Max Rötger (civil servant, 1860)

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Max Rötger (born August 27, 1860 in Wittenberg ; † April 7, 1923 in Berlin-Grunewald ) was a German administrative and industrial lawyer.


After graduating from the Wilhelms-Gymnasium , Rötger studied law in Berlin . Here he became a member of what would become the Guilelmia country team . After the state examination and the usual preparatory service , he became district administrator in Labiau in 1892 . Between 1899 and 1901 he was district administrator in Essen . Then he joined the board of directors of Friedrich Krupp AG . From 1902 to 1909 he was the successor to Hanns Jencke as chairman of the board of directors. Because of differences with Gustav Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach , he left the company. His successor was Alfred Hugenberg . He was also chairman of the Essen Chamber of Commerce and the combined Chamber of Commerce of the Lower Rhine Industry Association. Between 1909 and 1919 he was chairman of the Central Association of German Industrialists . In addition, he was temporarily a member of the executive committee of the Hansabund . In this he triggered a crisis in 1911 when he withdrew from the federal government with the representatives of heavy industry. During the First World War he was a director in the war committee of German industry.


  • Gert von Klass : The three rings. Life story of an industrial company . Reiner Wunderlich Verlag - Hermann Leins , Tübingen and Stuttgart 1953.
  • The path to becoming an industrial umbrella organization . Published by the Federation of German Industries , Hoppenstedt, Darmstadt 1956
  • Files of the Prussian State Ministry vol. 10 p. 429 digital version (PDF; 2.9 MB)
  • Uwe Kessler: On the history of management at Krupp. From the beginning of the company to the dissolution of Fried. Krupp AG (1811-1943) . Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-515-06486-9