Vão do Paranã microregion

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Vão do Paranã microregion
Location of the Vão do Paranã microregion in Goiás
Basic data
State : BrazilBrazil Brazil (BRA)
Administrative structure : Midwest
State : GoiásGoiás Goiás (GO)
Mesoregion : East Goiás
Time zone : UTC -3
summer : UTC-2
Area : 17,388.823 km²
Residents : 109,228
IBGE : 2009 estimated
Population density : 6.3 inhabitants / km²
Number of d. Municipalities: 12
Telephone code : +5561

The microregion Vão do Paranã (German: Paranã level ) is located in the mid-west ( Região Central-Oeste ) of Brazil . It is a region in the Brazilian state of Goiás determined for statistical purposes by the IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) and belongs to the mesoregion of East Goiás . It comprises 20 communities.

Geographical location

The Vão do Paranã microregion borders on the microregions (mesoregions):

Parishes in the Vão do Paranã microregion

local community
location Area
estimated in 2009
Inhabitant / km²
GDP  2007
(million R $ )
GDP per capita
(R $)
Alvorada do Norte
Location of Alvorada do Nortea in Goiás
1,259.495 8,666 6.9
Location of Buritinópolis in Goiás
268.115 3,573 13.3
Location of Damianópolis in Goiás
415,349 3,678 8.9
Divinópolis de Goiás
Location of Divinópolis de Goiás
831.134 5,570 6.7
Flores de Goiás
Location of Flores de Goiás
3,709 11,483 3.1
Guarani de Goiás
Location of Guarani de Goiás
1,229.122 4,093 3.3
Location of Iaciara in Goiás
1,625,284 12,855 7.9
Location of Mambaí in Goiás
859.555 7.096 8.3
Location of Posse in Goiás
1,949.632 31,257 16.0
São Domingos
Location of São Domingos in Goiás
3,295.558 10.116 3.1
Location of Simolândia in Goiás
347.823 7,331 21.1
Sítio d'Abadia
Location of Sítio d'Abadia in Goiás
1,598,337 3,510 2.2
Vão do Paranã microregion in Goiás
17,388,823 109,228 6.3

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b IBGE: population estimate as of July 1, 2009 (PDF; 5.6 MB), ( port. )

Web links