Nils Trædal

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Nils Trædal (born November 29, 1879 in Sunndal , Møre og Romsdal ; † October 12, 1948 ) was a Norwegian Lutheran clergyman and politician of the Peasant Party , who held several ministerial posts and was temporarily acting prime minister in the spring of 1932 and party chairman between 1938 and 1948 was.


Pastor and local politician

Trædal, the son of a farmer , began studying theology after attending Nordmøre's official school and middle school , graduating in 1910. Then he was first chaplain at Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim , and then from 1912 to 1923 pastor in Kolvereid .

During this time he also began his political involvement in local politics and was the mayor of Kolvereid between 1913 and 1919 . At the same time he was provost in Outer Namdalen ( Ytre Namdal ) between 1918 and 1923 and then pastor in Aukra from 1923 to 1931 and provost in Outer Romsdal ( Ytre Romsdal ) between 1928 and 1936 . In addition, between 1928 and 1934 he was the first deputy member of the Storting .

Minister and Acting Prime Minister

On May 12, 1931, Prime Minister Peder Kolstad appointed him Minister ( Statsråd ) for Churches and Education in his government and held this office under Kolstad's successor Jens Hundseid until March 3, 1933. After Prime Minister Kolstad fell seriously ill and finally in early March 1,932 died, Trædal was from 29 February to 10 March 1932 Acting Prime Minister ( Fungerende Statsminister ) and at the same time from March 1 to March 10, 1932 Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs .

After leaving the government in 1933, Trædal, who in 1932 also became a member of the board of the Norwegian Pastors' Association ( Den norske kirkes presteforeining ), resumed his work as pastor of Aukra and worked there until 1936. In 1934 he was a candidate for the peasant party for the first time Elected to the Storting and represented the constituency of Møre until 1936 . At the same time he became vice-chairman of the Norwegian Farmers' Union in 1934 and held this position until 1940.

Party chairman and vice president of the Storting

After Trædal was vice-chairman of the Bondepartiet between 1935 and 1938, he succeeded Jens Hundseid as party chairman in 1938 and held this office until his death.

In 1936 he took over the office of pastor of Støren and worked there until 1948. Between 1937 and 1945 he was again a deputy member of the Storting. At the same time he got involved again in local politics and was a member of the municipal council of Støren from 1937 to 1940 and from 1945 to 1948.

After the occupation by the German Wehrmacht and the end of World War II , he was again a member of the Storting for the constituency of Sør-Trøndelag from 1945 until his death .

During his membership in parliament after the Second World War he was also from December 1945 to October 1948 both Vice President of the Storting and chairman of the faction of the Bondepartiet. He was also a member of the Storting committees for foreign and constitutional affairs ( Utenriks- og konstitusjonskomité ), for authorizations ( Fullmaktskomité ) and for elections ( Valgkomité ) as well as a delegate to the Interparliamentary Union (IPU).

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