Michael Schierack

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Michael Schierack 2016

Michael Schierack (born November 12, 1966 in Forst (Lausitz) , Cottbus district , GDR ) is a German doctor and politician ( CDU ). Since 2009 he has been a member of the Brandenburg State Parliament . From 2012 to 2015 he was state chairman of the CDU Brandenburg . From February 2014 to November 2014 he also held the office of parliamentary group chairman of the CDU parliamentary group.

Life and work

From 1983 to 1986 Schierack completed vocational training with a high school diploma as an electrician . He then did his military service until 1988. He then began studying human medicine at the Charité of the Humboldt University in Berlin . After studying in Great Britain, Canada, Australia and a practical year in Switzerland, he graduated in 1995 and received his license to practice medicine. In the following time he completed the specialist training for orthopedics and trauma surgery. From 2002 to 2004 he was the head physician at the Clinic for Health and Sport Reha Vita GmbH in Cottbus. Since 2005 he has been working as a resident orthopedic doctor in Cottbus.

Michael Schierack received his doctorate in 1997. Since 1999 he has been teaching rehabilitation technology at the Lausitz University of Applied Sciences . From 2005 he was dean of the dual bachelor's degree in physiotherapy at the University of Applied Sciences Lausitz before receiving the honorary professorship for rehabilitation medicine in 2008. He is a member of the chamber assembly of the Brandenburg State Medical Association .

Schierack is married to his wife Anne and has a son and a daughter.


Michael Schierack has been a member of the CDU since 2000 and has been its district chairman in Cottbus since 2001. In 2003 he was elected to the state board of the CDU Brandenburg for the first time and in 2005 he was elected deputy state chairman of his party. His father and grandfather were already members of the CDU.

For the state election in Brandenburg on September 27, 2009 , Michael Schierack ran for a seat in the Cottbus I state constituency and entered the state parliament via the state list .

Schierack was elected deputy CDU parliamentary group leader in 2009 and was a full member of the Committee on Environment, Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on Science, Research and Culture.

On November 17, 2012, he was elected at the election party conference in Potsdam with 71 percent to succeed Saskia Ludwig, who had previously resigned, as chairman of the CDU Brandenburg. At the state party conference on October 19, 2013, Schierack was confirmed as state chairman with 89 percent of the votes.

Around a month later, his party voted him number 1 on the state list at the state representative assembly on November 30, 2013, with 88.9 percent approval. Schierack was the top candidate of the CDU Brandenburg for the state elections on September 14, 2014 .

On February 18, 2014, Schierack was also elected chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament. He received 16 out of 17 valid votes.

In the state elections, the CDU gained 3.2 percentage points to 23 percent of the vote and was therefore able to achieve second place ahead of the Left Party for the first time since the state elections in 1999 , but clearly missed the intended goal of becoming the strongest force.

Michael Schierack won the direct mandate in his constituency of Cottbus I.

Coalition talks with the election winner SPD under Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke to form a grand coalition failed. The CDU remained an opposition party. This led to criticism of Michael Schierack. On November 18, 2014, he handed over the chairmanship of the parliamentary group to Ingo Senftleben . He also announced that he would give up the state chairmanship at the next state party conference. In April 2015, he also handed over his chairmanship to Ingo Senftleben. Schierack has headed the CDU Brandenburg's program committee since May 2015.

Michael Schierack is spokesman for science and research in the current legislature and is a member of the committee for science, research and culture.

Web links

Commons : Michael Schierack  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. CV In: MichaelSchierack.de (personal website).
  2. ^ A b Robin Avram: Brandenburg's outgoing CDU leader Michael Schierack. Quiet, level-headed - discarded. In: RBB -Online.de , February 10, 2015.
  3. Member of the 5th electoral term in the Brandenburg state parliament. ( Memento of the original from February 1, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Landtag.Brandenburg.de (PDF; 7 kB). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.landtag.brandenburg.de
  4. Schierack elected as new CDU state chairman. In: Die Welt , November 17, 2012.
  5. Michael Schierack confirmed by a large majority as CDU party leader. In: Die Welt , October 19, 2013.
  6. Brandenburger CDU nominated Schierack as a top candidate. In: RBB-Online.de .
  7. CDU puts all top positions in the hands of Schierack. In: Berliner Morgenpost , February 18, 2014.
  8. Alex Krämer: After Schierack resigns in Brandenburg - Ingo Senftleben takes over as the new CDU boss. In: RBB-Online.de , April 25, 2015.
  9. Parties: Schierack is supposed to prepare the CDU party program. DPA notification. In: Focus .de , May 29, 2015.