Niels Hemmingsen
Niels Hemmingsen (also: Nicolaus Hemmingius, Hemming ; born June 4, 1513 in Errindlev on Lolland ; † May 23, 1600 in Roskilde ) was a Danish Protestant theologian , philologist and school reformer .
Born as the son of the farmer Nicolaus Hemming and his wife Karine († 1564), he was raised by his uncle after the early death of his father. He attended schools in Nystedt, Nykøbing , Roskilde and Lund , among others . Here he had familiarized himself with the humanistic ideas and read the writings of Philipp Melanchthon . In the autumn of 1537 he enrolled at the University of Wittenberg with little money and no support . Here he tied himself closely to Melanchthon and was probably on February 3, 1539 master of the philosophical sciences.

In Wittenberg he had also attended Martin Luther's theological lectures and returned to Denmark in 1542, where he had become the private tutor of a nobleman in Malmö . In the following year he went as a private lecturer at the University of Copenhagen , there in the same year professor of the Greek language, and in 1545 professor of dialectics and the Hebrew language at the philosophical faculty of the Copenhagen University. In 1553 he earned his baccalaureate in theology, entering the theological faculty after he had previously become chief preacher at Helligåndskirken . Although the Danish king preferred to hire a German theologian, he was given a theological professorship. Therefore, graduated on September 27, 1557 as a doctor of theology. In 1550, 1558, 1571 he was also rector of the university and in 1572/73 interim chancellor of the Alma Mater. In his little pamphlet De lege naturæ the demand was made for the first time to bring natural law theory into a scientific form and to teach it at the University of Copenhagen.
At that time he made a name for himself primarily through his numerous writings. In particular, he had gained a lot of reputation for promoting the Danish school system, so that he was referred to as “Praeceptor Daniae” (= teacher of Denmark). With its 1574 published writing "Syntaggma institutionum Christianarum" , he came with Jacob Andreae in a controversial dispute that it was a Philippists and crypto Calvinists denounced. The influence of the Gnesiolutherans reached as far as the Danish royal court and ensured that Hemmingsen had to revoke his view of the Lord's Supper and ubiquity in 1576. Finally, as a result of the denominational disputes in 1579, he was dismissed from his employment as professor of theology. He then went to Roskilde as a canon , where he continued to be highly regarded as a scholar among his contemporaries.
Works (selection)
- De methodis librl duo. Wittenberg 1555, 1559, 1662, Leipzig. 1565. 1570 Optrykt i Opuscula theologica. Geneva 1586
- Disputatio de primatu Papæ et Antichristo, divinos honores sibi sacrilege usurpante in templo Dei. Copenhagen 1555
- Hypotheses disputationis du vero ac falso cuitu Dei. Copenhagen 1555
- Theological disputatio de vera Unius et superstitiesa Sanctorum invocations. Copenhagen 1556
- Theol. disp. de mililiae Christiane regula ad 1 Tim. 1. Copenhagen 1556
- Themata theol. de Antiochena controversia Petri et Pauli. Copenhagen 1557
- Enchiridion theologlcum. Copenhagen 1557, Wittenberg 1559, 1564, 1570, Leipzig 1568. London 1577. Leipzig 1581
