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Original title ノ ラ ガ ミ
Noragami logo.svg
genre Fantasy , shons , romance
author Adachitoka
publishing company Kodansha
magazine Shōnen Magazine
First publication December 6, 2010 - ...
expenditure 21st
Anime television series
Country of production JapanJapan Japan
original language Japanese
Year (s) 2014-2015
Studio Bones
length 25 minutes
Episodes 25 in 2 seasons ( list )
Director Kōtaro Tamura
music Taku Iwasaki , Kayo Konishi, Yukio Kondō, Electrocutica
First broadcast January 5th, 2014 on Tokyo MX

First publication in German
January 15, 2016 on Clipfish

Noragami ( Japanese ノ ラ ガ ミ , dt. "Stray God") is a fantasy manga series by Adachitoka that has been published in Kodansha's Shōnen Magazine since December 2010 . An implementation as an anime series has been produced by Bones in two seasons with a total of 25 episodes. Four original video animations were also released .


Hiyori Iki was a normal middle school student until she was rammed by a bus trying to save someone from being run over. The stranger wears a sports suit and a scarf and later turns out to be God Yato. This incident causes her to become half an ayakashi , a demon. When she meets Yato again and learns that he is a god, she asks him to help her and get back to normal. But Yato recently lost his sacred weapon ( shinki ) - another supernatural being who serves a god and strengthens his power. He is also only a very little known and therefore weak god. When both are attacked by an Ayakashi, Yato chooses a boy's ghost as the new Shinki and names him Yukine . This turns out to be a good weapon, but is very unsettled and impetuous due to his early death.

Even with Yukine's help, Yato cannot help Hiyori at first. When he turns to Tenjin, god of education, he sees that his former weapon Mayu now serves him. Yato's friend Kofuku, goddess of poverty, and her Shinki Daikoku cannot help either. The conflicts between Yato and Yukine, who does not feel valued and mourns his human life, increase. Eventually Yukine begins to steal - since he's already dead and none of the living notice him, he doesn't care about their reactions or the damage. But every sin of Yukine carries over to Yato, who is more and more exposed to putrefaction. Still, he doesn't want to punish Yukine.

Then the group meets Bishamonten , the goddess of fortune in war, who has many Shinki. She has long wanted revenge on Yato for killing her former Shinki clan. A fight ensues and Yato can only escape thanks to the help of Kofuku. One of Bishamon's Shinki, Kazuma, confronts Hiyori about her contact with Yato. Since he is still in Yato's debt, he demands that Yato give up Yukine, as this only harms him. Otherwise he would kill Yukine. When Yato and Yukine have become further estranged, Yukine freaks out on an assignment at a school. When he sees all the students who live a normal everyday life, he smashes windows and doors. Sin is so grave that Yato collapses. To save him from death, Hiyori brings them both to Kofuku. Together with Mayu and Kazuma, Daikoku performs an excruciating cleansing ceremony on Yukine. He almost becomes a demon, but remembers Hiyori and Yato's affection and confesses his sins.

Shortly afterwards, Hiyori meets Nora, a sacred weapon that serves many gods - formerly also Yato. She wants him to choose her as a weapon again and stay away from Hiyori. She steals Hiyori's memories of Yato and soon afterwards she forgets him more and more. The god Rabo uses them to challenge Yato. In the past he fought with him as a god of misfortune. Finally, Yato accepts his challenge to save Hiyori and can defeat Rabo, who has already been consumed by Ayakashi. After he had long been forgotten by the people, he wished to be killed by Yato.

While Hiyori prepares for the entrance exams for high school and lives her unusual everyday life with Yato and Yukine, Yukine befriends one of the Shinki from Bishamonten, whom he meets by chance one evening. Through him he learns about the large Shinki family that Bishamonten have gathered around them. She takes in every lost spirit. But this is how conflicts arise in the goddess's castle, but these are hidden from the lady of the house so as not to cause her any worries. In addition, Bishamonten forgets some of her Shinki, as she has not called Yukine's boyfriend for a long time. Her Shinki and personal doctor Kugaha takes advantage of the overwhelming demands of the landlady. He weakens Bishamonten by using Ayakashi, letting one of his jealous colleagues attack them and hiding this from the others. He also spreads suspicion between Bishamonten and their guide Kazuma.

