Max Radziejewski

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Max Radziejewski (born October 30, 1897 in Berlin ; † January 10, 1978 there ) was a German politician ( SPD ).

Max Radziejewski passed his Abitur and became a soldier in the First World War . He then did an apprenticeship as a typesetter , passed the master craftsman examination and became a master craftsman . He later studied law and received his doctorate in 1923 for Dr. jur. Radziejewski was a printing and publishing manager . After the “ seizure of power ” by the National Socialists in 1933 , he was banned from practicing his profession for political and racial reasons, and he was partially imprisoned. He was then able to work in the private sector.

After the Second World War , Radziejewski joined the SPD in 1945 and worked in the Berlin district office in the economic department. In September 1948 he was dismissed for political reasons by order of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SMAD). He then moved to West Berlin and worked in the Schöneberg district office . Since Heinz-Kurt Steinkampf (1915–1983) was a district councilor, Radziejewski moved up to the Berlin House of Representatives in May 1951 . In the 1954 election he was elected to the district council in the Schöneberg district. At the same time he became head of department in the Senate Department for Building and Housing, where he retired in 1962 . In the 1963 election Radziejewski was re-elected to the House of Representatives for one legislative period.
