Narcissus viridiflorus

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Narcissus viridiflorus
Narcissus viridiflorus 1.jpg

Narcissus viridiflorus

Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae)
Genre : Daffodils ( Narcissus )
Type : Narcissus viridiflorus
Scientific name
Narcissus viridiflorus

Narcissus viridiflorus (Syn .: Narcissus integer , Chloraster integer ) is a species of the daffodil genus( Narcissus ), which is classified in the Amaryllidaceae and there in the Amaryllidoideae .


Narcissus viridiflorus is a perennial herbaceous plant that survives dormancy with the help of an onion , i.e. has a geophytic way of life.

The plant has a height of 15 to 20 cm and usually has no green leaves at flowering time , these appear later. They are narrow (2–5 mm), dark green and up to 35 cm long. Each plant produces only one leaf per season and, if it has flowered, usually none at all.

Generative characteristics

The flowering period extends in situ from October to November. The 2–5 flowers are arranged in an umbel on a fleshy flower stem and are first surrounded by a bract (spathe), which later tears open to reveal the buds. At the beginning of flowering it is then dried out and brown (see photo). The star-shaped flowers are dark to light brownish green with stitch, with the center of Perigonblattes (Tepal) is more intensely colored than the edges, and have a slight silvery-lustrous sheen on. The tepals can also be bent back. The secondary crown, which is also green, is only about 1 mm high and therefore quite small. The ovary is triangular and elongated and, if successfully pollinated by insects, forms a triple capsule fruit that receives the seeds. The flower stalks of an inflorescence are of different lengths because the flowers of a plant are at different heights.

The flowers have a very strong, special smell that is typical of the species.


The species is limited in its distribution to southern Spain , Gibraltar and Morocco , where it can be found in dunes and cork oak or pine forests and heaths. In summer it is quite dry in their natural locations.

Apart from its natural distribution, the plant is cultivated worldwide by botanical gardens and collectors, but in this respect it is a great rarity, since the special conditions of its natural habitats (e.g. the warm rest period for flower induction) are difficult to imitate.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Narcissus. Retrieved July 28, 2019 .
  2. a b c Narcissus viridiflorus - Rare Plants. Retrieved July 28, 2019 .
  3. ^ A b Pacific Bulb Society | Narcissus Species QZ. Retrieved July 28, 2019 .

Web links

Commons : Narcissus viridiflorus  - collection of images, videos and audio files