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Spoken in

Burkina Faso , Ghana , Benin , Ivory Coast , Mali , Togo
speaker 7,600,000
Official status
Other official status in Burkina FasoBurkina Faso Burkina Faso ( national language )
Language codes
ISO 639 -1


ISO 639 -2


ISO 639-3


Mòoré or Moore (also called Moose , More , Mole , Mossi , Moshi , Mooré and Moré ) is the language of the Mossi .

It belongs to the Gur languages and is spoken and understood by around half of the population of Burkina Faso ( Upper Volta ).

Other groups in the regions of Ivory Coast , Burkina Faso and Ghana have adopted the language as their main language. For example, the radio in Burkina Faso broadcasts programs in Mòoré.

Mòoré is spoken in the dialects Saremdé, Taolendé, Yaadré, Ouapadoupou, Yaande, Zaore (Joore), Yana (Yanga, Jaan).


labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive Unvoiced p t k ʔ
Voiced b d ɡ
nasal m n
Fricative Voiceless f s H
Voiced v z
Approximant l / r
Half vowels w j

The semi-vowel / j / y is pronounced as ɲ .


German Mòoré
one Yembre
two Yiibu
three Tanbo
four Naase
five Nu
six Yobe
seven Yopoy
eight Nii
nine Wai
ten Piiga


The Mossa alphabet in Burkina Faso :

Burkina Faso Mossi alphabet
A. ʼ B. D. E. Ɛ F. G H I. Ɩ K L. M. N O P R. S. T U Ʋ V W. Y Z
a ʼ b d e ɛ f G H i ɩ k l m n O p r s t u ʋ v w y z
a ʔ b d e ɛ f ɡ H i ɪ k l m n O p r s t u ʊ v w j z


  • Gaston Canu: La langue mò: rē: dialecte de Ouagadougou (Haute-Volta), description synchronique . Société d'Études Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France, Paris 1976, ISBN 2-85297-033-3 ( Langues et civilizations à tradition orale 16).
  • Helmut Glück (Ed.), With the collaboration of Friederike Schmöe : Metzler Lexikon Sprache. 3rd, revised edition. Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar 2005, ISBN 3-476-02056-8 .
  • Björn Stockleben, Jul Martin Sanwidi: Mooré for Burkina Faso. Word by word. Reise Know-How Verlag Rump, Bielefeld 2005, ISBN 3-89416-364-X ( Kauderwelsch 196).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mikael Parkvall, "Världens 100 största språk 2007" (The 100 greatest languages ​​in the world 2007), in Nationalencyklopedin