Nicolaas Paradijs

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Nicolaas Paradijs

Nicolaas Paradijs also: Nicolaas Paradys (born November 11, 1740 in Amsterdam , † September 7, 1812 in Leiden ) was a Dutch medic.


The son of the physician David Paradijs and Anna Elisabeth van Theenen received his first education at the Latin school in his hometown. At the age of 15 he attended the Athenaeum Illustre Amsterdam , where he acquired extensive knowledge in the various sciences. At that time, among other things, the lectures on history, literature, rhetoric and poetics were given by Pieter Burman the Younger , on anatomy and surgery by Peter Camper , on botany by Johannes Burman and on theology of Petrus Curtenius , all of which he attended.

At the age of seventeen, he enrolled as a medical student at the University of Leiden on March 25, 1758 . In Leiden he mainly attended the lectures of Pieter van Musschenbroek , Jean Nicolas Sébastien Allamand , David van Royen , Frederik Bernard Albinus and Hieronymus David Gaub . Here he received his doctorate on June 17, 1763 with the medical treatise Pathologica qua inquiritur in naturam inflammationis as a doctor of medicine. Then he traveled to France. In Paris he learned from André Levret , the doctor and dermatologist Anne Charles Lorry (1726–1783), António Nunes Ribeiro Sanches and in Rouen from Claude-Nicolas Le Cat (1700–1768). In 1764 he returned to Amsterdam, where he established himself as a doctor in his father's practice.

On April 26, 1784 he was appointed professor of medicine by the curators of the University of Leiden, which task he took up on October 2, 1784 with the speech de diligenti therapeutices universalis studio, maximo recte medendi instrumento . On March 8, 1787, he was made professorship at the university hospital collegium practico-medicum for 200 guilders. After becoming personal physician to Willem V in 1790 , he also took part in the organizational tasks of the Leiden University. In 1793/94 he was rector of the Alma Mater , which task he abandoned with the speech de Euthanasia naturali, et quid ad eam conciliandam Medicina valeat .

From 1795 with the events of the Batavian Republic , as a supporter of the old Dutch house of Orange , he had to endure many setbacks. In old age, on April 10, 1800, he was given the professorship of the history of medicine, which he gave on September 27, 1800 with the speech de cognitione historiae medicinae magno, cum ad medici in arte exercenda solertiam, tum ad artis amplificationem, adjumento (Leiden 1800) opened. In this speech he points to the great utility of history in learning about the gradual development of the medical sciences. In it he also made an excellent sketch of the merits of Hippocrates of Kos and Herman Boerhaave .

His lectures on special pathology, therapy and materia medica were always very well attended, because Paradijs, in addition to his extensive knowledge and great literary knowledge, also had an extraordinary talent for rhetoric and put an extraordinary amount of effort into the teaching entrusted to him. It is not surprising that he followed Boerhaave's aphorisms, although he always highlighted and corrected the errors that occurred in them. The political changes of 1810 in particular caused some difficulties in the last years of his life. After his death, his son of the same name brought out his Opuscuta academica (Leiden 1813), which contained his collected writings.

In 1772 he married Cornelis Elisabeth Schaghen (died April 30, 1752 in Amsterdam; † 1791 Leiden). The marriage resulted in eleven children, of which he had six until his wife's death.


  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem 1872, volume 15, p. 87, ( online , Dutch)
  • PH Simon Thomas: PARADIJS (Nicolaas) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 3. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 991–992 (Dutch, / - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1914, reprinted unchanged).
  • GC B Suringar: Manufacture of het clinical Onderwijs in 1787. Aankoop van een Daarvoor bestemd Afzonderlijk born in 1797. The practical.geneskundige Lessen van Odsterdijk en Paradijs, benevens de heelkundige Klinik en het practical-riveted onderwijs van Meinhard Simon du Pui. Het theoretically Onderwijs der drie taken Hoogleeraren. In: Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, tevens organ of the Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst. HA Frijlink, Amsterdam, 1869, Volume 13, Part 2, 2nd Abbot, p. 131, (online)
  • August Hirsch , Ernst Julius Gurlt : Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples . Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna / Leipzig 1886, Volume 4, p. 485.

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Individual evidence

  1. Axel W. Bauer : Lorry, Anne Charles. In: Werner E. Gerabek , Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil , Wolfgang Wegner (eds.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2005, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 , p. 865.