Max Maximilian

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Max Maximilian (* probably between 1880 and 1885; † June 25, 1930 in Berlin ) was a German singer , actor and director .

Live and act

Max Maximilian, a pseudonym, received an acting and singing education at the beginning of the 20th century. He made his debut on October 20, 1905 at the Stadttheater in Passau in the field of operetta .

“The first operetta performance is scheduled for Friday, 20th,“ The sweet girl ”. Fr. Margit Deley is a guest in the title role ; In addition, Miss Margit von Habdank and the 1st tenor Mr. Max Maximilian will make their debut . "

- unknown : Donau-Zeitung Passau from October 16, 1905

In 1906 he moved to the Studienhaus Coburg , in 1907 to Pirmasens , in 1908 to the Meiningen Residenztheater, and in 1909 as a singer in the operetta of the Bochum City Theater. In 1910 he followed a call to Speyer , in 1911 to Wittenberge , where he was also allowed to stage plays as a director, and in 1912 to Munich , where he stayed until 1914 and can also be verified as a director and actor.

At the same time, in the last few years before the outbreak of the First World War, Max Maximilian turned intensively to the new medium of film. There he covered the entire range of supporting roles: he played fathers and subordinate servants, seamen and miners, shady characters and police gendarmes. In the 1920s Maximilian occasionally worked as an assistant director (e.g. in 1922 for Der Crash ) or as a production manager (e.g. in 1924 for Garragan and 1926 for Der Student von Prag ).


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