Finally, Kugaha learns of the friendship with Yukines. He kills his friend and provokes that Yukine follows Kazuma and confronts Bishamonten over the death of his friend. A dispute ensues in which Kazuma is accused of having allied himself with Bishamonten's enemy Yato. She banishes him and Kazuma seeks refuge with Kofuku. Shortly afterwards, he and Hiyori are kidnapped by Kugaha. Kazuma realizes that Kugaha wants to bring about a generation change in which all Shinki and the goddess die - except him - and he can then serve as the newborn goddess' new guide. Kazuma himself is the last survivor of the past generation change. During this one, Yato had killed all Shinki Bishamontens except himself. He had been commissioned by Kazuma to save the life of his mistress, whose Shinki were first seized by suspicion and resentment and finally by Ayakashi. As a result of the events, Bishamonten developed her great hatred of Yato. To save Hiyori, Yato travels with Yukine to Bishamonten's palace, where a fight breaks out. Kugaha plans that Bishamonten and her Shinki will be killed by Yato, but already has some of his Ayakashi devoured. But Kazuma and Hiyori can be freed by Kugaha's accomplice, who thinks better, and the fight between Yato and Bishamonten is ended. Bishamonten protects the remaining Shinki and casts out Kugaha.

Some time after the conflict with Bishamonten is over, Yato suddenly disappears. Yukine and Hiyori are worried, but Kofuku and Daikoku calm them down - something like this happens again and again with Yato. In fact, he was kidnapped by Nora on behalf of his father, for whom he now carries out contract killings. As has happened so often before, Yato surrenders to his fate, while Hiyori initially looks for him, but then slowly forgets. Eventually, Yato is sent to the underworld to save the god of fortune Ebisu . He traveled to the underworld to get an Izanami brush that can be used to control Ayakashi, something Ebisu has been striving for for many generations. Finally, in the realm of the dead, Yato and Ebisu have to fight off Izanami together, who she does not want to let go again. Meanwhile, there is turmoil in the heavenly realm because of Ebisu's attempts to name Ayakashis and control them. The gods of luck are arrested and Ebisu is sentenced to death. When Kazuma, Yukine and Hiyori - who is just remembering Yato when she accidentally meets Yukine - find out about it, they free Bishamonten. Together with Kofuku and their Shinki, they free Yato and Ebisu from the underworld. During the fight, Yato learns that Ebisu is trying to control the ayakashi in order to make it usable for the gods and humans. Yato is impressed by Ebisu's striving to make people happy and motivates him to continue living and not to rely on a reincarnation to continue his task, as is so often the case. Nevertheless, Ebisu is killed shortly afterwards by the Heavenly Hosts who carry out the judgment. Ebisu's rebirth soon fulfills Yato's last wish of his predecessor. And spurred on by Ebisu, Yato finally breaks away from Nora and vows with Yukine that from now on only helping people and not killing anyone.


