Max Haushofer Jr.

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Paul Heyse : Portrait of Max Haushofer, in: The literary Munich. 25 portrait sketches , 1900

Max Haushofer Jr. (born April 23, 1840 in Munich , † April 9 or 10, 1907 in Gries near Bozen ) was a German economist , politician and writer .

life and work

After Karl , who was one year older , Max Haushofer was the second child from the marriage of the landscape painter Max Haushofer and his wife Anna, née. Stupid. He spent the first four years of his life in Munich. In 1845 his father became a professor of landscape painting at the Prague Art Academy . From 1849 to 1857 Max Haushofer attended the KK Deutsche Gymnasium in Prague . In 1857 he returned to Munich. Max Haushofer attended the Maximiliansgymnasium in Munich for a year , which he left in 1858 with the school leaving certificate. He then studied economics and statistics at the University of Munich . This resulted in his doctorate in 1864 and his habilitation in 1866. In the autumn of 1868 Max Haushofer became an associate professor, and in 1880 a full professor at the Technical University of Munich . From 1875 to 1881 he represented the constituency of Munich I in the Bavarian Chamber of Deputies for the United Liberals .

In addition to specialist publications, Haushofer published poems, dramas, stories and fairy tales. He also wrote some articles for the Süddeutsche monthly magazine .

Haushofer was a member of the Munich Literary Society and from 1878 to 1900 a member of the Munich casual society .

His marriage to Adele Fraas (1844–1872), daughter of Carl Fraas , gave birth to their son Karl Haushofer (1869–1946), an important geographer and theoretician of geopolitics . His second marriage was to the writer Emma Haushofer-Merk (1854–1925). Max Haushofer's grave is on Frauenchiemsee .


Planet fire, German first edition, Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, Stuttgart 1899
All kinds of sheets, original edition 1899, published by Adolf Bonz & Comp., Stuttgart
Grave site Max Haushofer Jun.,
Fraueninsel cemetery
  • Poems , 1864
  • Basics of the Railway System , 1873
  • The industrial company , 1874
  • Railroad geography , 1875
  • Fiend the caveman , 1880
  • Text and handbook of statistics , 1873
  • The Eternal Jew (Ahaz Compression), 1886
  • Stories between this world and the hereafter , 1888
  • The Exiles , 1890
  • Worker figures from the Bavarian Alps . Drawings by Otto E. Lau . Buchnersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Bamberg 1890. Digitized
  • Alpine landscape and legend , 1891
  • Principles of Political Economy , 1894
  • German small business , 1885
  • Modern socialism , 1896
  • The art of living and questions of life , Ravensburg 1897
  • All kinds of leaves. Stories , 1898
  • Planet fire , 1899
  • Upper Bavaria, Munich and the Bavarian Highlands , 1900
  • The Little Citizen , 1902
  • Population theory , 1903
  • The landscape. 1903
  • Tyrol and Vorarlberg , 1903
  • The Hereafter , 1905
  • Prince Schnuckelbold , 1906
  • At the limits of existence , 1908

Settings of his poems

  • Ferdinand Pfohl , Siren songs, from The Exiles , 1894
  • Ferdinand Pfohl, Tower Ballads, from The Exiles , 1910


Web links

Commons : Max Haushofer Jr.  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Max Haushofer Jr.  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary in A. Hartleben: German Review for Geography and Statistics , Volume 29, p. 421 ( restricted preview in the Google book search).
  2. Edith Thieler: Max Haushofer: Literary historical studies about his life and his poems , P. Escher, 1932, p. 21 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  3. ^ A b Max Haushofer Jr. in the parliamentary database at the House of Bavarian History
  4. Anton Bettelheim: Biographisches Jahrbuch und Deutscher Nekrolog , Georg Reimer, 1909, Volume 12, p. 75 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  5. George Mollat: Department of Economics sourcebook , AW Zickfeldt, 1913, S. XVI ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  6. ^ Haushofer 3) . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon . 6th edition. Volume 8, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1907, pp.  888–889 .
  7. Munich Modernism . Philipp Reclam Jun., Stuttgart 1990, p. 680.
  8. Informal Society: One Hundred and Fifty Years Informal Society Munich 1837–1987 , University Printing and Publishing House Dr. C. Wolf and Son KG, Munich 1987, 159 pages
  9. ^ BR radio play Pool - Haushofer, planet fire .