible Translation .

Martin Leutzsch has been married to the historian Gabriele Jancke since 1982 and lives in Paderborn.


  • Martin Leutzsch: The perception of social reality in the "Shepherd of Hermas". (Research on the religion and literature of the AT and NT Volume 150). Goettingen 1990.
  • Martin Leutzsch: The Proof of Truth. The third letter of John as a document of early Christian everyday life. (BAC 16). Trier 1994.
  • Martin Leutzsch: Shepherd of Hermas. In: Ulrich HJ Körtner / Martin Leutzsch, Schriften des Urchristentums III: Papiasfragmente. Shepherd of Hermas. Darmstadt 1998, pp. 107-497.
  • Martin Leutzsch: Time and Money in the New Testament. In: Jürgen Ebach / Hans-Martin Gutmann / Magdalene L. Frettlöh / Michael Weinrich (eds.), “Put grace in giving”. On the relationship between economy and theology. (Jabboq 1). Gütersloh 2001, pp. 44-104.
  • Martin Leutzsch: Jew, citizen, doctor, disciple, apostle: Making women's roles in the Bible visible - a challenge for fair Bible translation. In: Erhard Domay / Hanne Köhler (eds.), Workbook Just language in community and worship. Practical drafts for church work and worship. Gütersloh 2003, pp. 105–116.
  • Martin Leutzsch: "Jesus the Jew". Notes on understanding a sentence. In: Katharina von Bremen, Elke Tönges (ed.), Christian speaking of God in the face of Israel. Symposium on the 60th birthday of Klaus Wengst. (Conference minutes - Institute for Church and Society). Iserlohn 2003, pp. 95-105.
  • Helga Kuhlmann , Martin Leutzsch, Harald Schroeter-Wittke (eds.), Travel. Tracks for a theology on the way. (INPUT 1). Munster 2003.
  • Martin Leutzsch: Charity as Anti-Semitism? On a problem of the Christian-Jewish relationship. In: Ekkehard W. Stegemann, Klaus Wengst (ed.), “You have set a limit”. Edna Brocke on her 60th birthday. (Judaism and Christianity 13). Stuttgart 2003, pp. 77-95.
  • Martin Leutzsch: Art. Social history III: Social history of early Christianity. In: Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 4th ed., Vol. 7 (2004) pp. 1484f.
  • Martin Leutzsch: Paul in the Jewish culture and theology of the modern age. In: Sung-Hee Lee-Linke (ed.), Paulus the Jew. Its position in the Christian-Jewish dialogue today. Frankfurt 2005, pp. 89–114.
  • Martin Leutzsch: Basic need and status symbol: clothing in the New Testament. In: Ansgar Köb, Peter Riedel (eds.), Clothing and Representation in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. (Medieval Studies 7). Munich 2005, pp. 9–32.
  • Martin Leutzsch: Bible translation as a scandal and a crime. In: Rainer Dillmann ed., Bible Impulse. Film - art - literature - music - theater - theology. (INPUT 5). Berlin 2006, pp. 42–57.
  • Gesine Dronsz, Martin Leutzsch, Harald Schroeter-Wittke (eds.), Between Politics and Religion. The "Battle for Paderborn" 1604 and its reception. (Contributions to the Westphalian Church History 31). Bielefeld 2006.
  • Ulrike Bail, Frank Crüsemann , Marlene Crüsemann, Erhard Domay , Jürgen Ebach, Claudia Janssen , Hanne Köhler , Helga Kuhlmann , Martin Leutzsch and Luise Schottroff (eds.): Bible in just language , Gütersloh 2006, 3rd edition 2007 ( ISBN 978- 3579055008 ).


  • Marion Keuchen, Helga Kuhlmann, Harald Schroeter-Wittke (eds.): The best supporting roles. 50 portraits of biblical marginal figures . Festschrift for Martin Leutzsch. 2nd Edition. Evangelische Verlags-Anstalt, Leipzig 2007, ISBN 978-3374023691 .

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