Yato ( 夜 ト )
Yato is a little god who accepts every assignment. His goal is to have his own shrine. In the past he was a god of war. He is wearing a sports suit and a bandana. Since he often takes on simple jobs in modern times, he also calls himself “Delivery God” ( デ リ バ リ ー ゴ ッ ド , deribarī goddo ) and often sprays or writes his own telephone number in various public places in case someone needs his help. It usually charges five yen - a sum that the Japanese usually give when they pray at a shrine. He does almost anything for that. He's been forgotten and insignificant since he was no longer a god of war because he doesn't like being violent. Since he is afraid of being completely forgotten, the existence of Hiyori Iki is very important to him.
Hiyori Iki ( 壱 岐 ひ よ り , Iki Hiyori )
She is a normal middle school student in her senior year and later a high school student. After saving Yato from the bus, she is stuck between the human world and the afterlife. So your soul sometimes detaches from your body. She comes from a wealthy family; her father is a doctor and owns a hospital; she also has a much older brother. Hiyori adores wrestling star Tono and even copies his self-defense moves. She is a kind person and often selflessly helps others. She is always nice to Yukine, despite his bad behavior, and helps Yato wherever she can. She has a "tail" (also called a silver cord), which is a connection between her soul and her body. If this connection is broken, it dies. During this time she develops a strong bond with Yato, recognizes him by the smell and is ashamed of how much she likes him. Although it would be her best chance to get back to normal, Hiyori refuses to disconnect from Yato because she wants to spend more time with him. She even promises never to forget Yato and builds a small shrine for him. Even as she partially forgets about Yato's existence during her school life, she feels empty and realizes that she lacks someone to spend her time with.
Yukine ( 雪 音 )
He is Yatos Shinki. Its name as Shinki is Sekki ( 雪 器 ), its shape is that of a katana. He died very young, which is why he misses his normal middle school life. He behaves appropriately for his age and can handle his situation badly. He steals several times because he is already dead and therefore doesn't care about anything. Yet every time he sins, Yato suffers from it. Although Yato is his master, he shows him less respect than he actually feels for him. After being saved by Hiyori, he becomes more obedient to her and Yato.


Tenjin ( 天神 )
Tenjin is the infamous god of education. He has several Shinki who are all women, including Yato's former Shinki. He has his own shrine, which Yato is very jealous of. Sometimes he takes on a human form to intervene, like when Yato gets out of hand and fiddles around.
Kofuku ( 小 福 , Kofuku )
She is a "god of poverty" ( 貧乏 神 , binbōgami ) who is known as Ebisu . She is mostly very energetic and friendly, but can also be very scary and can withstand even bishamonts if necessary.
Bishamon ( 毘 沙門 天 , Bishamonten )
Bishamonten is the strongest goddess of battle. She has many Shinki because she is unable to forsake souls who are attacked by Ayakashi. Therefore, she forms a team with them, with herself as the leader, which sometimes leads to problems because she cannot always take care of everyone, especially if one of them is sick or in pain. She has a strong hatred of Yato for killing her Shinki in the past.
Rabo ( 蠃 蚌 , Rabō )
Rabo is a mysterious character who only appears in the anime. He is often shown in dialogue with Nora and is able to control phantoms. He is known as the god of war, just like Yato, and previously worked with him. When he sees how Yato is now, he tries to bring "old Yato" back. Rabo is known for killing humans, Shinki, other gods and phantoms. He doesn't care what his real job is, as long as he can do that.


Shinki ( 神器 , literally: "god's tool ") are heavenly weapons that are carried by gods. They are ex-humans who did not die of their own volition (that is, not by suicide). Each Shinki can turn into a unique weapon if you god call them by their Shinki name. The shape of a Shinki can change into a better one when they have protected their god, which is called a "congratulatory tool" ( 祝 の 器 , hafuri no utsuwa ).

Mayu ( 真 喩 )
She is Yato's former Shinki and currently one of Tenjin's Shinkis. despite her harsh manner towards Yato, she seems to have a lot of respect and compassion for him. When she was Yatos Shinki, she was called Tomone ( 伴音 ).
Kazuma ( 兆 麻 )
He is one of Bishamonten's Shinkis and her closest confidante. His name as Shinki is Chōki ( 兆 器 ). Its shape as a Shinki is a flower-shaped earring that is able to locate enemies and guide other Shinkis in battle.
Daikoku ( 大 黒 )
Daikoku is Kofuku's over-cautious Shinki. Its name as Shinki is Kokki ( 黒 器 ), its shape is that of a fan.
Nora ( 野 良 )
She is Yato's former Shinki. Nora , which means “ownerless”, is the name the gods use for Shinkis who have several masters and names. Because of this, they have a very bad reputation and are victims of many prejudices from the gods. Even so, they are used by them, especially for tasks for which they do not want to risk their own shinkis. This particular Nora was named by Yato Hiiro ( ), her Shinki name is Hiki ( 緋 器 ) and she always offers him to use her, but he always refuses. She causes a lot of trouble, going so far as to destroy Yukine's complete confidence (and almost kill Yato in the process). In the anime, she first tries to kill Hiyori with her phantoms. When that fails, she instead erases all of Hiyori's memories of Yukine and Yato. It becomes clear that if she had attended the purification ceremony, she would have killed Yukine.



