Gottfried Kohlreif

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Portrait of Kohlreif in Ratzeburg Cathedral

Gottfried Kohlreif , also Kohlreiff (born October 1, 1676 in Strelitz , † August 13, 1750 in Ratzeburg ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran theologian and provost at the Ratzeburg Cathedral . A timetable published by him led to Kohlreiff's dispute over the calculation of the end of the world .


Kohlreif's family had only immigrated to Mecklenburg from Brandenburg in his father's generation. His father married into a local family that had belonged to the upper middle class of Neubrandenburg since the Middle Ages . In Kohlreif's maternal ancestor list, which goes back to the early 14th century, there are several mayors of that city. His grandfather, Bernhard Kohlreif , was the rector of the Berlin high school for the gray monastery .

Kohlreif himself was the son of the Strelitz pastor and (later) court preacher and superintendent Matthias Erasmus Kohlreif (1641–1705) and his wife Regina, née. Wiese (1651–1729) was born. He studied first from 1691 at the University of Rostock and immediately after its opening at the University of Halle , where he received his master's degree in 1694 . In 1698 he was temporarily the librarian of the Duchess Marie. In 1699 he planned to go to the University of Kiel , but had to stop because of the armed conflicts in connection with the Great Northern War in Hamburg , where he lived with his relative Ulrich Wiese, the pastor of the Heiliggeistkirche, educator of the sons of Mecklenburg Diplomat Edzard Adolf von Petkum became and attended college with the main pastors Johann Winckler and Johann Friedrich Mayer , so that on January 29, 1700 he was accepted among the candidates of the Hamburg Ministry of Spirituality . After the conclusion of the Peace of Traventhal in the summer of 1700, he was able to continue his journey to Kiel, where he held lectures and in 1701 acquired the degree of licentiate . In the same year, after the establishment of the Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz by the Hamburg settlement (1701), he became pastor primarius in Neubrandenburg . In 1704 he moved to the Ratzeburg Cathedral, which belongs to Mecklenburg-Strelitz, as cathedral preacher and provost, and later received the title of consistorial councilor.

A life-size portrait showing him in official costume surrounded by theological works with the open Bible in his hand, with an epitaph in Latin and German underneath, reminds of him in the Ratzeburg Cathedral. Today it hangs in the Kunstkammer in the cloister.

Kohlreif was married three times, first to Anna Katharina Möllenhoff († 1702), then from 1706 with Magdalena Lohmann, widowed Ebion († 1735) and finally from 1736 with Eleonora Katharina Wiechmann. He had 14 children, six of whom died young. A son from his second marriage, Christoph Gotthilf Kohlreif (born April 11, 1715, † February 15, 1775) was a teacher at the Katharineum in Lübeck and became chief pastor at St. Marien ibid in 1765 . A granddaughter married Carl Gottlob Heinrich Arndt , who was also provost of the cathedral in Ratzeburg.

His extensive library was partially sold in a public auction in August 1751, the printed catalog of which has been preserved. His family book (friendship album) with entries from the years 1693 to 1702 is preserved in the Lübeck City Library .


Kohlreif's extensive theological and literary work had three focal points:

  1. on the one hand there were works in the area of Old Testament science and Hebrew studies ;
  2. from this a second focus developed: Kohlreif's preoccupation with chronology . Works by him appeared in Hamburg in 1724 and 1728, in Lübeck and Leipzig in 1732, and in Ratzeburg in 1744. His calculations led to a dispute with Johann Albrecht Bengel and to the Kohlreiff dispute about the age of the world and the time of Judgment Day .
  3. a third focus was on works for pastoral use. Above all, this includes his Ratzeburg hymn book, which was first published in 1715 and has been reissued many times , with notes and the song crown , with which the church in the Principality of Ratzeburg received its own uniform hymn book for the first time, but also a new edition of the catechism questions of the Ratzeburg superintendent Hector Mithobius and a treatise about the Lord's Supper (against Leonhard Christoph Sturm );


