Matthias Erasmus Kohlreif

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Matthias Erasmus Kohlreif , also Matthaeus Erasmus Kohlreiff and Cholreiffius (born September 2, 1641 in Cölln , Spree, † February 3, 1705 in Hinrichshagen ) was a German theologian , educator , pastor and court preacher .

Live and act

Matthias Kohlreif was the son of pastor Bernhard Kohlreif (1603–1646), preacher at the St. Petri Church in Cölln (Berlin) and pastor at the Nikolai Church in Prenzlau. Bernhard Kohlreif married Catharina Paschen in Berlin in 1640, daughter of the city secretary of Berlin, Daniel Paschen. Kohlreif studied in 1660 in Wittenberg , where he received his master's degree in 1662 : “After a disputation de Computo Julio - Constantiniano, he obtained the Gradum Magisterii in 1662, and a short time later he was in Numerum. Legentium recipieret, held collegia and habilitated through a disputatio de αύτοφονία. ”From 1664 he was vice rector of the Latin school in Prenzlau and from 1669 rector in Neubrandenburg and in 1701 deputy superintendent in Neubrandenburg.

After ten years in the schools, Kohlreif became pastor in Alt-Strelitz in 1674 and from 1679 court preacher to Duke Gustav Adolf in Güstrow and at the same time preposition of the Strelitz Synod. From 1701 he became court chaplain of Duke Adolf Friedrich II. In Strelitz and also to the consistory and superintendent of the Principality of Ratzeburg, the Star Gardi's rule and the Commandery Mirow appointed. In 1705 Kohlreif died in Hinrichshagen and was buried in Strelitz. The funeral sermon was given by the Friedlander pastor Johannes Pistorius on the orders of Duke Adolf Friedrich. His portrait hung (burned) in the main parish church of St. Marien zu Neubrandenburg until 1945.

In 1670 Matthias Kohlreif married Regina Wiese, the daughter of pastor Matthai Wiese in Neubrandenburg. His sons Bernhard and Gottfried studied in Rostock. Bernhard Kohlreif became the clerk at Stargard and Gottfried Kohlreif was pastor and later cathedral provost in Ratzeburg.

Kohlreif is buried in Alt-Strelitz.


  • Georg Krüger : Die Pastoren im Lande Stargard ..., in: Yearbooks of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology, Volume 69. 1904. S. 193–195 [5]
  • Johannes Pistorius: Blessed official way of the HME Kohlr., Tit. Tit., As the same on February 3rd A. d. 1705 for official sake of presentation II Candidatorum, but soon drove home blissfully towards the following morning, held d. Feb. 24 from the words of Simeonis Luc. 2, 29 ff. On Strelitz. , Ratzeburg, Hoffmann. Excerpts from the funeral sermon at Krüger [6]

Individual evidence

  1. Kohlreif dies with his daughter Sofia, who was married to Pastor Daniel Lange in Hinrichshagen; see Krüger [1]
  2. Entry in the university register Wittenberg as Matthias Erasmo Kohlreiff (from) Svevum Col. Marchicus (Cölln in der Mark) [2]
  3. Dissertation 1662 in Wittenberg [3]
  4. Entry in the Rostock university register: Matriculation 100032465
  5. ^ Church book of Neubrandenburg from 1770: List of superintendents
  6. ^ Krüger: Court preacher in Güstrow and Strelitz [4]
  7. ^ Church book of Neubrandenburg from 1770: List of superintendents