Mura (Japan)

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Mura or Son (both Japanese , German "village", corresponds to Chinese 村, pinyin "cūn") is a communal administrative unit in Japan . Localities with the official name Mura are usually smaller communities in rural Japan (see rural community ). They always belong to a county gun . The official English translation of this communal unit (important for transcribed place-name signs) is village .

Due to the amalgamation of many municipalities in recent years, their number has fallen sharply, from 568 at the beginning of the Heisei regional reform ( Heisei Daigappei ) in April 1999 to 189 on January 1, 2019.

The following 13 prefectures therefore no longer have a mura :

or these 12 prefectures only have one:

(As of January 1, 2019)

The Kun reading Mura for the character is more common than the On reading Son . The term Son is currently used in only six prefectures . In the prefectures of Miyazaki , Okayama , Okinawa , Tokushima and Tottori all villages are called Son , in Kagoshima Prefecture it is only used in two of the four villages.
All other prefectures use the Mura reading .

In 2018 there were still 183 villages in Japan, 28 of which were designated as son .

Due to the derivation of numerous Japanese surnames from settlement names , Mura can be found in many family names such as: Nakamura , Murayama, Nishimura, etc.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 市区 町 村 数 を 調 べ る . In: e-Stat - Statistics of Japan. Retrieved January 22, 2019 (Japanese).
  2. 「む ら」 と 読 む 村 、 「そ ん」 と 読 む 村 . In: Retrieved December 10, 2018 (Japanese).