The Noragami manga series was written by Adachitoka and published by Kodansha . The series premiered in Shōnen Magazine in the January 2011 issue, which appeared on December 6, 2010. Since July 15, 2011, it has been summarized in 20 anthologies so far (as of October 2019). The ninth and tenth volumes were released at the same time as a limited edition, which was accompanied by a DVD with an additional anime episode. The eleventh volume from July 17, 2014 also contained a second anime episode on DVD in its limited edition. Extra chapters of the manga series appear as a spin-off in the Monthly Shōnen Magazine + since 2011. On November 15, 2013 they were summarized in an anthology as Noragami Shūishū ( ノ ラ ガ ミ 拾遺 集 ).

Licensing in Germany was done by Egmont Manga . The first volume appeared in April 2013; 20 volumes are currently available. The manga was licensed in English for North America and published by Kodansha Comics USA as Noragami: Stray God .

The manga was paused with 18 volumes due to illness. As Kodansha previously announced, the manga continued from June 6th.

List of manga volumes

tape Japan Germany
publication ISBN publication ISBN
1 July 15, 2011 ISBN 978-4-0637-1294-0 Apr 11, 2013 ISBN 978-3-7704-7944-3
2 Oct 17, 2011 ISBN 978-4-0637-1308-4 13th June 2013 ISBN 978-3-7704-7945-0
3 Feb 17, 2012 ISBN 978-4-0637-1323-7 09 Aug 2013 ISBN 978-3-7704-7946-7
4th June 15, 2012 ISBN 978-4-0637-1336-7 Oct 17, 2013 ISBN 978-3-7704-8101-9
5 Oct 17, 2012 ISBN 978-4-0637-1350-3 Dec 12, 2013 ISBN 978-3-7704-8102-6
6th Feb 15, 2013 ISBN 978-4-0637-1366-4 0Feb 6, 2014 ISBN 978-3-7704-8103-3
7th June. 17.2013 ISBN 978-4-0637-1379-4 0Apr 3, 2014 ISBN 978-3-7704-8199-6
8th Oct 17, 2013 ISBN 978-4-0637-1394-7 03rd July 2014 ISBN 978-3-7704-8235-1
9 Dec 17, 2013 ISBN 978-4-0637-1402-9 04th Dec 2014 ISBN 978-3-7704-8322-8
10 Feb. 17, 2014 ISBN 978-4-0637-1412-8 0May 7, 2015 ISBN 978-3-7704-8571-0
11 17th July 2014 ISBN 978-4-0637-1430-2 0Aug 6, 2015 ISBN 978-3-7704-8572-7
12 Nov 17, 2014 ISBN 978-4-0637-1448-7 0Nov 5, 2015 ISBN 978-3-7704-8766-0
13 Apr 17, 2015 ISBN 978-4-0637-1460-9 0Feb. 4, 2016 ISBN 978-3-7704-8767-7
14th 17 Sep 2015 ISBN 978-4-0637-1483-8 04th May 2016 ISBN 978-3-7704-9108-7
15th Nov 17, 2015 ISBN 978-4-0637-1494-4 0Aug 3, 2016 ISBN 978-3-7704-9109-4
16 17th Mar 2016 ISBN 978-4-0639-2515-9 0Nov 3, 2016 ISBN 978-3-7704-9249-7
17th 15th July 2016 ISBN 978-4-0639-2531-9 0Feb. 2, 2017 ISBN 978-3-7704-9250-3
18th 17th Feb 2017 ISBN 978-4-0639-2567-8 0Oct. 5, 2017 ISBN 978-3-7704-9436-1
19th 17th Aug 2018 ISBN 978-4-0639-2587-6 0Feb. 7, 2019 ISBN 978-3-7704-9437-8
20th Feb 15, 2019 ISBN 978-4-0651-4491-6 04th Oct 2019 ISBN 978-3-7704-5967-4
Noragami Tales
1 Nov 15, 2013 ISBN 978-4-0637-1398-5 03rd Sep 2015 ISBN 978-3-7704-8637-3
2 Feb 15, 2019 ISBN 978-4-0651-4492-3