- De potestate clavium et disciplina ecclesiastica propositiones, quas Johannes Albertius, Paulus Matthias et Johannes Sascerides, Artium ac Philos. Magistri, publico in Theologia testimonio donandi, 29 Martii defendent. Copenhagen 1558
- De regeneratione spirituali et obedientia Deo necessarie praestanda a regeneratis. Copenhagen 1558
- Funebris oratio in memoriam Christiani Terlii, recilata in Acad. Hafn. 13 Feb. 1559. Copenhagen 1559, 1737
- Themata theol. de adiaphoris ad 1 Cor. 6. Copenhagen
- Catechismi quæstiones. Copenhagen 1560; Wittenberg 1663, 1664; Leipzig 1570
- Assertiones de peccato varijsque eius generibus et de vera a peccatis absolutione. Copenhagen 1560
- Assertiones de reparatione hominis post lapsum, et de Euangelio Jesu Christi. Copenhagen 1560
- Assertiones de reparatione generis humani post lapsum primorum parentum, el de regno Christi. Copenhagen 1561
- Postilla Evangeliorum, quæ in diebus dominicis et in festis Sanctorum usitate in Ecclesiis Dei proponuntur. Copenhagen 1561, 1576, 1600, 1613; Leipzig 1562, 1563, 1565, 1566, 1672; Wittenberg 1563, 1564, 1565, 1569, 1571, 1572; Erfurt 1685; Frankfurt 1580, 1588; Zerbst 1584; London 1569;
- Assertiones de vera et salutari poenitentia, cum refutatione impiorum dogmatum Papistarum et Catharorum de poenitentia. Copenhagen 1561
- Assertions de iustificatione hominis coram Deo. Copenhagen 1661
- Assertiones de lege Dei et propria Euangelii definition. Copenhagen 1561
- Assertiones de vero Dei cultu. Copenhagen 1562
- Historia Domini Jesu Christi Dei et hominis. Copenhagen 1562 ( )
- Accesserunt huc 37 Propositiones de legitima veri cultus Del ratione. Copenhagen 1562, 1590; Wittenberg 1562.1564; Leipzig 1562, 1566, 1574; Geneva 1579; Rostock & Leipzig 1586; Erfurt 1585; Rostock 1590; Hamburg 1639;
- Assertiones de operibus charitatis et officio cujusque in suo officio. Copenhagen 1562
- Commentarius in epist. Pauli ad Romanos. Leipzig 1562, 1572
- In epistolam divi Jacobi Apostoli commentarius. Est et additus libellus de Regenerations ante quadriennium primum editus. Copenhagen 1563; London 1577;
- De lege naturae adodictica methodus. Wittenberg 1562 ( ), 1564 ( ), 1566, 1577; Zerbst 1577;
- Assertions de vetere et novo homine. Copenhagen 1563
- Assertiones de spiritu et litera. Copenhagen 1568
- Assertiones de predestinatione Dei aeterna. Copenhagen 1563
- Commentarius in utramque epist. Pauli ad Corinthios. o. O. 1564
- Commentarius in epist. Pauli ad Galatos. Wittenberg 1564, 1570 ( )
- Commentarius in epist. Pauli ad Ephesios. Wittenberg 1564
- Commentarius in epist. Pauli ad Philippenses. Wittenberg 1564
- Assertione de gubernatione ecclesiae. Copenhagen 1565
- Assertiones de perpetuo foedere filii Dei cum ecclesiae. Hamburg 1565
- Commentarius in utramque epist. Pauli ad Thessaionicenses. Wittenberg 1666
- Commentarii in epist. Pauli ad Timotheum duas, ad Titum unam et ad Philemonem unam. Wittenberg 1566 ( )
- Assertiones de scandalo. Copenhagen 1566
- Commentarius in epist. Pauli ad Colossenses. Wittenberg 1566
- Commentarii in utramque epist. Petri apostoli et in unam Judae. Wittenberg 1566, 1570;
- Commentar. in Acta Apostolorum. Jena 1567
- Enarraito Psalmi XXV. Wittenberg 1567