  • Necessary report on the altar bread or so-called oblates customary in the Evangelical Church. OO 1712
  • Ratzeburg hymn book, with notes and the song crown. Ratzeburg 1715
  • Chronologia sacra || a mundo condito || usque ad ipsius interitum. || Ex interioribus fontium recessibus || ervta, || et maiori ex parte apodictica; || nvllo hiatv ex scriptis hvmanis || redintegrando laborans: || praecipvorvm tamen antiqvitatis || monumentorvm consensv stipita: || integritatis atqve eminentiae divinae, || qva scriptvra sacra vbiqve sibi || constat ac svfficit, || testis et vindex; || plvrimorvmque locorvm bibliocorvm, || pro difficillimis adhvc habitorvm, || interpres. Hamburg: Theod. Christoph Felginer, 1724. ( digitized version )
  • Christian catechism questions, the more solid the foundation in pure doctrine and true godliness, For the sake of often very inadequate transcriptions left to print. Ratzeburg: Hartz 1731
  • Chronologia Liphrat Katon : Adhuc immota et denuo illustrata, oppositas sibi videlicet machinas evertens, integritati Scripturae S. Ulteriora praesidia parans, et sic magno iterum numero observationum utilissimarum locum faciens: Accedit praeter emendanda via nova ad indagibra siscinaras eclipsertum,. .. Lubecae & Lipsiae, sumtu Jonae Schmidt. Typis Racebvrgensibvs Andr, Hartzii. AG MDCCXXXII. Mvndi 6241.1732
Editio secunda. Bremae: Vidua H. Jaegeri, typis HC Jani 1735. (other editions: Bremen: GW Rump 1742 and 1764)
  • The press of wrath of the last days, or a clear explanation of the XXXIV. XXXV. and LXIII. Cap. Isaiah: with a new one, salvation. Writes in honor of the written appendix, but in which The Herbrechtingische Chiliasterey ... is exposed. Lübeck 1750


  • Karl Ernst Hermann Krause:  Kohlreif, Gottfried . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 16, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1882, p. 453.
  • Georg Krüger : The pastors in the Principality of Ratzeburg . Schönberg (Meckl.), 1899. pp. 15-17.
  • Georg Krüger (edit.): Das Land Ratzeburg ( art and historical monuments of the Free State of Mecklenburg-Strelitz , Volume II) Neubrandenburg 1934, Reprint Schwerin: Stock & Stein 1994, ISBN 3-910179-28-2 , p. 122
  • Hans Schröder: Lexicon of Hamburg writers up to the present. Volume 4, Hamburg 1866, pp. 147f.

Auction catalog

  • Bibliotheca Kohlreiffiana Tripartita, Praeter Scriptores Hebr. Rabbi. Syr. Arab. Graecos & c. & c. Biblioth. PP Tomos Conciliorum, Constitut. Ecclesiast. Collectionem. ... Continens Libros Theol. Jurid. Medic. ... Quos Gottfr. Kohlreiff, ... Ad Aedes Cathedrales Raceb. Pastor ... Sibi Comparavit. ... Raceburgi ... A. 1751. d. 16 Augusti & sqq. Solenni Auctionis Lege Distrahenda. Raceburgi: Schmid, 1751

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. the birthday is indicated differently: according to ADB 11./21. October; according to the Hamb lexicon. Writer September 30th / 11th October ( jul. / Greg. ), His epitaph in the cathedral says (according to Krüger, p. 122): 1676 d. 1st October in German and NAT. POSTR. F. MICHA. C. 1676 in Latin inscription
  2. not as often stated in the city of Neustrelitz , which was only founded in 1733
  3. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  4. ^ Hans Bruhn: The candidates of the Hamburg Church from 1654 to 1825. Album candidatorum. Hamburg: JJ Augustin 1963 (The Hamburg Church and its clergy since the Reformation, Volume III), p. 153, no. 417
  5. Fig. And description in Krüger (Lit.), p. 122
  6. Ms. Lub. 769, entry in the Repertorium Alborum Amicorum Studbook database , accessed on June 9, 2020
  7. Liphrat Katon, also lifrat qatan = according to the small calendar is a type of Jewish calendar in which the thousands are omitted
  8. Herbrechtingen was Bengel's place of activity, against which the writing is directed