The television series Noragami was implemented by the animation studio Bones . Directed by Kōtarō Tamura . For the character design drew Toshihiro Kawamoto responsible. The artistic direction was with Kazuo Nagai . Before the first TV broadcast, the first episode was shown on November 10, 2013 at the Anime Festival Asia . It first aired on Japanese television on January 5, 2014 on Tokyo MX and was later broadcast on MBS , BS11 and TVA . The final twelfth episode aired on March 23, 2014 on Tokyo MX. In addition to the television series, an additional episode was also released as an original video animation on DVD, together with a limited version of the 10th manga volume on February 17 and the 11th manga volume on July 17, 2014.

The series was licensed by Funimation in North America and by KSM in Germany. The series was published on the Crunchyroll platform with English, German and other subtitles.

The second season of the anime with a further 13 episodes, Noragami Aragoto , ran from October 3 to December 30, 2015 after midnight (and thus on the previous television day ) on TV Tokyo. The limited version of the 15th and 16th Manga volume also included a further episode each. KSM announced on October 16, 2015 that the publisher had also secured the rights for Germany.

Episode list

season 1

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in Japan
1 1 A domestic cat, a noragami, and a tail 家 猫 と 野 良 神 と 尻 尾
(Ieneko to Noragami to Shippo)
0Jan. 5, 2014
2 2 Like snow 雪 の よ う な
(Yuki no Yōna)
Jan. 12, 2014
3 3 Evoked calamity 招 か れ た 厄 災
(Manekareta Yakusai)
Jan. 19, 2014
4th 4th Where happiness し あ わ せ の 在 処
(Shiawase no Arika)
Jan. 26, 2014
5 5 Boundary line 境界 線
0Feb. 2, 2014
6th 6th The terrible one コ ワ イ ヒ ト
(Kowai Hito)
0Feb 9, 2014
7th 7th Uncertainty, determination 迷 い 事 、 定 め 事
(Mayoigoto, Sadamegoto)
Feb 16, 2014
8th 8th Border crossing 一線 を 越 え て
(Issen o Koete)
23 Feb 2014
9 9 The name 名 前
02nd Mar 2014
10 10 The outcast 忌 む べ き 者
(Imu Beki Mono)
09 Mar 2014
11 11 The forgotten god 棄 て ら れ た 神
(Suterareta Kami)
16. Mar. 2014
12 12 A piece of memory 一片 の 記憶
(Hitohira no Kioku)
23 Mar 2014

Season 2 (Noragami Aragoto)

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in Japan
13 1 True name - firmly in hand 諱 、 握 り て
(Imina, Nigirite)
0Oct 2, 2015
14th 2 Memories of her 彼女 の 思 い 出
(Kanojo no Omoide)
0Oct 9, 2015
15th 3 False bond イ ツ ワ リ ノ 絆
(Itsuwari no Kizuna)
Oct 16, 2015
16 4th Wishes
Oct 23, 2015
17th 5 God blesses and God curses 神 祝 き 、 呪 き き
(Kamuhosaki, Hosakiki)
Oct 30, 2015
18th 6th What needs to be done 為 す べ き こ と
(Nasubeki Koto)
0Nov 6, 2015
19th 7th How a god is worshiped 神 様 の 祀 り 方
(Kamisama no Matsuri Kata)
Nov 13, 2015
20th 8th God of doom 禍 津 神
Nov 20, 2015
21st 9 The sound when the thread breaks 糸 の 切 れ る 音
(Ito no Kireru Oto)
Nov 27, 2015
22nd 10 Wish as it should be 斯 く 在 り し 望 み
(Kaku Arishi Nozomi)
0Dec 4, 2015
23 11 Return from the realm of the dead 黄泉 返 り
(Kousen Kaeri)
Dec 11, 2015
24 12 The voice that calls you 君 の 呼 ぶ 声
(Kimi no Yobu Koe)
Dec 18, 2015
25th 13 The order from the god of luck 福 の 神 の 言 伝
(Fukunokami no kotozute)
Dec 25, 2015


