Friedrich Schöne

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Friedrich Schöne (born April 24, 1882 in Berlin ; † November 11, 1963 in Lübeck ) was a German lawyer, administrative officer and district administrator .


Friedrich Schöne was a son of the archaeologist Richard Schöne and his second wife Helene Wigand, nee Härtel. After attending the Royal Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Berlin, he studied languages ​​in Oxford and London , but then moved to the universities of Freiburg im Breisgau and Bonn, where he studied law. In 1904 he was promoted to Dr. jur. PhD .

He first worked as a court trainee in Berlin, at the Neuruppin District Court and became a government trainee in Frankfurt (Oder) in 1906 . From 1909 he worked at the district office in Eschwege as a government assessor. From 1911 to 1912 he went on a study trip to Australia , New Zealand and Asia. In 1913 he went to the government in Düsseldorf as a consultant . In 1916 Friedrich Schöne was appointed to the government council. He was drafted into the military but released from active service shortly before the end of World War I.

Friedrich Schöne became district administrator in the Essen district in 1918 . In 1919 he became chairman of the newly founded Essen city association of allotment gardeners . He was involved in the continuation of the Folkwang Museum and was chairman of the Folkwang Museum Association from 1922 to 1924 . He was an honorary member of the association until the end of his life.

During the occupation of the Ruhr , Friedrich Schöne was arrested by the French in 1923 and sentenced to five years in prison. The following year he was released and expelled from the occupied territory. He was then until 1936 district administrator of the Randow district in the province of Pomerania . In 1936 he joined the German Municipal Assembly as an alderman , of which he was a member until 1945.

After the Second World War he moved to Sierksdorf . He has published legal articles and essays in professional journals.

Friedrich Schöne had been married to the Australian Milly Scharff since 1913 and had four children with her.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Schöne, Friedrich . In: Frits Lugt : Les Marques de Collections de Dessins & d'Estampes. (French).