- Commentarius in epist. Apostolicam ad Hebraeos. Wittenberg 1568
- Assertiones de prohibitione iunaginum et idolorum. Copenhagen 1568
- Asserliones de juramentis Iicitis et illicitis. Copenhagen 1568
- Argumenta et annotationes in librum Sapienliæ Salomonis ejusque libri nova e Græeo versio Latina. Leipzig 1568
- Commentarii in Prophetas Minores. Wittenberg 1568
- Enarratio Psalmi LXXXIV, intexitur refutatio erroris Judæorum, furoris Mahometistarum, vanitatis Epicureorum, idoli Papistarum, exponitur ratio sacerdotii Christi et sacrificiorum ecclesiae. Copenhagen 1569
- Assertiones contra magicam iricantalionem et sacrilegam adiuralionem Diabolorum et aliarum creaturarum. Copenhagen 1669
- Assertiones de utilibus et perniclosis prædictionibus futurorun eventuum. Copenhagen 1569
- Assertiones de sabbatho Judaico et festis Christianorum. Copenhagen 1569
- Commentarii in S. Johannis Apostoli epistolas. Wittenberg 1569
- Assertiones de quarto praecepto. Copenhagen 1569
- Assertiones de officio parentum erga liberos. Copenhagen 1570
- Assertiones theol., Quas honore Doctoris in Theol. doctorandus M. Paulus Matthias defendet. Copenhagen 1570
- Liffsens Vey, he en vis oc chrislelig Vnderuisning om huad det Menniske shall vide, tro oc giere, som det your liss. vil indgaa. Copenhagen 1570, 1599; Leipzig 1574. Frankfurt 1580, 1582; Iceland 1575.1599;
- Assertiones de magistratus civilis et subditorum muluis officiis. Copenhagen 1570
- Assertiones de quinto præcepto. Copenhagen 1570
- Assertiones de operibus quinti praecepti… Copenhagen 1571
- Demonstratio indubilatae veritatis de Domino Jesu vero Deo et vero homine unico Christo, Mediatore atque Redemtore nostro unico. Copenhagen 1571
- En Predieken om Chrisine Menniskes Aandelige Strid oe Seieruinding, predicket vdi sal. Otte Ruds begraffuelse. Copenhagen 1571
- Konniag Dauids Raad, effler huilcke huer ber at holde, sig, som vil leffue vden Guds foriernelse oc sig selff til Salighed, Som vaare vdi Her Byrge Trollis begraffuelse i Predieken faaregifrne. Copenhagen 1571
- Prima disputatio de sexto præceplo. Copenhagen 1571
- Secunda disputatio de sexto præccpto. Copenhagen 1571
- Tertia disputatio de sexto præcepto. Copenhagen 1572
- En Predicken, som blev predicket vdi salige Her Herluf Trolle Ridders Begraffuelse vdi Herluffsholm d. 15th of July AD 1565. Copenhagen 1572
- Commentaria in omnes epislolas Apostolorum Pauli, Petri, Judæ, Jobannis, Jacobi & in eam, quae ad Hebræos inscribitur, recognita, emendata et alicubi aucta. Leipzig 1572; Frankfurt 1579; Vienna 1586;
- Assertiones de septima lege decalogi. Copenhagen 1572
- Assertiones de octava decalogi lege. Copenhagen 1572
- Libellus de coniugio, repudio et diuortio. Leipzig 1572, 1573, 1578, 1581; Ursel 1585
- Om Ecteskab, at 1. betencke, 2. begynde, 3. fuldkomme, 4. leffue vd 1. Vislige, 2. ærlige, 3. gudfrycuge, 4. rolige. En Christelig vnderuisning. Copenhagen 1572, 1599, 1605, 1626, 1653,
- Themata theologia, que publ. d. 2 Junii defendent Bacclaureatus gradu in theologia decorandi M. Johannes Thome, M. Erasmus Catholmius, M. Chrislophorus Knoff. Copenhagen 1672
- Antichristomachia sive pugna inter Christum et Papam Antichristum. Optrykt i Opusc. I theologica. Om en oprindelig Udgave af dette Skrft savnes Esterreininger.
