Michael von Brunnow

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Coat of arms of the Brünnow family

Michael von Brunnow (also Brünnow ; * around 1520 ; † 1583 ) was Polish minister and later ducal chancellor in the Duchy of Courland and Zemgale .


Before his relocation to Courland , Brunnow had been entrusted with an embassy in 1564 as royal Polish minister by King Sigismund II August (1520–1572) , which led him to Pomerania . After moving to Courland, he was appointed Vice Chancellor of Courland in 1560 and had been a member of the Duchy's Supreme Council as Senior Councilor and Chancellor since 1566 . In the government of Duke Gotthard Kettler (1517–1587) he was, after the Landhofmeister , the second highest plenipotentiarius (authorized representative) in the duchy. In 1570 a church reform was worked out in the Duchy of Courland and Semgallia on the orders of Duke Gotthard and based on Brunnow's authoritative draft , and it was put into print in the same year.

Family and offspring

Michael von Brunnow came from the aristocratic family Brünnow from the rear of Pomerania , which after the division into a Pomeranian and Kurland line in Kurland spelled itself "Brunnow". His parents were the heir to Quatzow and Pöppeln Augustin von Brünnow († after 1552) and Mechel von Wolden . He is considered to be the founder of the Courland branch and had property in Courland since 1569 . Three sons are known from his marriage to Margarethe von Fürstenberg .

  • Gotthard von Brunnow auf Weesen, ⚭ 1576 NN Dollert
  • Michel von Brunnow on Würzau († before 1635), ⚭ Elisabeth von Grotthuss († 1620)
  • Dietrich von Brünnow († after 1613)

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bernhart Jähnig : Constitution and Administration of the Teutonic Order and its Rule in Livonia , Volume 16 of Writings of the Baltic Historical Commission , LIT Verlag Münster, 2011, ISBN 3643110057 , p. 252.
  2. ^ Archives for the history of Liv, Estonia and Curland, volumes 1–3, Estonian Literary Society, Verlag F. Kluge, 1842, p. 184.
  3. Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : The coats of arms of the German baronial and noble families in an exact, complete and generally understandable description. Leipzig 1855, Volume 2, p. 72.
  4. ^ Johann Friedrich von Recke: General writers and scholars encyclopedia of the provinces of Livonia, Esthland and Courland , Volume 1, Verlag JF Steffenhagen and Son, 1827, p. 484.
  5. Michael v. Bronnow.