No. German title Original title First broadcast in Japan
1 - 神 憑 り 、 神 祟 り
(Kamigakari, kamitatari)
Feb. 17, 2014
2 - 春 の 日 の 約束
(Haru no hi no yakusoku)
17th July 2014
3 - 夜 ト 神 連 続 殺人 事件 ノ ラ ガ ミ サ ス ペ ン ス 劇場
(Yatogami renzoku satsujin jiken: Noragami sasupensu gekijō)
Nov 17, 2015
4th - 一 緒 に 写真 を
(Issho ni shashin o)
17th Mar 2016


role Japanese seiyū German speaker
God Yaboku "Yato" Hiroshi Kamiya Asad Black
Hiyori Iki Maaya Uchida Julia Foelster
Yukine Yūki Kaji Tobias Diakow
Kofuku Aki Toyosaki Linda Foelster
Daikoku Daisuke Ono Achim book
Bishamon Miyuki Sawashiro Eva Michaelis
Kazuma Jun Fukuyama Patrick Bach
Kuraha Kazuhiko Inoue Clemens Gerhard
Rabo / Kugaha Takahiro Sakurai Nicolas King
Nora Rie Kugimiya Saskia Weckler
Tenjin Tōru Ōkawa Jürgen Holdorf
Mayu / Tomone Asami Imai Merete Brettschneider
Ebisu Ryoutarou Okiayu Robert Kotulla
Mrs. Iki Miki Itou Ela Nitzsche
Akiha Shinya Takahashi Martin May
  • German version : DMT Digital Media Technologie GmbH
  • Dialogue script and direction : Achim Schmidt-Carstens


The music for the series was composed by Taku Iwasaki . In the second season he was also supported by Kayo Konishi, Yukio Kondō, Electrocutica.

The opening title of the first season is Goya no Machiawase ( 午夜 の 待 ち 合 わ せ , "midnight meeting"), composed and written by Shuntaro, and arranged and sung by Hello Sleepwalkers. The final title is Heart Realize ( ハ ー ト リ ア ラ イ ズ , Hāto Riaraizu ), composed, arranged and written by Supercell and sung by Tia.

In Noragami aragoto was in the opening credits Kyōran Hey Kids !! Used by The Oral Cigarettes and Nirubana ( ニ ル バ ナ ) by Supercell and sung by Tia in the credits .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ノ ラ ガ ミ (1). , accessed May 8, 2015 .
  2. Noragami Shuishu. Kōdansha , accessed May 8, 2015 .
  3. Noragami. Egmont Manga, accessed August 3, 2016 .
  4. Kodansha Comics Licenses Noragami manga. Anime News Network , accessed February 19, 2014 .
  5. a b c Funimation to Stream Noragami Supernatural Anime. In: Anime News Network . December 24, 2013, accessed December 24, 2013 .
  6. ^ AFA: Anime Festival Asia 2013. In: Anime Festival Asia . Retrieved November 29, 2013 .
  7. KSM licenses Noragami. In: February 21, 2015, accessed October 17, 2019 .
  8. KSM brings Noragami Aragoto to Germany. In: October 16, 2015, accessed October 17, 2019 .
  9. Noragami. In: German synchronous index , accessed on August 22, 2015 .