- Argumentum indubium, quo quilibet facere sui periculam potest, an Christani hominis nomine dignus sil. Copenhagen 1572
- Indeholder Ligiale over M. Peder Povlsen i Roskilde. Copenhagen 1577, 1619
- Assertiones de lege vetitæ concupiscentiæ. Copenhagen 1573
- Prædiken af Joh. 11 on Chrisiti Velgjerning og Troen holden udi Oluf Mouritzens to Brentved Ligbegjængelse. Copenhagen 1573
- En kaart Beretning om Mrs. Biritte Geyes asskorast, opdragelse oe endeligt. Desligeste en sermons om et Christeligt lessnet, faaregissuet vdi samme Fru Biritte Geyes Greassuelse. Copenhagen 1574
- Via vitae, christiana et orthodoxa institutio. Leipzig 1574 ( )
- Syntagma institutionum christianarum perspicuis assertionibus ex doetrina prophetlca et apostolica congestis, propossitis et dlsputatis in Acad. Hafniensi. Copenhagen 1574; Geneva 1578;
- Admonitio de superstionibus Magicis vitandis. Copenhagen 1575, 1618; Wittenberg 1582, 1586; Berlin 1590;
- Assertiones de providentia Dei. Copenhagen 1577
- Assertiones, quibus demonstralur, quod nec homo sit peccatum, neo peecatum substantia hominis. Copenhagen 1577
- Assertiones de Euangelio. Copenhagen 1579
- Opuscula theologica, in unum volumen collecta. Geneva 1586
- Antidotum adversvs pestem desperationis. Zerbst 1590; Copenhagen 1595; Rostock 1596; Iceland 1596, 1600; Berlin 1590; Lübeck 1615; Stokholm 1608;
- Tractatus de gratia universali seu salutari omnibus hominibus, cui adjiciunlur vicini loci, liberum arbitrium, poenitentia, justificatio,…. de obedientia Deo praestanda opposita somnio perfectionis spiritus Anabaptistici. Copenhagen 1591, 1593; Frankfurt 1595, Offenbach 1611, Giessen 1616
- Commentar. in ss. Dn. nostri Jesu Christi Euangelium secundum Johannem. I-II. Basel 1690–91
- Enarratio viginti et unfus Psalmorum priorum Oavidis. Basel 1592; Geneva 1617
- Brevis repetitio doctrinæ de universali gratia. Copenhagen 1595, 1691
- Immanuel siue Catholica Institutio de Domino nostro Jesu Christo vero Deo et vero homine, una persona, mediatore Dei et hominum unico. Frankfurt 1615
- Ms. Nielsen: Hemmingsen, Niels . In: Realencyklopadie for Protestant Theology and Church (RE). 3. Edition. Volume 7, Hinrichs, Leipzig 1899, pp. 659-662.
- Manfred Jakubowski-Tiessen : Hemmingsen, Niels . In: Religion Past and Present (RGG). 4th edition. Volume 3, Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen 2000, Sp. 1623.
- Holger Fr. Rordam: Kjøbenhavns Universitets Historie fra 1537 to 1621. Copenhagen 1872.
- Holger Fr. Rordam: Hemmingsen, Niels . In: Carl Frederik Bricka (Ed.): Dansk biografisk Lexikon. Tillige omfattende Norge for Tidsrummet 1537-1814. 1st edition. tape 7 : I. Hansen – Holmsted . Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag, Copenhagen 1893, p. 324-334 (Danish, ).
- Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz : Hemmingsen, Niels. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 2, Bautz, Hamm 1990, ISBN 3-88309-032-8 , Sp. 710-711.
- Melchior Adam : Decades Duæ Continentes Vitas Theologorum Exterorum Principum, Qui Ecclesiam Christi Superiori Seculo Propagarunt Et Propugnarunt. Frankfurt Main, 1653 ( ).
- Knud Fabricius: Kongeloven. Hagerups Forlag, Copenhagen 1920, reprint 1971, ISBN 87-7500-810-6 .
- Mattias Skat Sommer: Envisioning the Christian Society: Niels Hemmingsen (1513–1600) and the Ordering of Sixteenth-Century Denmark , Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2020, ISBN 9783161594564 .
Web link
- Biography ( Memento from February 10, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
Individual evidence
- ↑ Other different dates such as May 22nd are also available
- ↑ at the age of 80
- ↑ not as Heinz Scheible (Heinz Scheible, Corinna Schneider: Melanchthons Briefwechsel. Volume 12, p. 267) suspected September 11, 1543 Nicolaus Holsatus, who came from Itzehoe and had enrolled in Wittenberg on August 1543 (AAV I. 206a, 23), after data comparison Köstlin: B & MphFUWB only option.
- ^ Fabricius p. 73.
personal data | |
SURNAME | Hemmingsen, Niels |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Hemmingius, Nicolaus; Hemming, Nikolaus |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Danish Protestant theologian, philologist and school reformer |
DATE OF BIRTH | June 4, 1513 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Errindlev |
DATE OF DEATH | May 23, 1600 |
Place of death | Roskilde |